Why did the rating change? - page 13

Vladimir Pastushak:

It's been a month now, any progress ?

I think it's permanent. A lot has already changed in that time. And the ranking is gradually recovering naturally.

in this situation as in others it is not clear the attitude of the administration, they just keep quiet, they do not keep users informed, so they decided to leave or will they do something, it is also not clear the question of "updating" the system of personal messages and withdrawal options

Amazing people....

They talk about marketing and successful sales, but once a year in their own eco-world they ruin what they have created.

Name - I worked on my name, on many forums my nickname is Voldemar and people used to find me by that nickname and take my programs. I was partly in the name. "First you make a name, then the name makes you what you want", it wasn't my idea. And at the perfect moment, Nicky was taken out.

Affiliate program - thousands of marketplaces in different ways use affiliate programs, you do not understand yourself in the promotion of goods, create an affiliate, and thousands of sharyaschih instead of you all will promote will tell you and explain. All of this is only a plus. Closed... And how many people invested in an affiliate program, the good news is not much...

Rating, a measure of the popularity of the programmer-seller, because it takes into account downloads, purchases, messages and more. According to the rating you can see that the man is a beginner, not a novice, an old man. And here the same failure ...

Conclusion, no serious investment of time or money in marketing makes no sense to do.... Useless!

Vladimir Pastushak:

Amazing people....

They talk about marketing and successful sales, but once a year in their own eco-world they ruin what they have created.

Name - I worked under my own name, on many forums my nickname is Voldemar and people were looking for me by this nickname and took my programs. I was partly in the name. " First you make a name, then the name makes you what you want", it wasn't my idea. And at the perfect moment, Nicky was taken out.

Affiliate program - thousands of marketplaces in different ways use affiliate programs, you do not understand yourself in the promotion of goods, create an affiliate, and thousands of sharyaschih instead of you all will promote will tell you and explain. All of this is only a plus. Closed... And how many people invested in an affiliate program, the good news is not much...

Rating, a measure of the popularity of the programmer-seller, because it takes into account downloads, purchases, messages and more. According to the rating you can see that the man is a beginner, not a novice, an old man. And here the same failure ...

Conclusion, no serious investment of time or money in marketing makes no sense to do.... Useless!

You understand what marketing is, but only partially.

Are you sure that forums etc. - are your main marketing channel? I doubt it.

If you've made a name for yourself, you don't need marketing anymore.

That's how it is.

I didn't say Alibaba for nothing. You must have taken it as a joke.

Those who have bought from you, they probably don't need it anymore. But those who don't know about it at all... They do. You know what I mean?

Reformat. Website, promotion. And if there's a name, show it. There. If your "products" work and you have a name, you'll be fine.

P.S. Leave the forums etc. as additional support, not the main support.
Vladimir Pastushak:

Amazing people....

They talk about marketing and successful sales, but once a year in their own eco-world they ruin what they have created.

Name - I worked under my own name, on many forums my nickname is Voldemar and people were looking for me by that nickname and took my programs. I was partly in the name. " First you make a name, then the name makes you what you want", it wasn't my idea. And at the perfect moment, Nicky was taken out.

Affiliate program - thousands of marketplaces in different ways use affiliate programs, you do not understand yourself in the promotion of goods, create an affiliate, and thousands of sharyaschih instead of you all will promote will tell you and explain. All of this is only a plus. Closed... And how many people invested in an affiliate program, the good news is not much...

Rating, a measure of the popularity of the programmer-seller, because it takes into account downloads, purchases, messages and more. According to the rating you can see that the man is a beginner, not a novice, an old man. And here the same failure ...

Conclusion, no serious investment of time or money in marketing makes no sense to do.... Useless!

Usually posts like you are made by people who have set up their own sites and want competition with Marketplace and mql5 portal. This is very common in the English part of the forum (and everyone is sympathetic to it).
But the Market and mql5 portal can not be a competitor to any "custom" websites to sell something(the Market and mql5 portal is always above the level of all this).

The winner here is the one who professes the ideology of collaboration, not the ideology of imaginary competition, which will never happen here with any "custom websites".

I apologise for the lyrics.

See: your rating is 501, Vladimir's is 77905.

Who has more credibility with those who have come here recently?

And Vladimir's rating was even higher before it went down the drain. And that number matters to the seller - however much you may disagree with that opinion.

I used to have a rating of almost 140,000 (I don't remember exactly, but somewhere around that). Now it's lower than Vladimir's. Simply because they cut off 2/3 of my rating - it's like I haven't contributed to the resource for a decade. And my rating was built on the free distribution of indicators. People took advantage of it. And for sure they have come from the rating to see "what interesting things he has there". Strangely enough, simple indicators are in great demand and people download them. But before the rating is restored to what it was - is it a decade again?

It seems to be a trifle - some numbers. But behind them lie years of contribution to the resource.


You understand what marketing is, but only partially.

Are you sure that forums etc. - are your main marketing channel? I doubt it.

The question here is about marketing here.

Each product has its own ranking - the number of downloads/views/purchases/reviews etc.
This determines the position of the product in the Marketplace.

and this ranking has been cut for some reason - they've changed the ranking of products in the Market.

The question is what for?
And will it be fixed?

Taras Slobodyanik:

there's a question about marketing here

Each product has its own ranking - the number of downloads/views/purchases/reviews etc.
The position of a product in the Market depends on it.

and this ranking has been cut for some reason - they have changed the ranking of products in the Market.

The question is what for?
And will it be fixed?

For free products, in terms of the number of downloads, the lion's share of the statistics has also just been cut - I have about 80,000 missing. Maybe more.

On the plus side, my registration date has moved forward to January 2015. (There's a quarter left of the ranking)
Igor Zakharov:
On the plus side, my registration date has moved forward to January 2015. (I have a quarter of my rating left).

Isn't that the main reason for the rating change? After all, after the merger, everything on the mql4 site went to mql5 and everything was factored into the rating. And if all that has been lost now, the rating has been calculated based on achievements only from the moment of migration to mql5. I have to compare it with someone who had no rating on mql4. Whether or not their rating is down or not.