Central Bank rate 6.5% - page 14


What is there to think about?

Earnings will be less :(

let's hope there is a time for a rate hike


What do you think about this?

The refinancing rate is only indirectly involved here. It is time to start learning, especially for those who are trying to make money.

10. who generates the repo rate "embedded" in the futures?

The repo rate in the futures is set by the market. Market makers use the market repo rate when quoting. In the case of a non-market rate there would be arbitrage and the risk of "clogging" the limits on the futures position.

Since there are no long repo rates, they use

  • 3m NDF minus some delta
  • Rate from long currency swap
  • Some premium over central bank repo rate
  • Imputed repo rate (from futures and spot quotes)

The refinancing rate is only indirectly involved. It is time to start learning, especially for those who are trying to make money.

10. Who generates the repo rate "stitched" into the futures?

The repo rate in the futures is set by the market. Market makers use the market repo rate when quoting. In the case of a non-market rate, there would be arbitrage and the risk of "clogging" the limits on the futures position.

Since there are no long repo rates, they use

  • 3m NDF minus some delta
  • Rate from long currency swap
  • Some premium over central bank repo rate
  • Imputed repo rate (from futures and spot rates)

I get the impression you've had too much beer....

Read other books.


I get the impression you've had too much beer....

Read some other books.

It's not a book, mate. It's information from the Mosbirge website.


Market expects central bank rate of 4.75%

It's written here. https://rg.ru/2020/05/08/bank-rossii-dopustil-snizhenie-kliuchevoj-stavki-v-iiune.html

Банк России допустил снижение ключевой ставки в июне
Банк России допустил снижение ключевой ставки в июне
  • rg.ru
"На последнем заседании совета директоров мы рассматривали возможность снижения ставки на 100 базисных пунктов. Я допускаю, что если ситуация будет развиваться как сейчас, вариант снижения на 100 базисных пунктов также будет рассматривать, безусловно, в числе других альтернатив", - сообщила Набиуллина. Последнее заседание совета директоров ЦБ...

It's not a book, mate. It's information from the Mosbirge website.

I say again, "Read other books."

Expressions like:

"some delta","some premium" - not applicable in any way in the formulas.

Give me a link to the original text.


Found it myself.


And drink less beer(stocks and OFZs are not the same thing at all!)


Read at least this:


But don't forget that they are talking about equity futures everywhere, for other instruments(commodities, indices, OFZs),

the formulas will be quite different.

A futures is a public instrument, i.e. it can be traded by both individuals and legal entities, hence

the risk-free interest rate for an equity futures is the official rate of the Central Bank

Московская Биржа
Московская Биржа
  • www.moex.com
Текущая и форвардная цена облигации. Схождение текущей и форвардной цены при приближении экспирации. Как из цен облигаций в корзине рассчитать справедливую цену фьючерса? Цену какой/каких облигаций из корзины отражает цена фьючерсного контракта? Как определить наиболее дешевую бумагу для поставки ("cheapest-to-deliver")? Может ли за время...
Vitalii Ananev:

This is what they say. https://rg.ru/2020/05/08/bank-rossii-dopustil-snizhenie-kliuchevoj-stavki-v-iiune.html

Finally, they have turned their heads! In other crises, the Central Bank has raised interest rates


I say again, "Read other books".

Expressions like:

"some delta","some premium" - do not apply in any formulas.

Give me a link to the original text.


Found it myself.


And drink less beer(stocks and OFZs are not the same thing at all!)


Read at least this:


But don't forget that they are talking about equity futures everywhere, for other instruments(commodities, indices, OFZs),

the formulas will be quite different.

A futures is a public instrument, i.e. it can be traded by both individuals and legal entities, hence

The risk-free interest rate for an equity futures is the official rate of the Central Bank.

It is impossible to argue with you, you see only what you want to see. The market doesn't work by formulas, otherwise all the money in the market would have been made by mediocre programmers long ago. That's why you won't find the exact formula for the risk free rate used in the calculations.

But if it's easier for you to calculate, the futures rate=the Central Bank rate, that's fine with me, and you can continue in your delusions. In the stock market, unlike in many areas of business, it's simple: money goes from those who don't know to those who do.


It is impossible to argue with you, you only see what you want to see. The market does not work by formulas, otherwise all the money in the market would have been made by mediocre programmers long ago. That is why you will not find the exact formula for the risk-free rate used in the calculations.

But if it's easier for you to calculate, the futures rate=the Central Bank rate, that's fine with me, and you can continue in your delusions. In the stock market, unlike in many areas of business, it's simple: money goes from those who don't know to those who do.

I am not looking for any risk-free betting formula.

From what you are saying, you have no idea what you are talking about at all.

And leave my illusions alone.

That's the end of it.
The repurchase agreement rate (repo rate) is the interest rate,
which is used when executing repo transactions.

Repo transactions imply transactions with securities with the obligatory existence of
obligation of the seller to repurchase the security from the buyer after a certain period of time and at a certain price.

In fact, a repo transaction is a short-term loan secured by securities,
although it is executed as a sale-purchase transaction.

It is expressed as a percentage per annum.