Central Bank rate 6.5% - page 9

The rate has been lowered even further to 6.25
Vitalii Ananev:
They lowered the rate even further to 6.25
They promised to cut it two more times in the next six months.

You're just being holistic and I'm building a house from the profits of stock trading.

There you go, Uncle...

Is this a house? Why are the walls so thin?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Is this a house? Why are the walls so thin?

Well, the suburbs aren't Magadan... It doesn't have to be any thicker than that. My house is built with 375 mm thick walls and 30 mm thick insulation such as penoplex. The temperature drops by 6-8 degrees in a day.
Alexey Viktorov:
Well, the suburbs are not Magadan... It doesn't need to be thicker. My house is built with a wall thickness of 375 mm. and 30 mm. insulation such as penoplex. In a day the temperature drops by 6-8 degrees.

I have 375 walls + 100 mm of insulation (not yet done)

100 mm because the heating is from a gasometer

Alexey Viktorov:
Well, the suburbs aren't Magadan... It doesn't need to be thicker. My house is built with walls 375 mm thick and 30 mm thick insulation such as penoplex. The temperature drops by 6-8 degrees in a day.

How much frost do you get?


I have 375 walls + 100 mm of insulation (not yet done)

100 mm because the heating is from a gas holder

Of course you have the last word, but this is excessive. Just read up on insulation.

20mm of foam plastic is equal to almost twice the thickness of mineral wool and 37cm of brickwork in terms of heat retention.

There is no gas silicate here. And its density is about 2 times lower than foam concrete. Accordingly, the thermal protection is higher. Most of the heat escapes through the roof and windows.

If you don't mind such an off-topic in your topic, I recommend that the roof do the following: Rafters 150 mm inside insulation. 50mm battens, plus another 50mm of insulation. Next, counter battens and only then OSB and a soft roof. That's 200 mm of insulation in the roof.

Где и когда можно использовать Пеноплэкс, его технические характеристики
Где и когда можно использовать Пеноплэкс, его технические характеристики
  • 2019.10.07
  • stroychik.ru
Выбор утеплителя — не самая легкая задача. Одни из них боятся намокания (каменная вата), с другими сложно работать (стекловата), третьи пока еще не нашли широкого применения (вспененное стекло). Остается пенополистирол. Его ругают за ненатуральность и горючесть, но по техническим характеристикам, он среди лидеров. Причем экструдированный...
Dmitriy Skub:
They promised to cut it two more times in the next six months.

Capitalists are enticing people to take out loans. Capitalism needs more and more markets to grow. Just buy, no money, here's credit. :)

Dmitry Fedoseev:

How much frost do you get?

I don't really keep track of temperatures. You can find statistics if you're interested, I've never looked. I only occasionally hear that, below/above normal at idle...

Alexey Viktorov:

Of course you have the last word, but it's excessive. Just read up on insulation.

There is no aerated silicate here. And its density is about half that of foamed concrete. Consequently, the thermal protection is higher. The most heat escapes through the roof and windows.

If you do not mind such an offtop in your topic, I recommend a roof to do so: Rails 150 mm. inside insulation. 50mm battens, plus another 50mm of insulation. Next, counter battens and only then OSB and a soft roof. That's 200 mm of insulation in the roof.

It is not only the thickness, but also the vapour permeability of the material.

With YTONG aerated concrete blocks, you need 50-100 mm of thermal insulation.

I am not reinventing the wheel, I am building the house according to the project.