A question for OOP experts. - page 33


It's a shame that this is so, it's a very interesting and rather difficult task to solve. And especially the trending part...

Peter likes to philosophize. And if his flight of fancy is hampered by the limits of the task, he's not interested :)
If we could just talk about nothing, that would be the power...

If we consider a trend as an object, such properties are:

  • direction;
  • strength;
  • duration.

Artyom Trishkin:
Peter likes to philosophise. And where his mind is constrained by the limits of the task, he is not interested :)
If you could just talk about nothing, that's the power...
So I am solving a specific task - developing AI. And these views are a theoretical basis for it. We simply have different scales of tasks.
Реter Konow:
That's how I solve a specific problem - developing AI. And these views are the theoretical basis for it. It's just that the scale of our tasks is different.
Exactly :D
Dmitry Fedoseev:

If we consider a trend as an object, such properties are:

  • direction;
  • strength;
  • duration.

The direction is not difficult to take into account and use. Duration is a little more complicated. What is "strength" and how do you measure and apply it?

Artyom Trishkin:
Peter likes to philosophize. And where flights of fancy are constrained by the limits of the task - he's not interested :)
If you could just talk about nothing, that's the power...

The "flight of fancy" alone is not enough, some use would be made of it...

Реter Konow:

Everything is an Object.

An entity is a concrete form of representation of an Object. For example:

  • Property
  • State
  • Form
  • Process
  • Event
  • The phenomenon

are Objects. But, they are different. Let's consider how they are different:

  1. In essence, the Object is the "node" of the interrelationship of entities (properties, states, events...). It is the specificity of the "assembly" that distinguishes Objects. Obviously, in neurophysiology, " looking through the Object prism", is the generation of nodes of interrelationships that "grow into" individual properties, - states, forms, types and events. Figuratively, the Object is a "chain" of pointers to entities, or "information linking centre". And, such concept of Object answers the question "how does a man remember meaning without words? In this context, - Meaning is a "node bundle" with an individual "character". We remember the 'signature' of the link assembly, and the linguistic wrapper, - a property that acts as a 'variable' with variants of possible meanings. Words are the current meanings of invariant meanings, which in turn are the "cast" of entities in an individual combination. Words are "anchored" to link nodes, as values are "anchored" to a property. Words are "pointers" to entities, with an additional context attached, like - style, form, tone... They "enliven" dry information by storing and conveying subjective attitudes to meaning.

2. let's consider the forms of representation of an Object:

  • Property - an object representing types and sets of possible values.
  • State - an object representing an assemblage of properties with discrete values "pulled" from some processes in which they were originally "bubbling". It is a "Phase" of processes, - a "Snapshot" of parameter values "plucked" from continuous change for a moment.
  • Form - an object representing the "signature" (unique qualities) of any assembly (node centre) i.e. - Object. The properties of a Form can be space, time, type, method, etc... A Form contains a signature and represents all of its properties.
  • A Process is an object representing a "flow" of changes in property values. Processes are distinguished by specific assemblies of properties and the nature of their changes. Processes have signatures, i.e. - shapes and types, which are their properties.
  • An event is an object representing a change. Any transition of the values of the parameters of forms, states, processes, all is an Event. Any change is an Event.
  • A phenomenon is an object representing a known or unknown semantic assembly on top of a known Reality or Situation. The phenomenon can separate Existence and Nonexistence of the object, and therefore, divides the Reality by the principle of "Known/Unknowable", "Existing/Not Existing". As properties, the phenomenon contains Event, Cause, Form, States.
"Scanning" of Reality by Consciousness, reveals links of objects, among which there are known or unknown before. Consciousness remembers Reality and systematizes knowledge of it. Reality constantly reveals new phenomena, which are parsed by consciousness into known and unknown objects. This is the principle by which AI must operate.

Wow! Have you read Stroustrup?

Koldun Zloy:

Wow! Have you read Stroustrup?

I haven't. I'll read it at my leisure. What do you recommend?

Kant, Hegel. A long time ago. But, I developed a particular model of the "object" myself.

Koldun Zloy:

Wow! Have you read Stroustrup?

The fact is that the concept of OOP in programming grew out of the philosophy of several millennia. But, unlike philosophers, programmers took only a small part of theoretical material. Read Hegel and you will understand how poor the philosophy presented in programming is. But this is understandable, for it is engineering. However, the essence of philosophy is the same.

Direction is not difficult to consider and use. Duration is a little more difficult. What is "power" and how do you measure and apply it?

We are not talking about that here. It is only about singling out an object from a common set of entities.