On the unequal probability of a price move up or down - page 174


Well, there you go, the focus has gone down the drain again.

Prayers should help to overpower!
For the Grail feeds on the hopes of the Guardians, as one character here says)
I guess the author has lost interest in the subject.
Aleksandr Volotko:
I guess the author has lost interest in the topic.
Well, it's the fourth time he's been on the forum and each time he "loses interest". So we wait for the fifth coming)
That's the way! (с)
Aleksandr Volotko:
I believe the author has lost interest in the subject.

Probably drunk with grief. He warned about addiction.


For the Grail is nourished by the hopes of the Guardians,

Aleksandr Volotko:
This is the way! (с)
So we wait for the fifth coming)

Well, you guys are philosophers.

Prayers should help with the overwintering!
For the Grail feeds on the hopes of the Guardians, as one character here says)

Bravo, Bass! I appreciate and respect the subtle humour.

Aleksandr Volotko:
I guess the author has lost interest in the topic.
Nah, the ego's still there.

In addition, the topic has been raised several times over the years. That is, it has a cyclical pattern.
Ivan Butko:
No, my arrogance has not been canceled.

In addition, the topic has been raised several times over the years. That is to say, it has a cyclical pattern.

Isn't MrSerj by any chance? He's also the one who was telling about the pair trading on the forum. He assured me that it was a grail - 80% of profitable trades.