On the unequal probability of a price move up or down - page 30

The experiment has been delayed. Friday, what are the conclusions?

The time is almost midnight. Trading is about to close. It is very dangerous to open. Then, on Monday, there will be a gap. We'll do the death knell. Let's open. The market situation as of 23:45 Moscow time on 10.01.2019 is as follows:

You can see that you have to sell EURUSD, and buy GBPUSD. Let's do it:

Let's consider this a fourth focus, the development of which we will see on Monday. Have a good weekend everyone.


Is there no way to look into the past?

I'm wondering at the close of the session on 12.12.2019 if we :

Sell EURUSD, and buy GBPUSD


Buy EURUSD and sell GBPUSD


Is there no way to look into the past?

I'm wondering at the close of the session on 12.12.2019 if we :

Sell EURUSD, and buy GBPUSD


Buy EURUSD and sell GBPUSD

I'll look into it at the weekend. It's not interesting, though.

The time is almost midnight. Trading is about to close. It is very dangerous to open. Then, on Monday, there will be a gap. We'll do the death knell. Let's open. The market situation as of 23:45 Moscow time on 10.01.2019 is as follows:

You can see that you have to sell EURUSD, and buy GBPUSD. Let's do it:

Let's consider it the fourth trick, the development of which we will see on Monday. Have a nice weekend everyone.

Analyse the period, i.e. there is a vector analysis when the pairs overlap?

Just the conclusions of the theory of growth/fall relativity sound pretty convincing...

Also rising and falling by thousands of pips one pair relative to another is the same theory of relativity in essence


To put it simply, your chart (we work in increments of points relatively to a certain starting point, in which we memorize the initial price and then subtract it by moving further to the right on the chart and synchronize all three pairs by time):


you can check it out.

or even funnier:




will converge to within a point

I don't know about you, but it's nothing but a headache.
Renat Akhtyamov:

A period is analysed, i.e. there is a vector analysis when the pairs are superimposed?

Just the conclusions of the theory of relativity of rise/decline sound very convincing...

And also the rise and fall of thousands of points of one pair in relation to another - this is the same theory of relativity in essence


Here is your graph (work in increments of points relatively to a certain starting point, in which we memorize the initial price and then subtract it moving along the graph to the right, all three pairs will be synchronized in time):


you can check it out.

or even funnier:




will add up to a point.

I don't know about you, but it's nothing but a headache.

Renat, why are you hesitating to add a small d in front of the currency pair identifiers? It seems to be so in the text, but in the output it is a headache.


By the way, people here have already started to move on to the theory of relativity. I want to get back to probabilities: is the probability of price movement statistical or theoretical? If statistical, I would look at the statistics; if theoretical, it would be good to understand the characteristics. If empirical - also good, but need a sample.

In other words: why do you guys think that the direction of price movement is probabilistic?

Алексей Тарабанов:

By the way, people here have already started to move on to the theory of relativity. I want to get back to probabilities: is the probability of price movement statistical or theoretical? If statistical, I would look at the statistics; if theoretical, it would be good to understand the characteristics. If empirical - also good, but need a sample.

In other words: Why do you guys think that the direction of price movement has a probabilistic nature?

Yes, the important question is how likely it is that price direction is probabilistic :)

Aleksey Mavrin:

Yes, the important question is how likely it is that the price direction is probabilistic :)

OK. How likely is it that the statement "Price direction is probabilistic" is true?

Will you go back to google yourself?
Aleksey Mavrin:

Yes, the important question is how likely the price direction is to be probabilistic :)

Don't sin.