Slipping in the rain past the drips - page 7

Vladimir Baskakov:
Can I see it?

You can.

But advertising is not allowed on the Forum, so I can't give you the link.

Konstantin Yartsev:

Pay attention: I'm not talking about this Forum, I'm talking about my Profile. Don't go there!

Why won't I look at your profile? Did you read the rules when you registered as a seller? In fact, I look at your profile through the search engines.... you should have thought about that when you posted it, not forbid me to do anything with publicly available information!
Konstantin Yartsev:

Better go about your usual business of publishing useless utilities for MKL's silver coins.

Better don't tell me what to do or what I should do.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Can you imagine?)

Swaps are positive when you're in deficit and negative when you're in surplus.

That's the way it is))

Uladzimir Izerski:

And swaps don't disturb the peace of sleep on meats or even weeks? )

It takes real iron balls...

If so, what difference does it make on what you lose?)))) It's more noble on a monthly))))))

it's that bad?) Don't worry about it, as long as everyone's healthy...)

Igor Makanu:
why should i not look at your profile? did you read the rules? when did you register as a seller? in fact i look at your profile through the search engines.... you should have thought about that when you posted it, not forbid me to do anything with publicly available information!

You'd better not tell me what to do or what to do

You are using a visit to my Profile, at your own instigation, to accuse me of spamming. That is not correct.

Also, I would ask you not to advise me on anything!

We are done with you!

Konstantin Yartsev:

You are using a visit to my Profile, at your own instigation, to accuse me of spamming. This is not correct.

Also, I would ask you not to advise me anything!

That's the end of it with you too!

That's it with you too, you've already started honouring the rules of the forum ;)

Igor Makanu:

You're done with you too, you've already started honouring the rules of the forum ;)

I told you - you're done!

And you're manipulating again: I haven't started honouring the rules - I've been honouring them since the beginning of this discussion.

Aleksey Mavrin:

Is it that bad?) Don't worry so much, the main thing is that everyone is in good health...))

You flatter me.)))