Just a consultation - page 3


It's crazy.

It's practically free.

That's without finalising the ToR.


The idea essentially lies on the surface. But maybe not for everyone, I'm just close to what I'm talking about in my job.

Greed/fear cycles work in all markets, but the onset of the cycle has to be caught by analysing the onset of change in all markets. If you gather the dynamics of top ten stock indices (better futures, if traded around the clock), bonds, currencies, commodities (I had only gold and oil, but you can of course add industrial metals like copper or aluminum), and process it all correctly, then a shift in sentiment starts to appear before the market starts to realize it. Sometimes 10-15 minutes before the news, sometimes an hour or two before, you can't tell in advance. For example, the currency begins to move on the news, but the shift in sentiment starts a little earlier and is visible in other markets. Let's say, the news are about to be published, and 2-3 hours before that a slight change in bond yields begins, and it becomes clear where the market is leaning. Often not in the direction the analysts predict.

Accordingly, the point is, by processing information from different markets, to see the origination and extinction of cycles of fear and greed a little earlier, even before the bulk of the market starts to realise it. My processing is in Excel, it is enough if you know what to process and how to process it. But manually entering data is no fun. This data should be read automatically from anywhere, from investing or from Bloomberg.


The idea essentially lies on the surface. But maybe not for everyone, I'm just close to what I'm talking about in my job.

Greed/fear cycles work in all markets, but the onset of the cycle has to be caught by analysing the onset of change in all markets. That is, if you gather the dynamics of the top ten stock indices (better futures, if traded around the clock), bonds, currencies, commodities (I had only gold and oil, but you can of course add industrial metals like copper or aluminum), and process it all correctly, then a shift in sentiment begins to appear before the market starts to recognize it. Sometimes 10-15 minutes before the news, sometimes an hour or two before, you can't tell in advance. For example, the currency begins to move on the news, but the shift in sentiment starts earlier and is visible in other markets. Let's say, the news are about to be published, and 2-3 hours before that a slight change in bond yields begins, and it becomes clear where the market is leaning. Often not in the direction that analysts predict.

Accordingly, the point is, by processing information from different markets, to see the origination and extinction of cycles of fear and greed a little earlier, even before the bulk of the market starts to realise it. My processing is in Excel, it is enough if you know what to process and how to process it. But manually entering data is no fun. The data should be automatically read from anywhere, even from investing, even from Bloomberg.

If the tools you have lying around are available in MT4/5 together with all their data, you have to say which data you need and why. They will do everything.


The idea essentially lies on the surface. But maybe not for everyone, I'm just close to what I'm talking about in my job.

Greed/fear cycles work in all markets, but the onset of the cycle has to be caught by analysing the onset of change in all markets. That is, if you gather the dynamics of the top ten stock indices (better futures, if traded around the clock), bonds, currencies, commodities (I had only gold and oil, but you can of course add industrial metals like copper or aluminum), and process it all correctly, then a shift in sentiment begins to appear before the market starts to recognize it. Sometimes 10-15 minutes before the news, sometimes an hour or two before, you can't tell in advance. For example, the currency begins to move on the news, but the shift in sentiment starts earlier and is visible in other markets. Let's say, the news are about to be published, and 2-3 hours before that a slight change in bond yields begins, and it becomes clear where the market is leaning. Often not in the direction that analysts predict.

Accordingly, the point is, by processing information from different markets, to see the origination and extinction of cycles of fear and greed a little earlier, even before the mainstream market becomes aware of it. My processing is in Excel, it is enough if you know what to process and how to process it. But manually entering data is no fun. This is the data that should be automatically read from anywhere, even from investing, even from Bloomberg.

Then 2,000.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

If the tools you have lying around are available in MT4/5 together with all the data, you should say what data you need and why. They will.

I don't think they are somewhere in MT4/5.

Here we have a portfolio on investing, I attach a screenshot. I look at it and see a trend. But of course with an error, the brain is not a computer. This is the minimum set, but it is usually enough. The main thing is to know where to look. And what changes of this or that parameter means. For example, increase in profitability of American Treasuries means one thing, and for Russian or Indian ones - exactly the opposite. But this is the details of information processing. The main thing is to generate a matrix of historical data (30 rows, closing price of the last 30 days) and the current line that changes in real time. And then use this matrix to see where the market begins to move.


I don't think they are in MT4/5 somewhere.

Here is a portfolio on investing, I attach a screenshot. I look at it and see a trend. But of course with an error, the brain is not a computer. This is the minimum set, but it is usually enough. The main thing is to know where to look. And what changes of this or that parameter means. For example, increase in profitability of American Treasuries means one thing, and for Russian or Indian ones - exactly the opposite. But this is the details of information processing. The main thing is to generate a matrix of historical data (30 rows, closing price of the last 30 days) and the current row, that changes in real time. And then use this matrix to see where the market begins to move.

That is, you are unlikely to find a ready-made one in the mass of local programmers. And you can't do it publicly on the website

Count: 2 months FPL + 13% and a significant discount for outsourcing, this is the maximum they can declare. So @Alexei Tarabanov is roughly in the upper range

Maxim Kuznetsov:

I mean, you're unlikely to find a local programmer ready for the masses. And you can't do it publicly on the website

Count: 2 months of FPL+13% and a significant discount for outsourcing, that's the maximum they can declare. So @Alexei Tarabanov is roughly in the upper range.

Well, it turns out that the task is more difficult.

And why 2 months? Each instrument has its own ticker, lies in one place, you just need to take them from there and put them into a matrix correctly. And this job takes two months?

2,000 quid it could cost? You're scaring me.


Well, it turns out the task is more difficult.

And why two months? Each instrument has its own ticker, lies in one place, you just have to take it from there and put it into a matrix correctly. And this job takes two months?

2,000 quid it could cost? You're scaring me.

If you're not interested in the result, then of course you can find one for 40 :-)


2 months because you didn't get it right the first time, and the second time is not clear either. Clearly the execution is going to be long and convivial (God forbid scandalous), and programmers are eating in between.


you're probably worried about someone stealing it and taking advantage of it, aren't you?

I should tell the secret of programmers...but no, I'll keep quiet like a cobbled-together boy about heather honey

Maxim Kuznetsov:

If you're not interested in the result, you can certainly find one for 40 :-)


2 months because you failed to formulate it from the first time, and from the second time is also unclear. Clearly, the execution is expected to be long and sociable (God forbid scandalous), and programmers eat by the way.


you may be worried that you have a great idea, or someone will steal it and use it ?

I will keep silent about the heather honey, like the boy who cried wolf.

You must have me confused with someone else.

I'm ready to go public with the idea on Vremya if you pay for it. No secret.

As to whether or not it works, I've known for years. It works.

If you wanted to tell me about the search for grail, which is usually done by neophytes coming to Forex, then I am not interested - I took interest in Forex about 15 years ago, but it did not take off.

What else is unclear? Oh yes, my slow-wittedness, my inability to formulate the essence of a question. Well, it requires reading in addition to writing. Did I leave anything out?


You must have me confused with someone else.

The idea is ready to go public on Vremya, if you pay for it. It's no secret.

As to whether or not it works, I've known for years. It works.

If you wanted to tell me about the quest for the grail, which is usually done by neophytes who came to Forex, I am not interested - I was interested in Forex about 15 years ago, but somehow did not come up

What else is unclear? Yes, my lexicon, my inability to articulate the essence of the question. Well, apart from being able to write, you need to be able to read. Did I leave anything out?

pretty much said it all... except for the idea

there is no idea.

and this is the third attempt :-)