Points VS Pips - page 94

Artyom Trishkin:

Take a ruler in your hands and study it carefully - it says it all.

A centimetre does not become a millimetre when you suddenly find millimetres inside a centimetre.

Neither does a decimetre become a centimetre when you find centimetres inside it, etc.

A meter is the distance to which you fly away when you receive a paddle. Apart from metres you have no other measure of measurement.

You have been kicked and you have flown a distance of one metre - one point (because you have no other measure).

Now, centimetres have been introduced and a distance of one metre has become 100 points. The distance did not get any bigger - it still remains a one metre distance.

And when you get a pendel, you've gone to a distance of one metre, but now you've gone to a hundred points. Because now you can measure the distance with 10 times better accuracy.

But the Meter is still the same, right? )
Now, by analogy, show the Meter in the Terminal)
the minimum point is there... but where did the Meter go?

Ps. Everyone has a Meter, but MT no longer has it, how come?

Taras Slobodyanik:

But the Meter is still the same, right? )

Now, by analogy, show the Meter in the Terminal)

the minimum point is there... but where did the Meter go?

A point is how much the price can change minimally.

Taras Slobodyanik:


ps. everyone has a Meter, but the MT doesn't have one anymore, how come?

Why isn't it there? Measure Ctrl+F. It all depends on what the distance in one point is. If a metre, a point is a metre. If 10 cm, a meter is 10 points. That's how you measure. Depending on the gradation available to you.

Artyom Trishkin:

A point is how much the price can change minimally.

I have nothing against the minimum point.

The issue is that there is also a fractional Point (pips) and it is not in the terminal (or Signals).
That is, there is a Meter all over the world, but only the minimum Point remains in MT.

Taras Slobodyanik:

I have nothing against the minimum point.

The issue is that there is also a fractional Point (pips) and it is not in the terminal (or Signals).
That is, there is a Meter all over the world, but only the minimum point remains in MT.

Z yt pyf. rfr dfv hfccrfpfnm - ds egjhyj negbnt? ghjcnbnt/

Taras Slobodyanik:

I have nothing against the minimum point.

The issue is that there is also a fractional Point (pips), and it's not in the terminal (or Signals).
That is, there is a Meter all over the world, but in MT there is only a minimum Point left.

I'm sure that those who introduced the fractional point, if they knew how it would blow people's minds, wouldn't have done it.

Where it (fractional paragraph) is found, it is quite clear why it's there and why. But it turns out that not everyone understands... That's too bad.

Artyom Trishkin:

Z yt pyf. rfr dfv hfccrfpfnm - ds egjhyj negbnt? ghjcnbnt/

Me too)

now here's looking at screenshots from MQ -- 1 Meter = 1 point (regardless of accuracy)



Taras Slobodyanik:

Me too)

now here's looking at screenshots from MQ -- 1 Meter = 1 point

Again it's not at all clear what you're trying to say.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Again, it's not at all clear what you are trying to say.

Do you understand the analogy with a second?
I mean that the graduation scale has changed (they have added a digit) and now 1 sec is 0.1 sec.

Taras Slobodyanik:

Did you get the analogy with the second?
I mean, the scale has changed (they added a digit) and now 1 sec is 0.1 sec.

When there was no measure of length less than a metre, the price shift per metre was a price shift of a point.

When they added precision to a length measure of 0.1 metre, the price shift per metre was a shift of 10 points.

What's not to understand here?

And those who don't understand it still measure in metres. And when the price shifts by 15 points, they have to write that the price has shifted by one and a half meters - that's a fraction.

But that's because, like you, they didn't understand that precision had changed, and they started crushing their old ideas of the indivisible. And that's where their brains exploded and idiotic theories about some kind of secret knowledge... and the benefits for the hamsters - that we only have 1.5 points and they have 15. And it's the same thing.