A question for OOP experts. - page 37

Why aren't you sleeping? I'm sitting at the airport, but someone was talking about a marketable number of women with frying pans))) The moderator is understandable, he's not supposed to by his job description.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Well, in Sharp and MQL, pointers are handles. And the .NET code has been officially open for a long time. Has anyone here tried to port delegates to MQL yet?

What is the point of this and why? So what if the .NET code is open? Who was supposed to be trying to port these delegates? How can expert writers who write in mql and not terminal developers port them? Who are you referring to? Is it really so bad? - You have got everything mixed up here.

These delegates are not needed here, because pointers to functions have been available here for a long time, they are used and work in the same way as those delegates.

Artyom Trishkin:

October 15 maybe?

Artem, that's my understanding too. But I think programmers should express themselves unambiguously.

It's not your favourite girls to peck - there you switch on a bullshit generator and the chickens fall into the trough )))) Later in the humour example, not here.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What is the point of this and why? So what if the .NET code is open? Who was supposed to be trying to port these delegates? How can expert writers who write in mql and not terminal developers port them? Who are you referring to? Is it really so bad? - You have messed up everything here.

And we don't need these delegates, because pointers to functions have been available and used here for a long time, and they work exactly the same way as those delegates do.

Dima, the delegates are the classes with all the advantages they bring. While the function pointers are from ancient C. Have a good night's sleep, it's Sunday in St. Petersburg, are you on Mars? ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Dima, delegates are classes with all the advantages they bring. And pointers to functions are from ancient C. Have a good night's sleep, it's Sunday in St. Petersburg, are you on Mars? ))

Of course, you should start with events, it's much easier here.


События C# по-человечески
События C# по-человечески
  • habr.com
Невозможно, просто взять и вникнуть в этот глубокий смысл, изучая События (event) в просторах базового и, на первый взгляд, бесконечного C#. Когда я изучал События (не в рамках .NET!), потратил много сил, чтобы, наконец-то, разобраться, как они устроены и должны конструироваться. Поэтому, я решил опубликовать свою методику понимания структуры...
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Dima, delegates are classes with all the advantages they bring. And pointers to functions are from ancient C. Have a good night's sleep, it's Sunday in St. Petersburg, are you on Mars? ))

Why don't you ride your girls' ears and maybe you'll impress them? But here and now with your arguments you look idiotic - something like: "I hear a bell, but I don't know where it is". Maybe you've read only the first sentence of some article about delegates in c#?

Maybe it's time for you to go on holiday... ...or wherever it is you don't usually go for 10 days? - Detox?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

You have to start with events, of course, but it's easier.


No, guys, I haven't tried it, I just had a drunken thought yesterday, it's not a native plus.

For newbies, in the great and terrible C++, the pointer points to what you, the bastard, pointed to.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Why don't you go around telling your girls, they might be impressed. But here and now you look idiotic with your arguments - something like "I hear a bell, but I don't know where it is". Maybe you've read only the first sentence of some article about delegates in c#?

Maybe it's time for you to go on holiday... ...or wherever it is you don't usually go for 10 days? - Detox?

I've been on a deep holiday for 10 years )))) Go get a beer.

What's not clear on the case, exactly?

I respect you, but you can see the inadequacy in your mind, MS is already anxious ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Dima, delegates are classes with all the advantages they bring. And pointers to functions are from ancient C. Have a good night's sleep, it's Sunday in St. Petersburg, are you on Mars? ))

Of course, you should start with events, it's much easier here.


Started to think even worse about sharpe. Some unnecessary tinsel around the pointer.

Like fancy, spinners instead of bearings, delegates instead of pointers )). I hope that all this won't get through in C++.


Started to think of sharpe even worse. Some unnecessary tinsel around the pointer.

Kinda fancy, spinners instead of bearings, delegates instead of pointers )). I hope that all this won't sneak into C++.

Also, write to Renat and ask him to make native signs )))) He is a cultured man, he does not swear, but he is ready to talk about safety from fools forever.


On the plus side, everything is fine, but it is not safe for the application.

1. Each application is allocated its own virtual address zero, i.e. it thinks that it lives alone in its own isolated space.

2. I don't know, the docs don't describe what rights indicators and EAs have in the address space of one running terminal.

I guess they made the maximum delimitation, so that I can't hack into someone else's memory.