Points VS Pips - page 58

Aleksandr Klapatyuk:

This is in the currency of the deposit.

Aleksandr Klapatyuk:

Well, he's calculating something - is it in pips or pips?

What's the difference? If in pips, profit in pips must be multiplied by the value of a pip; if in pips, profit in pips must be multiplied by the value of a pip; and if in chuburas, profit in chuburas must be multiplied by the value of a chuburas.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Why is this question so steadily ignored? Does vdrask break your reality?

can I ask you the same thing?)

are these fractions of "Does the Vdrask break your reality?"


Taras Slobodyanik:

can I ask you the same thing?)

Are these fractions, "Do the fractions break your reality?"

Where are the fractions in there?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

That's just the way they decided - to feed the data in that format. Maybe effective marketing, the first question that comes up is the spread, and then bang - the spread is one and a half sticks. If they had written that the spread was 15, it would have scared everyone. Or maybe they are so good and decided to preserve the usual reality for their clients.

so this "usual reality" in all banks, all brokers, all monitors, trader calculators - doesn't it "impress" you at all, and doesn't it break Vdrysk your reality?

Taras Slobodyanik:

So this "familiar reality" in all the banks, all the brokers, all the monitors, all the trader calculators - doesn't "impress" you at all, and doesn't it break Vdrysk your reality?

You have to look up sometimes, look around and be aware of where you are now. Probably in that bank or monitor the point value is 0.0001.

Aleksandr Klapatyuk:

Well - multiply . what will you multiply and by what?

By pips or by points in the Expert Advisor?

In EA, I will multiply the points by the cost of the point.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Where's the fraction in there?

Good question.

Taras Slobodyanik:

So this "familiar reality" in all banks, all brokers, all monitors, all trader calculators does not "impress" you at all, and does not break Vdrysk your reality?

You can count traders here on the fingers of one hand, all the rest are progers-olophorexniks with their zabubonami.

Taras Slobodyanik:

can I ask you the same thing?)

here are these fractions "Does the thrill break your reality?"

there's a line like "Everyone's almost crazy - even those who were crazy".

I'll give you this for "analysis" -- maybe your "analysis" will be more complete -- the first picture is from MT4, the second from MT5