From practice to theory and back to practice - page 28


Nothing is at rest, everything moves, everything vibrates. Everything flows, flows in, flows out; everything has its ebb and flow; everything rises and falls; a pendulum-like oscillation manifests itself in everything. The measure of oscillation to the left is the measure of oscillation to the right. The rhythms are compensated. This principle encapsulates the truth that in everything there is manifested a measure of movement to one side and to the other, an ebb and flow; swinging forward and backward, pendulum-like motion - something like the movement of the ebb and flow, high and low tide, between the two poles, which exist in accordance with the Principle of Polarity described earlier.

Aleksandr Volotko:
Wrong.... The sun also flies in a spiral.... And the radius of this spiral is expanding and contracting)
Aleksandr Volotko:

Just went outside. The sunset has a great view of the satellites. I think the ISS was flying by. Such a bright moving star in the sky. It's a rare sight to see.

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:
Wrong.... The sun also spirals.... The radius of this spiral expands and then narrows.)

The spiral is large. It doesn't fit in the picture.

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:
Wrong.... The sun also goes in a spiral.... The radius of this spiral is expanding and contracting)

Look at the way the angle changes. Everything there is moving in a spiral.

Aleksandr Volotko:

Look at the way the angle changes. Everything there is moving in a spiral.

Those who don't understand can't see. Every fall I read the same thing.Tour operator customers stranded in airports.

Isn't it funny, guys?

Застрявшие в аэропортах клиенты туроператора Thomas Cook. Фоторепортаж
Застрявшие в аэропортах клиенты туроператора Thomas Cook. Фоторепортаж
  • 2019.09.23
  • РБК
Британский туроператор Thomas Cook 23 сентября объявил о своей ликвидации. Компания включает в себя российские компании «Интурист» и «Библио-Глобус». Несмотря на то, что туроператор заявил, что ликвидация не отразится на туристах, некоторые из них столкнулись со сложностями: например, на Майорке или в Тунисе, где людей...
Uladzimir Izerski:

Those who don't understand won't see. Every autumn I read the same thing.Tour operator customers stuck in airports

Isn't that funny, guys?

Let the tourists not whine. They need to be shown this picture and explained that while they feel that they cannot fly anywhere, they are flying somewhere in the vastness of the universe at an epic speed. It's free.

Aleksandr Volotko:

Let the tourists not whine. They should be shown this picture and told that while they think they can't go anywhere, they are flying somewhere across the vastness of the universe at an epic speed. Free of charge.

)) Loved it.Honestly.


Drimmer, check it out, I found you a good alternative to the factory!

It's a real grail! You don't have to worry about running out of salt when you're old and getting fired - people have been working there for generations, and the areas developed in the forties are practically ready to be re-developed, so you can mine salt there forever, can you imagine?!

Озеро Баскунчак — бесконечное месторождение соли
Озеро Баскунчак — бесконечное месторождение соли
На солёном озере Баскунчак добывают 80% всей российской соли. Под водоёмом находится соляная гора, которая уходит вглубь примерно на 6 километров. Соледобытчики компании «Руссоль» работают открытым способом, то есть срезают самый верхний слой. Соль с Баскунчака подходит и для еды, и для…
Aleksandr Volotko:

Drimmer, check it out, I found you a good alternative to the factory!

It's a real grail! You don't have to worry about running out of salt at your old age and getting fired - people have been working there for generations, and the areas developed in the forties are practically ready for re-development, i.e. you can mine salt there forever, can you imagine?!

I think so, it's a fantastic place, the Krenometer is very cool, it's ladylike, I can't wait to drain it all and go to the salt mine!