How do you see Metatrader X in 2030? - page 7

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I have roughly outlined the development of the platform in 13 years, but what will be another 10 years, let's fantasize? Maybe some fantasies will be reflected in future developments ))

So, here you are - it is allowed to fantasize.

It turns out I'm not allowed to post anything on the forum - just write to the admins.


Add this overload

Add this line.

OK, got it together, the test script seems to work:

#property strict
#include <fxsaber\TypeToBytes.mqh>        //
#define  POSTFIX "___"
string GetName(const string Name,const int Num,const string PostFix=POSTFIX)
   return(Name + PostFix + (string)Num);
bool _GlobalVariableDel(const string Name)
   return(GlobalVariableDel(Name) && (GlobalVariablesDeleteAll(Name + POSTFIX) >= 0));

#define  GLOBAL_VARIABLE_SET(A)                                                        \
template<typename T>\
  datetime _GlobalVariableSet(const string Name,const T A) \
  {                                                                                   \
    _GlobalVariableDel(Name);                                                         \
    double Array[];                                                                   \
    const datetime Res=GlobalVariableSet(Name,_ArrayCopy(Array,_R(Value).Bytes)); \
    const int Size=ArraySize(Array);                                                \
    for(int i=0; i<Size; i++) \
      GlobalVariableSet(GetName(Name,i),Array[i]);                                  \
    return(Res);                                                                      \


#define  GLOBAL_VARIABLE_GET(A)                                              \
  {                                                                         \
    double Array[];                                                         \
    const int Amount=(int)Tmp;                                            \
    const int Size=ArrayResize(Array,Amount/sizeof(double)+\
((Amount%sizeof(double)==0) ? 0 : 1)); \
    for(int i=0; i<Size; i++) \
      Array[i]=GlobalVariableGet(GetName(Name,i));                       \
    uchar Bytes[];                                                          \
    _ArrayCopy(Bytes,Array,0,0,Amount);                                 \
    _W(A)=Bytes;                                                          \
template<typename T>
const T _GlobalVariableGet(const string Name)
   T Res; //
   double Tmp;


template<typename T>
bool _GlobalVariableGet(const string Name,T &Value)
   double Tmp;
   const bool Res=GlobalVariableGet(Name,Tmp);


template<typename T>
bool _GlobalVariableGet(const string Name,T &Value[])
   double Tmp;
   const bool Res=GlobalVariableGet(Name,Tmp);

      double Array[];

      const int Amount=(int)Tmp;
      const int Size=ArrayResize(Array,Amount/sizeof(double)+
                                 ((Amount%sizeof(double)==0) ? 0 : 1));

      for(int i=0; i<Size; i++)



void OnStart()
   string Name="Name";

// Записываем/считываем строки
   _GlobalVariableSet(Name,"Hello World!");

// Записываем/считываем простые структуры
   MqlTick Tick;

   Print("time --> ",_GlobalVariableGet<MqlTick>(Name).time);
   Print("bid --> ",_GlobalVariableGet<MqlTick>(Name).bid);

// Записываем/считываем массивы
   MqlTick Ticks[2];

   Ticks[0] = Tick;
   Ticks[1] = Tick;


   MqlTick ReadTicks[2];


   for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
      Print(i," : time  --> ",ReadTicks[i].time);
      Print(i," :  bid  --> ",ReadTicks[i].bid);


It's a rather cumbersome construction for simple tasks, I'm not sure if I want to use it, it's easier to write it to a file, so I'll think about it.

Thank you for your time!

Igor Makanu:

A rather cumbersome design for simple tasks

Does bulky matter if it's completely hidden in an incluid?


Ten years seems an awfully long time only to tailless monkeys who hardly live to be 100 ))

Trading will still be on a four. Code and tick fanatics will still be on five. 25% of all users will move to web (TV). Option traders on mamba will stay on quick.

Bedocoin will reach 450,000, info 100!


Ten years seems an awfully long time only to tailless monkeys who hardly live to be 100 ))

Trading will still be on a four. Code and tick fanatics will still be on five. 25% of all users will move to web (TV). Option holders on mamba will stay on quick.

Bedocoin will make it to 450,000, info hundred!

