Central Bank rate 6.5% - page 15


A very valuable conclusion!

I don't trade myself at all, my robots do it for me :)

Added by

"If, you ! earn."

- pay $10,000 and come see me, for that amount I'll show you all my income,

with all the paperwork I can prove.

Don't pay attention to some people, people here like to judge others. I am interested in what you write, I read it, even though I don't write anything. I think there are plenty of other readers here.
And who cares who earns how much, for an adequate person there is only 1 criterion: "and how much I will earn". All other value judgements are meaningless.

Moderators, please clear the thread of flooding.

prostotrader, Alexsandr San

No need to get personal.

Easier, just delete it.

A very valuable conclusion!

I don't trade myself at all, my robots do it for me :)

Added by

"If, you ! earn."

- pay $10,000 and come see me, for that amount I'll show you all my income,

and I'll show you all of my income.

I'm sorry! I had a little too much yesterday.

And also, and ask for forgiveness from all those who have been indirectly offended.

The repurchase agreement rate (repo rate) is the interest rate,
which is used when executing repo transactions.

Repo transactions imply transactions with securities with the obligatory existence of
obligation of the seller to repurchase the security from the buyer within a certain period of time and at a certain price.

In fact, a repo transaction is a short-term loan secured by securities,
although it is executed as a purchase and sale transaction.

It is expressed as a percentage per annum.

Not a liability, but a right. That's the difference from a loan. If I took a loan against securities and didn't pay it back, they will take the collateral and deal with me. If I entered into a repurchase agreement and did not exercise my right to repurchase, I will simply lose the securities. That's it.

Алексей Тарабанов:

Not obligations, but rights. This is exactly the difference from a loan. If I took a loan against securities and didn't pay it back, they will take the collateral and deal with me. If I entered into a repurchase transaction and did not exercise my right to repurchase, I will simply lose the securities. That's it.

Why do you have to comment without knowing the definitions?

Статья 51.3. Договор репо
(введена Федеральным законом от 25.11.2009 N 281-ФЗ)
1. Договором репо признается договор, по которому одна сторона (продавец по договору репо) обязуется в срок, установленный этим договором,
передать в собственность другой стороне (покупателю по договору репо) ценные бумаги, а покупатель по договору репо обязуется принять ценные
бумаги и уплатить за них определенную денежную сумму (первая часть договора репо) и по которому покупатель по договору репо обязуется в срок,
установленный этим договором, передать ценные бумаги в собственность продавца по договору репо, а продавец по договору репо обязуется принять
ценные бумаги и уплатить за них определенную денежную сумму (вторая часть договора репо).


Статья 51.3. Договор репо / КонсультантПлюс
  • www.consultant.ru
1. Договором репо признается договор, по которому одна сторона (продавец по договору репо) обязуется в срок, установленный этим договором, передать в собственность другой стороне (покупателю по договору репо) ценные бумаги, а покупатель по договору репо обязуется принять ценные бумаги и уплатить за них определенную денежную сумму (первая часть...

Why do you have to comment without knowing the definitions?


"We live in an age where intuition replaces information")

I am not looking for any risk-free betting formula.

From what you are saying, you have no idea what you are talking about.

And leave my illusions alone.

That's all for now.

You and I will definitely meet in a glass, the more illusions you have, the faster :)


You and I will definitely meet in a glass, the more illusions you have, the faster :)

There used to be one here, Privalov, he was all friends with the glass too...

Now he's off to study on the Internet.

I'm looking forward to it, I need money for the exterior of my house...


There used to be one here, Privalov, he was all about the glass too...

Now he's just taking lessons on the Internet.

I'm looking forward to it. I need money for the exterior of my house...

Claims he's a successful rice trader.