Points VS Pips - page 16


It wouldn't be a problem if all the kitchens had the same price signatures. That is why in all publications on the topic and in all forums it is always stipulated - e.g. "set TP to 100 pips (4-digit)". If it says simply "set TP to 100 pips" - by default that means 100 pips on the 4-digit and 1000 pips on the 5-digit.

No wonder those who don't trade but only write owls are not aware of this.

Absolutely right!

Nikolay Ivanov:

You can trade with the knowledge of how things really are... don't be surprised. I think this thread is designed to educate.

Don't want to be enlightened, aka flatlanders )

Taras Slobodyanik:

on the contrary)

pips is the Percentage Point and in "western stock markets" no one divides pips)
They write 2.5 pips

OK, the English acronym pips, fits the term Basis Point (aka percentage), I agree with that.
A basis point has four decimal places.
You write that "the banking system counts in those pips".
And most likely you understand who lends to these banks at the refinancing rate or daily eurodollars (not to be confused with currency) and in what signs the calculation is used. ))

For retail forex a fifth digit is introduced to lower the entry threshold.
In retail forex, what do you call the fifth digit?
If the basis point has four digits, is it also a point in the fifth digit?
That's what the retailer's confusion comes from ))

Regarding western markets, I didn't write that they divide a pip,they divide a point.
In one SP500 futures point, there are 4 pips, or 4 ticks.
And what is the tick size on ZN 10 year US bonds ?
You might be surprised that it is 1/32 pips.

This may not be correct, but pip is now a tick,the minimum change in price.
That is, it has become slang in stock exchange jargon. Although in fact pips has a completely different term.

Сергей Таболин:

All the speculation about pips is, as in this example, some moron thought it would be more tempting. And in reality, how much will you get if you sell one US dollar? After all, everyone understands that the minimum indivisible item is a penny. Why and why would there be any extra digits there?

I don't know about Belarus, but at MICEX the size of one currency lot is $1,000. So that's right, the multiple is 1 kopeck.

It wouldn't be a problem if all kitchens had the same sign for quotes. That is why in all publications on the topic and in all forums it is always stipulated - e.g. "set TP to 100 pips (4-digit)". If it says simply "set TP to 100 pips" - by default that means 100 pips on the 4-digit and 1000 pips on the 5-digit.

No wonder those who don't trade but only write owls are not aware of this.

Here we go, now the pips are the fourth mark.

Shot. Don't look. Put it all in one place...

Next - definitely without me - shot w...

Сергей Таболин:

All the speculation about pips is, as in this example, some moron thought it would be more tempting. And in reality, how much will you get if you sell one US dollar? After all, everyone understands that the minimum indivisible item is a penny. Why and why would there be any extra digits?

The funny thing is that there is a server... we have a stop loss parameter in the settings = 1.

1 - is it 1 point or 1 pip? Some smart guys will ask, "How many decimal places does eurodollar have? Without an answer to this question, they get deflated and do not know what 1 is... All right, let's say 5 decimal places...

The smart guys split in two, some say 1 is a pip and others say 1 is a pip... And so it turns out that for those who believe that 1 is a point in 5 characters, but there are also pips, the programmer has to send to the server the number 10, that is, for some reason multiply the unit by 10 ... Eh, apparently the server is stupid, it doesn't read websites...


How in retail forex, do you call the fifth digit?

Why would you call it a pip?
it's a tenth of a pip and that's it, or 1/32

In MT4/MT5 it is called a pip (not a percentage), but as a minimum possible change.


Regarding western markets, I didn't write that they divide a pip, they divide a point.

a pip is a pip - in western markets)

pips is the difference in pips because their name is pips.

Artyom Trishkin:

Here we go, now the pips are the fourth mark.

Shot. Don't look. Put it all in one place...

Next, without me - shot himself...

))) Nah, he was always the fourth. I know what you mean - after coming to the tailrace after the bullhorn, I was looking for a gun too ))

In one point of SP500 futures, 4 pips, or 4 ticks.
And what is the tick size on ZN 10 year US bonds ?
You might be surprised that 1/32 pips.

My understanding of basic concepts is collapsing...

Stupidly, I thought that a tick is just a price change (exaggerated), and it may occur in 5ms or 5s and has no direct relation to the points, because this very tick may contain one or ten points... And that's how it turns out... A tick may contain 1/32 of an indivisible minimum value...

I'm going to a nunnery. A convent, of course... Goodbye, everybody.

Artyom Trishkin:

Here we go, now the pips are the fourth mark.

Shot. Don't look. Put it all in one place...

Next, without me, shoot yourself...

Artem, shoot yourself.