Points VS Pips - page 121


No it's not a fraction of a point.
As if yes a tick is a fraction of a point, but the question was about something else, the size of that fraction, what that size is formed of.
I understand the question.

Look, in our case this is a commodity exchange, where real commodities are traded with delivery of this commodity.
Drag metals, Grains, Currencies, Energy, Meat, Government Bonds, Cocoa, Orange Juice, Sugar, Cotton, etc. etc.
Each commodity, by contract, has a certain measure per contract.
To make it clear, it is like in Forex, for 1 lot traded 100 000 of the base currency, the real currency that is exchanged by banks.
In the same way, in one contract there is a certain amount of goods.
From this amount of goods the exchange calculates the minimum size.
If it is a currency market, then in currency, if it is precious metals, then in ounces, if it is a grain market, then in bushels, if it is energy, then in barrels, etc.
The exchange calculates these data according to its own formulas and deducts this minimal tick amount.
All this is in the contract specification on the exchange website, for each commodity.
In general, it is some part of the commodity.

I see that Russian is very difficult for you, if not catastrophic...

The size of a tick should be expressed in some unit. And it should be the same for gold, carrots and manure.

If (according to you) the tick size is different for the above commodities, then it can't be a "minimum price change (quotation)" in any way.) It can only be one of the listed commodities (guess which one?).

Flags in hand and tram ....

Сергей Таболин:

I see that Russian is very difficult for you, if not catastrophic...

The size of a tick should be expressed in some unit. And it should be the same for gold, carrots and manure.

If (according to you) the tick size is different for the above commodities, then it can't be a "minimum price change (quotation)" in any way. It can only be one of the listed commodities (guess which one?).

Flags in hand and tram ....

Do you realise that gold and dung are two different commodities? From different spheres of production.
That's why TickSize is measured, one in ounces and the other in dung.
On the price chart, this TickSize is equal to one tick, i.e., one 1 tick of price on the chart scale, contains 1 TickSize of dung.)
Tell that to the stock exchange that there is no way that this can be a "minimum price change (quote).
You'll get there just by tram.


Do you understand that gold and dung are two different commodities? From different fields of production.
That's why TickSize is measured, one in ounces and the other in dung.
And on the price chart, this TickSize is equal to one tick, i.e. one TickSize on the chart scale, contains 1 tick of dung ))
Tell that to the stock exchange that there is no way that this can be a " minimum price change (quote).
You'll catch a tram just in time.

One last attempt. Simple logic. Size (can contain a different number of sours, even 1, even 234567) - minimum price change (always only one sours). How can one be the other? (Dali not to be remembered!)


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

What do you mean by pips ? With a five digit quote.

Sergey Tabolin, 2019.09.30 20:26

Shall we sum it up?

The bottom line is obvious: there is no consensus on what a pips is, but it is interpreted diametrically opposed.

In order.

  1. There is no majority and, given the difference of just one vote, we can state that a pip equals a pip, corrected by the fact that there are 10 pips in a pip and no one needs it in the hell.
  2. The supporters of the contrary, with 10 points in one pip, are not far behind.
  3. There are much less honest people...
  4. And those who know what percentage point means (both in Russian and in English) - in general, the minority.

In a neighboring thread there were two unique opinions (absence of which in our survey can only be explained by the fact that it could not have been in my wildest dreams ...), but since no one openly supported these opinions, they would have been in the last place in the rating of this survey.

There's not much more to say. You've said it all...

Сергей Таболин:

One last attempt. Simple logic. Size (can contain a different number of sours, even 1, even 234567) - minimum price change (always only one sours). How can one be the other? (Dali not to be remembered!)

There's no logic to it )) the rules are set by the exchange, take it or leave it ))
You probably do not understand it either. That 1 lot of forex, contains 100 000 currency.
And in 0.01 lot, 1,000 currency.

It's the same but in a commodity.


There's no logic here )) the rules are set by the exchange, if you want to accept them, it's up to you ))
You probably do not understand it either? That in 1 forex lot, there is 100 000 currency.
And in 0.01 lot, 1,000 currency.

It's the same but in a commodity.

He talks to him about Yeroma, he talks to him about Thomas...

I got it.


Nightmares. It has already come to the point of outright blackmail to get people to take their point of view.

I count two people in the thread who have ever sat in a trader's hall. The rest don't understand professional terminology in the subject area they moonlight in. And don't want to understand.

I, too, can, very conventionally, be called a programmer - I have been programming for a long time (since 1976), but unprofessionally, I have not studied an hour. By my profession (my favorite one) I am an automatizer of troops control.

First stage of automation - systematic study of automation object, understanding of terms and definitions, searching for bottlenecks, etc.

After leaving the army in 1995 I established and developed my own CJSC, the sole activity of which was thestock market (an obligatory condition for obtaining a license). In such a company, it was compulsory for 5 employees to have a certificate of the Ministry of Finance of the first category; we had 7, including myself.

Guys, take my word for it, that a point (figure) for EURUSD = 0.01 and 0.0001. For the S&P it is 1 and 0.01 respectively. Simply because it's a two-nack. By the way, pip is "percentage in point", i.e. pip=0.01 point(figure) always.

