Central Bank rate 6.5% - page 13

Maxim Romanov:

can you tell me where I can find the formulae?

There are different formulas for each section.

Which one are you interested in?


There are different formulas for each section.

Which one are you interested in?

Any of them. I am interested in the mechanism itself. I didn't know before that the refinancing rate could be calculated, so I want to understand the subject in more detail in order to better understand the processes going on in the economy and how it all relates to each other.
Or a link to these manuals where you can read more about it
In the basement
In the basement

Thank you


In a crisis, normal economies reduce the rate to zero

Yuriy Zaytsev:

In a crisis, normal economies cut the rate to zero

They raised the rate when the ruble collapsed in order to withdraw money from the economy. The logic is as follows: the rouble has fallen in value, it means that too much has been printed, we need to withdraw it, there will be fewer roubles, the exchange rate will stabilise.

But something tells me that it doesn't work that way at all. The rate was raised, but the exchange rate stabilized at 70, that is, the rate hasn't returned to 30. This leads to conclusions: either it does not work like they think or they cheat us or if they did not raise the rate to 16, the exchange rate would have stabilized at 100 or even more.

The rate was left at 6%. http://www.cbr.ru/press/PR/?file=20032020_133000Key.htm
Банк России принял решение сохранить ключевую ставку на уровне 6,00% годовых | Банк России
  • www.cbr.ru
Совет директоров Банка России 20 марта 2020 года принял решение сохранить ключевую ставку на уровне 6,00% годовых. В феврале—марте события развиваются с существенным отклонением от базового сценария прогноза Банка России. Это связано с изменением внешних условий:  распространением эпидемии коронавируса и резким снижением цен на нефть...

Market expects central bank rate of 4.75%


The market expects a central bank rate of 4.75%

What do you think about this?


What do you think about that?

What do you think?

Earnings will be less :(