From practice to theory and back to practice - page 17

Uladzimir Izerski:

Let me add.)

So they don't run around with sticks, but (oh progress!!!) with shuffles, with burnt-out trousers, with leaky pockets. (Thank you)

Nevertheless, you eat what he, who has a shuffle, grew, wear what he sewed, poke those buttons, which he assembled.

The worker can live without the speculators. And what will you do without him? Will you be typing "send me a crust of bread"? And who's going to do that?

You only live because someone digs in the dirt, grows and picks bread. And you treat them with contempt. I'd put people like you up against the wall without remorse and with great pleasure...

Think about it. If you have any, of course.

Сергей Таболин:

Nevertheless, you eat what That One with the shuffle has grown, wear what That One has sewn, poke at the buttons that That One has assembled.

The Worker can live without the Smarties speculators. And what will you do without him? Will you be typing "send me a crust of bread"? And who's going to do that?

You only live because someone digs in the dirt, grows and picks bread. And you treat them with contempt. I'd put people like you up against the wall without remorse and with great pleasure...

Think about it. If you have any, of course.

All professions are needed and all skills are needed too... it's fascism to the wall... and even more so without remorse...

Сергей Криушин:

All professions are needed and so are all units... to the wall is already fascism... and even more so without conscience...

Is it fascism to swat a mosquito? Although he (the mosquito) did not choose his fate to parasitize warm-blooded people... But a speculator who calls people who feed him a cattle is not worthy of a mosquito. So - against the wall and with pleasure! )))

Сергей Таболин:

Nevertheless, you eat what That One with the shuffle has grown, wear what That One has sewn, poke at the buttons that That One has assembled.

The Worker can live without the Smarties speculators. And what will you do without him? Will you be typing "send me a crust of bread"? And who's going to do that?

You only live because someone digs in the dirt, grows and picks bread. And you treat them with contempt. I'd put people like you up against the wall without remorse and with great pleasure...

Think about it. If you have any, of course.

In my opinion, you're a typical proletarian. Yes. I'm all for justice too.

But don't get me wrong. Why would there be 150 million bankers in a country with 150 million people?

I think one phrase is enough for you.

Uladzimir Izerski:

My opinion is that you are a typical proletarian. Yes. I'm all for justice too.

But don't get me wrong. Why would there be 150 million bankers in a country of 150 million people?

I think one phrase is enough for you.

Maybe I have misunderstood you (about you specifically), in which case I apologize. But the essence of my statement does not change a bit.

Сергей Таболин:

Is swatting a mosquito also fascist? Although he (the mosquito) did not choose his fate to parasitize warm-blooded people... But a speculator who calls the people who feed him cattle is not worthy of a mosquito. So - against the wall and with pleasure! )))

Well, God is your judge...but from a human point of view even a mosquito is pitiable... And you with such evil black thoughts end badly... self-destructive... the worker does not invent everything himself, but does it according to the drawings of some clever guy...

Сергей Криушин:

Well, God is your judge...but from a human point of view even a mosquito is pitiable... and you with such evil black thoughts end badly... self-destructive... a worker doesn't invent everything himself, he makes it according to some smart guy's drawings...

I don't have evil thoughts... And the point that the mosquito is just a pity to kill, but it is not fascism, has unfortunately escaped you...

If there is no worker, no one will have any blueprints. But a scythe, a sickle, a plough, a harrow... any worker will make one without a blueprint. And that, not speculation, is the basis of life. And if a speculator doesn't understand this and disrespects the real producers of goods, the Slavs don't need such genes...

All right, that's enough of this flubbery.

Сергей Таболин:

My thoughts are not evil... And the point that it is a pity to kill a mosquito, but it is not fascism, has unfortunately escaped you...

If there is no worker, no one will have any blueprints. But a scythe, a sickle, a plough, a harrow... any worker will make one without a blueprint. And that, not speculation, is the basis of life. And if a speculator doesn't understand this and disrespects the real producers of goods, the Slavs don't need such genes...

All right, enough of this bullshit.

Yes everyone is for peace for friendship.

But the world is changing.

I agree.

That's it, enough of this bullshit.


Worse - any job for a wage is for losers

Good thing they invented forex. Will enrich you chosen ones.

Oleg Bondarev:

Good thing they invented forex. Enrich you chosen ones.

Why do you say that? He works for a paycheck himself, it's just that he is self-critical and says all he thinks about himself - without choosing his words.

And he doesn't even trade on forex on the demo. At least there is no evidence to the contrary.