Artyom Trishkin:

It seems that your knowledge, or rather lack thereof, should be raised the question of depriving you of seller's rights - how many products you have, and all of them are even scary to imagine what they are due to your complete lack of basic knowledge. Products of such an author are likely to be harmful to users. I think I'll raise a question.

Алексей Тарабанов:

Nightmares. It has already come to the point of outright blackmail to get people to take their point of view.

I count two people in the thread who have ever sat in a trader's hall. The rest don't understand professional terminology in the subject area they moonlight in. And don't want to understand.

I, too, can, very conventionally, be called a programmer - I have been programming for a long time (since 1976), but unprofessionally, I have not studied an hour. By my profession (my favorite one) I am an automatizer of troops control.

First stage of automation - systematic study of automation object, understanding of terms and definitions, searching for bottlenecks, etc.

After leaving the army in 1995 I established and promoted my own ZAO, the sole activity of which was working on the securities market (an obligatory condition for obtaining a license). In such a company, it was compulsory for 5 employees to have a certificate of the Ministry of Finance of the first category; we had 7, including myself.

Guys, take my word for it, that a point (figure) for EURUSD = 0.01 and 0.0001. For the S&P it is 1 and 0.01 respectively. Simply because it's a two-nack. By the way, pip is "percentage in point", i.e. pip=0.01 point(figure) always.

I'm not doubting what you say.)
A figure is a figure after all. Who uses this expression, it is immediately clear from what circles ))
Yes, the fund is different from futures in quotes, I agree.
The SPY on the NYSE has one hundred cents per point, and the futures on the CME has 4 ticks in one point, 0.25.
Different markets, different specifications, and the index futures is a derivative asset of the SPY.
I thought about the FFMS certificate long time ago, but I didn't pass it, because I didn't trade on the fund, but on futures, and I didn't need it, I wanted to study myself.
Then I just saw on the Net how many people are offering support with certificate and I'm astonished by the number of offers )) Overcrowding )).
Then it seemed rumors that they abolished them, or was a rumor, some kind of confusion at the top were just remember, so I finally gave up on the certificate ))
But the NFA license I still have the desire, but when I think of this hard questions and even in English, and pass in the U.S., in short, it is difficult.
The FFMS, although in Russian, but also a lot of questions. So I respect that you passed 1.0.
So, do not worry, there are people who will understand you ))

Алексей Тарабанов:

Nightmares. It has already come to the point of direct blackmail to force a man to accept his point of view.


Alexei, don't be so distracting.

What blackmail to adopt a point of view? Are you out of your mind? Can you read with reading comprehension? Yes, Ioffered to test the MQL programmer's knowledge with the condition that if he can't show basic knowledge, what kind of salesman is he, and Iwill raise the issue of status review. And you are aware that a moderator cannot take, and deprive statuses at will, of any kind? No? But to encourage a person to study the documentation - why not? Especially when a person sells goods for traders, but does not know how it works... And for me, as a person who cares about the purity of the market and the kodobase, such a push to documentation and knowledge seemed less dangerous than selling something to you slang-speaking gentlemen...

Forcing to open a reference and read something on the basic concepts of MetaTrader - yes (because the man is a "salesman"). And no one is imposing their point of view on anyone. But you're loudly proclaiming it - that is, you're speculating on the amenability of many to other people's opinions, giving food for thought that there's rampant abuse from the moderators. But this is, to put it mildly, a plot on your part to raise another wave against the actions of the moderators, isn't it?

What does "pips", "figures" and other trader's slang have to do with the basic concepts in MQL, from which everything and everyone is calculated for you clever people? We - "crazy citizens", programmers - do for you, noblemen, who talk to us through their lips only because you use slang in your conversation, which, incidentally, we understand, know, but do not use, (speaking for myself) simply because there is no need - grown up in an age when it seems that "turkey", "owl" and other birds in the eyes of others exalt the person - if you say so - then you are an important subject. A silly subject is a silly subject. The same goes for "figures", whose meaning and use I learned about about 15 years ago but have never used during that time due to not speaking slang.
So - we make programs for you that work the way you need them to. And if we didn't understand anything, the programs wouldn't work the way you need them to. So what follows? It means that to create a trader's software, you have to operate with the notions, which are provided by the terminal and the MQL language. And the "figure", which you brag about here, is easy to calculate from points.

But if a person positions himself as a programmer, who writes programs for the Market and Kodobase, in my purely personal opinion, this person should operate with the concepts of MetaTrader5 and 4. And if he is a clueless seller, it causes some dissonance in relation to the quality of these services. And so when you're all loudly screaming that the market is cluttered with kodobase and you need to take sellers more seriously, suddenly you see one person who somehow forcesthe seller to open the certificate and read it - that's when, having weighed the possible "hype" from your words, you make a choice to make more noise and accuse the person of blackmail (well, you can make more noise on that than just talking about product quality, right?) in order to accept their point of view. How cool you've turned things around for your own purposes, which don't tie in at all with the real state of affairs (and not only you, by the way, but there were already a bit other goals than "hype" pursued there).
How do you like this accusation from me to you in response to your slander? You like it? Not true? Then why are you speaking untruths without thinking? Have you not yet grown out of the age when you want glory?