On the unequal probability of a price move up or down - page 152


No matter how you add one G to another, you still get a G.

Doesn't make no sense.


That was humour. It is clear that there is one.

I don't understand it, you're grown men, but you're sitting in a sandbox, sprinkling sand on each other with shovels and building pyramids with buckets.

No matter how you add one G to another, you'll still get a G.

Well, there's no "how to build a grail" thread, otherwise everyone would rush there. Meanwhile, here, at least it's some fun.)

Maxim Kuznetsov:

the plus side is two minuses that are up against each other


Aleksey Mavrin:

Are you serious or are you making fun of someone? I thought that the growth of an exponential function is always exponential, even if the basis is not itself e. My knowledge is reversed)

And what is this growth called when the basis is less than e? And if the basis is greater than e, then what is the growth?

s.s. And where does the concept of exponential complexity come from, e has nothing to do with it.


Экспоненциальная сложность - это... Что такое Экспоненциальная сложность?
Экспоненциальная сложность - это... Что такое Экспоненциальная сложность?
  • dic.academic.ru
Экспоненциальная сложность Экспоненциальная сложность или экспоненциальное время — в теории сложности алгоритмов, время решения задачи, ограниченное экспонентой от размерности задачи. Другими словами, если размерность задачи возрастает линейно, время её решения возрастает экспоненциально. Различие между полиномиальными и экспоненциальными...

No matter how you add one G to another, you still get a G.

Japanese scientists have created meat from faeces

Японские ученые создали мясо из фекалий
Японские ученые создали мясо из фекалий
  • bigmir)net
  • techno.bigmir.net
Накормить человечество продуктами его собственной жизнедеятельности предложил исследователь Мицуюки Икеда из лаборатории Окаяма. Открытие стало результатом коммерческого заказа. Предприятия коммунального сервиса обратились к ученому с просьбой поискать возможность промышленного применения потокам фекальных масс, которые приходится выгребать из...

Well. So you're the one who's wrong to say that the growth of an exponential function is not exponential? Or am I misunderstanding something?

Aleksei Stepanenko:


Yeah, almost an anti-tank hedgehog, can't swallow it).

Aleksei Stepanenko:

TC is nowhere to be found, there seems to be nothing positive to say at the moment.

It looks like he's lost. Probably didn't have enough margin to sit out the drawdown.

Aleksey Mavrin:

Well. So you're the one who's wrong to say that the growth of an exponential function is not exponential? Or am I misunderstanding something?

MES. - Moscow: Sov.Encyclopedia, 1988.


This "sometimes" should not be confused with "always".

Олег avtomat:

MES. - Moscow: Sov.encyclopaedia, 1988.


This "sometimes" should not be confused with "always".

Let's write it that way - in winter fields n^x has no exponential growth except for the case n=e; in all other cases it grows by itself and somehow :-)

Oleg, but if you made a mistake (it happens, you wrote and drew something inappropriately quickly), why stick with your horn...