Points VS Pips - page 146

Dmitry Fedoseev:

So there is nothing, and you have just demonstrated that. And the trading conditions are expressed as indivisible clauses, only you have to look at them in the right place, not on the advertising signs.

You're being silly again... everybody's wrong if not your way! Open your eyes.



Форекс спреды
Форекс спреды
  • www.home.saxo
Олег avtomat:

You're being silly again... everyone's wrong if not your way! Open your eyes.



Written by the same pipser (in the sense of not a professional) as the one who promotes pips in MT too.

Сергей Таболин:

Written by a pipser (in the sense of not a professional) like the one who promotes pips in MT as well.

Who are you talking about? Try to avoid ambiguity.



MY opinion is 1 pip = 0.1 real point (point) on a four-digit mark.

And this is common world practice, I remind you, who has forgotten!!!!

Roman Shiredchenko:


MY opinion is 1 pip = 0.1 real point (point) on the four digits.

And this is the accepted world practice, I remind you, who has forgotten!!!

It already was.

Hot Estonian guys, you delight me with your insistence on changing the terminology of a subject area that you neither know nor care to master. In doing so, you attempt to automate the work of the real participants in the processes you automate, which inevitably leads to your customers being exclusively amateurs. No professional will ever order anything from you, because you don't understand what he does and don't want to. That is why your programs cost pennies, payment is affordable to a middle school age child, he is your client. You are killing your own professional opportunities.
Олег avtomat:

You're being silly again... everyone's wrong if not your way! Open your eyes.



Do you, uh... You know any words besides "stupid"? I said look at the conditions in the right place, not on the billboards.

I wish you'd answer that question... but no, it will never be answered.

I'm watching a basketball game right now. A player's stats were shown. There's a line in particular:
Points - 9
Miracles, not fractions.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Do you... Do you know any words other than "stupid"? You wrote: You should look in the right place, not on the billboards.

I wish you'd answer that question... but no, it will never be answered.

You think saksobank is the wrong place? A fence with a billboard?

then show me the right place

Алексей Тарабанов:
Hot Estonian guys, you amuse me with your insistence on changing the terminology of a subject area that you neither know nor are willing to master. At the same time, you attempt to automate the work of the real participants in the processes you automate, which inevitably leads to your customers being exclusively amateurs. No professional will ever order anything from you, because you don't understand what he does and don't want to. That is why your programs cost pennies, payment is affordable to a middle school age child, he is your client. You are killing your own professional opportunities.

A pro, a "guru" who can't understand why, for example, the spread on a website's billboard is suddenly written as 2.4 ?

So it is clear to a fool that it is 24 points. But 2.4 is more profitable to sell to suckers. That's the pro in the mix... ...who only moves and thinks for the sake of beautiful attractive figures. There are classes of such pros in every city.

ZS. Do not worry about our customers - I, for example, have a lot of them, and they are pros, and we understand each other perfectly. And they pay so much that schoolchildren as a class for 10 years to save up.