Points VS Pips - page 116

Сергей Таболин:

Do you even understand what size (in this case a teak) is? The price of 2.43 can change minimally to 2.44 or to 2.42. In either case, it will change by 0.01. This is the minimum price change of 1 (one) point. In this case, the tick size will be equal to one pip.

And if this price of 2.43 changes by 5 points all at once and becomes 2.48, the tick size will be equal to five points. A simple conclusion follows from this: the tick size can NOT be a minimum price change.

Either study Russian, or use a dictionary to clearly understand the meaning of words. And this does not only apply to you, if it makes you feel any better...

And you understand that TickSize 0.00390625 is one minimum change of price on the chart scale!
The next change will be0.00390625 +0.00390625 = 0.0078125

This is not what the Point() function returns. The Point() function returns a real number of digits of the quote, since the time of four digits!
This is why it is named after the old four-digit Point, but its name has not been changed to the correct one yet.
The digits of the quotes are different and the Point function has not been renamed MQ yet.


And you understand that TickSize 0.00390625 is one minimal price change on the chart scale!
The next change will be0.00390625 +0.00390625 = 0.0078125

Where did you get these numbers from?

Here I was showing an illustrative example from an existing server:

Forum on Trading, Automated Trading Systems and Strategy Testing

What do you mean by pips ? In five digit quotes.

Artyom Trishkin, 2019.09.29 21:31

So all this nonsense is perfectly true and the documentation is completely untrue?

Goodness. Abide gentlemen further in your illusions.

//|                                                        Point.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/ru/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/ru/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   int total=SymbolsTotal(false);
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      bool selected=false;
      string name=SymbolName(i,false);
      double pt=SymbolInfoDouble(name,SYMBOL_POINT);
      double ts=SymbolInfoDouble(name,SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE);
      int    dg=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(name,SYMBOL_DIGITS);
      Print("(",(string)i,"): ",name,", Digits=",(string)dg,", Point=",DoubleToString(pt,dg),", TickSize=",DoubleToString(ts,dg));

And as an example, one of 14875 symbols on MetaQuotes-BSE:

2019.09.30 02:27:42.131 (11889): JPYINR18OCT67.7500 PE.d, Digits=4, Point=0.0001, TickSize=0.0025

And there are many of them.

This also applies to statements that tixias is a pip, or a point, or who else is talking about something...

Come on gentlemen, keep going. I am without you...

Here, in the example, the instrument JPYINR18OCT67.7500PE.d has a digit of 4, the value of one pip is 0.0001, and the value of the minimum price change is 0.0025.

You can easily estimate the minimal variation of the price by a simple twist of your brain. The answer = 25 points.

What is your problem again?

You are confused about "meaning" and "point"
Artyom Trishkin:

Where did you get these numbers from?

Here I was showing an illustrative example from an existing server:

Here, in the example, the instrument JPYINR18OCT67.7500PE.d has a digit of 4, a single point value of 0.0001, and a minimum price change value of 0.0025.

What is wrong again?

Artem, look at the screenshot again, this is TickSize of exchange instruments in the MT5 terminal

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Artyom look at the screen again, this is the TickSize of stock instruments in the MT5 terminal

And what's wrong with what you're told?

Artyom Trishkin:

And what's wrong with what you're told?

What's in tixais, it's points ))
In the minimum price change, points.
I'm under the table laughing.

The clauses are where you should look. On the exchanger's website in the specification.
More precisely, how many ticks (TickSize) in a point, and if you want to get a point in the code, then calculate it yourself according to the exchange specification.
4.PNG  30 kb

What's in tixise is points ))
In minimum price change, points.
I'm under the table with laughter.

It's a SIGN.

You've got the concepts mixed up.

One point has a value of 0.00000001

The minimum price change has a value = 0.00390625

Minimum, how many points the price can change = 0.00390625/ 0.00000001 = 390625.


Oh valenki valenki, but not sewn up the old one... (song)

And you're telling me that TickSize is 0.00390625 pips?
There is 0.00390625 pips in TickSize minimum price change?
Don't make people laugh. And don't mislead others!

Artem and you too should reconsider your wrong views.
The Point() function returns the mathematical digit of the quote!
Pay attention to other Point they are always equal in digits, what returns TickSize in digits.
In other words, Digits() returns integer digits, and Point() returns real digits.
The Point() function has not been renamed since the four digits.
And the real point size itself is defined in the asset specification, which is listed on the exchange website.
The metatrader specification does not contain this information.

Sleep it off

The points are where you need to look. On the stock exchange website in the specs.
More precisely, how many ticks (TickSize) in a point, and if you want to get a point in the code, then calculate it yourself according to the exchange specification.

The website is the last place where the symbol properties will be edited.

You'd have to deal with that oddball picture of 1/32 of 1/8 yourself. You don't know what it all means yourself.

Artyom Trishkin:

The minimum by how many points the price can change = 0.00390625/ 0.00000001 = 390625.

Nope, that would be a change by one tick, which is reduced to an integer form ))

And the item will have nth number of ticks(TickSize), according to the specification of the asset.