This is unlikely... Imagine if a full-fledged Artificial Intelligence is launched by that year. Of course, I myself thought recently that it couldn't appear that quickly, but recent thinking about exactly how it should work has assured me that I was wrong. It would be much faster. I would have built a prototype of it myself in 10 years, let alone the IT giants with their capabilities.

Now, if an AI is created, it will trade. And MT4 won't be able to handle it.

Реter Konow:

It's unlikely... Imagine if a full-fledged Artificial Intelligence was launched by that year. Of course, I myself recently thought it couldn't come up that quickly, but recent thinking about exactly how it should work has assured me that I was wrong. It will be much faster. I would have built a prototype of it myself in 10 years, let alone the IT giants with their capabilities.

Now, if the AI is created, it will trade. And MT4 won't be able to handle it.

If there are AIs that everyone will always trade at least a cent profit, and everyone has access to those AIs, stock trading will simply disappear. But I have good news: it won't )

And the engine, in general, can be bolted onto any kitchen toaster that has an external interface.


If there were to be AIs that everyone always traded at least a cent profit, and everyone had access to those AIs, stock trading would just disappear. But I have good news: it won't )

And the engine, in general, can be bolted onto any kitchen toaster that has an external interface.

The AI will trade like normal people, but will be owned by extraordinary people. For ordinary people, some other intellectual game for money will be invented, because there will be no point in renting out the AI to them. In fact, how long will people believe the pictures of the tester? Centuries? Soon people's genetic memory will have the understanding that no grail exists and the crowds will stop carrying money to the kitchens.

As for the technical side of creating AI, trust me, its creation is realistic in the next 10 years.

Реter Konow:

AIs will trade like ordinary people, but will be owned by extraordinary people. For ordinary people, some other smart money game will be invented, because there will be no point in renting out the AI to them. In fact, how long will people believe the pictures of the tester? Centuries? Soon people's genetic memory will have the understanding that no grail exists and the crowds will stop carrying money to the kitchens.

As for the technical side of creating AI, trust me, its creation is realistic in the next 10 years.

I fear that if AI is created, our place will be somewhere under the bedchamber, we will have to make way for more advanced beings. Maybe that was our mission. To own, to rent, well, well. You'll be wiping resistors for a handful of rice ))


I fear that if an AI is created, our place will be somewhere under the bedchamber, needing to make way for more perfect beings. Maybe that was our mission. To own, to rent, well, well ))

I understand the sarcasm, but seriously, an AI is not going to be any more perfect than a human. Not at all. On the contrary, it will be much inferior. But, it will have strengths and benefits that people will use all over the place. There could be widespreadunemployment. But there will be no takeover of the world by the AI, because there is nothing easier than to underwork its Ego, leaving it flawed and non-self-sufficient. Or, not to work on self-awareness, personality, individuality, psyche. To leave only logic, knowledge, the ability to work with semantic constructions and disconnect emotions and feelings. Or rather, don't even develop them. Without this, AI will be an obedient dog in the hands of humans.
Unemployment Rate - Великобритания - MetaTrader 5
Unemployment Rate - Великобритания - MetaTrader 5
Unemployment rate — количество безработных по отношению к численности трудоспособного населения. Claimant count — наиболее регулярный показатель безработицы, он означает количество заявлений...
Реter Konow:

AIs will trade like ordinary people, but will be owned by extraordinary people. For ordinary people, some other smart money game will be invented, because there will be no point in renting out the AI to them. In fact, how long will people believe the pictures of the tester? Centuries? Soon people's genetic memory will understand that there is no grail, and the crowds will stop carrying money to the kitchens.

As for the technical side of creating AI, believe me, its creation is realistic in the next 10 years.

So you should be more specific about unusual people )) unusual people have such systems - already. The masses will not have them. The masses will be fed another grotal with which they are about to get rich at last, lying on the cooker and the dream of the proletariat will come true. We have been through all this before. Only now this groal will be called an AI, which it won't be, or will be inherently unprofitable. So, we can safely continue to trade 4 o'clock and not worry ))

If the real AI is released to free float, it will be as Vict described and the only recourse will be to blow up the power lines )))