Points VS Pips - page 90

Taras Slobodyanik:

The "minimum step" is _Point (point_mt), there is no issue here (except for the name, it should be called e.g. _MinPointStep)

We are talking about a Point (pip) as 1/100th of a currency/commodity.

  • Minimum 4 digit step --> 1 pip
  • Minimum 5 digits step --> 1.0 pip (Point)
  • Minimum step of 6 digits --> 1.00 pip (Point)

That is, when a new digit appears (in quotations), one digit is added to the Point as well.
The Item itself is unchanged, as it was a hundred years ago, and remains so.

and we see this in all but MetaQuotes. MT doesn't have this concept, but for some reason they started using it (incorrectly).

Anything to the left of the comma is points, to the right are pips. That's how it was a hundred years ago
Vladimir Baskakov:
Anything to the left of the comma is points, to the right are pips. That's how it was a hundred years ago.

So you are saying that English speakers have two financial concepts of Pips?
Point and Pips ?)

Taras Slobodyanik:

The "minimum step" is _Point (point_mt), there is no question (except for the name, the correct name is for example _MinPointStep).

We are talking about a Point (pip) as 1/100th of a currency/commodity.

  • Minimum 4 digit step --> 1 pip
  • Minimum 5 digits step --> 1.0 pip (Point)
  • Minimum step of 6 digits --> 1.00 pip (Point)

that is, when a new digit appears (in the quotations), one digit is added to the point.
The point itself is unchanged, as it was a hundred years ago, so it remains.

and we see this in all but MetaQuotes. MT doesn't have this concept, but for some reason they started using it (incorrectly).

And these are already calculated values. Everyone is free to enter whatever calculations they want and try to make them a standard.

Nothing is added to a point as a minimum value of a possible change of quotation. A point is a point, it is the name of a gradation of change. But you can add any number of significant digits to the gradation. This will not make the pip or the pips. It will remain a minimum gradation of change.

You're lost in terms.

Vladimir Baskakov:
Anything to the left of the comma is points, to the right are pips. That's how it was a hundred years ago.

Also wandering in the dark...

Artyom Trishkin:

These are calculated values. Everyone is free to enter any calculation and try to make it a standard.

Nothing is added to a point as the minimum value of a possible change in a quote. A point is a point, it is the name of a gradation of change. But you can add any number of significant digits to the gradation. This will not change a pip or a pipette. It will remain a minimum gradation of change.

You are getting lost in the concepts.

There is no question about point as a minimal value).

"A point is a point" was as long as there was only _Point.
With the advent (in MT) of pips, however, this is no longer the case.
It turns out that "_Point is pips".

And we are back to the beginning again - Why in MT "_Point is pips" but in all others "_Point is NOT pips"?

Take me out of the dark)
Taras Slobodyanik:

So you are saying that English speakers have two financial concepts of Pips ?
A Point and a Pip ?)

Yes, in addition to forex there are stock markets, indices
Vladimir Baskakov:
Yes, in addition to forex there is the stock market, indices

give definitions, interesting to read)

Taras Slobodyanik:

A measure can't just change, why doesn't a kilogram or a metre change when the accuracy of the calculation increases?
Why have you decided that the Point (as a measure) must change when a new digit is introduced?

ps. Who introduced "0.1 percent" and where is it written that Item (as a measure) has changed?

The divisional value changes in the more accurate scales. Point 0 is the price of division.

And again: there is no item mt, there is just an item.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

The divisional value changes with the more accurate scales. Point 0 is the dividing price.

Once again, there is no mt point, just a point.

again - why is the mt clause not fractional?
or - why with others, is Item fractional?


Clock. Just a wall clock.

One movement of the second hand is a point.


Minimum shift of the second hand is 1 second:

When the hand is moved by 1 point, the time is changed by 1 second.

It can't move less than a second, as a point is 1 second.


Minimum shift of the second hand: 100 milliseconds:

When the hand is moved by 10 points, the time is changed by 1000 milliseconds. Or 1 second.

The hand cannot move less than 100 milliseconds, as the point is 100 milliseconds, but it can move less than one second, as one second has 10 times 100 milliseconds.


The graduations are different, and the point - the minimum shift of the second hand - is still the minimum shift of the second hand. And the values of the minimum shift are already different. And the word "point", and what it means, namely a graduation of time variation on a dial, doesn't become a point in any other way than as a point. A point is the minimum change in time that the dial of a watch can display.

And what you call 10 times 100 milliseconds (1 second - as you are used to) with such a dial is your business. You can call it what it is - change of time by 10 points, or you can call it a zakorozhka. Like - "it's been ten zakoruzhki. Not one second - yuck, but ten (!) zakoruzhki! How long I've been waiting"...
But a point as a minimum shift of a second hand will be a point, no matter what you call the usual gradation of time in one second.