How do you see Metatrader X in 2030?


I was wondering, I've been trading forex for about 13 years, I started with MT4 in 2006. I only got into this topic because my girlfriend at the time asked me to help me understand the terminal, and I happily discovered some C-like language, MQL4, and got hooked. It's funny to remember, I was working in English in the terminal and was sure that it was a western development. When I found out that the guys from Kazan made it, I got cognitive dissonance)).

So, 13 years passed, I can mark several stages in the development of MT* terminals.

1. The beginning of MT5 development, I think it was 2009. The development of MT5 was started, I think it was in 2009. At that time I used to visit alp forum, I still remember how Renat visited it with his propaganda, and I used to argue that netting scheme is dead commercially on forex.

2. a very important milestone for me, early 2013, the release of the new MT4 build > 600. Man, I was thrilled, there were structures, even classes, new normal defines like in C++. Finally all bugs have been fixed, editor won't crashed during copy-paste, and other bugs have been fixed too. Since before I used to write all my strategies in C# via a bridge to C++, and now I started porting my code to MQL4, since it became possible to work normally instead of shuffling.

3. I do not remember the year here, may be it is 2016? Please correct. My idea was to use hedge version of MT5, that´s why I decided to switch to MT5.

4. can't remember the year either, around 2018? Single compiler and possibility to write one multiplatform project in MT5. That's how I've been writing for myself ever since. When I offer this opportunity to my Customers, 90% of them accept it at once, absolutely all of them don't even know about it. For multiplatform I recommend the MT4Orders libu from fxsaber, you may find it in kodobase.

5. This is a hodgepodge of stuff, since MT5 is constantly evolving, this is very pleasing.

I have roughly outlined the platform's development over 13 years, but what will happen in 10 more years? Maybe some fantasies will be reflected in future developments ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

and what happens in another 10 years?

there will finally be multiple inheritance at least through interfaces

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Shall we make some fantasies? Maybe some fantasies will be reflected in future developments ))

there will be a way of data exchange between EAs running on different charts

The fact that MT5 is developing is great, but MT4 is still relevant (there are topics on the forum on usage statistics). Therefore it would be more correct to say whether MT5 can outrun MT4 by the number of active users in 2030? I think that in the next 5 years at least MT4 will still be relevant .
I don't know, MT4 is good enough for me.
Igor Makanu:

Multiple inheritance will finally appear, at least through interfaces

there will be a way of exchanging data between EAs running on different charts

Yes, interfaces in their current form are nothing at all, just decoration. As for multiple, I don't use it that often in pure form in pluses and in interfaces in sharpe, maybe I'm just afraid of it. I used to ride with Chechens on arrows in 90s without any fears, but I'm afraid of plurals )). Not yet enlightened.

And what method of exchange do you propose? In simple terms, you can go through the files. Despite the anachronism, quite fast. If we put on the Market, then unequivocally Memory Mapping. Both files and MMFs can be exchanged between terminals.

Evgeniy Zhdan:
I don't know, MT4 is good enough for me.

That's ok, my mum has an old girlfriend who still listens to wired radio, I didn't even know that antiquity still worked ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

That's ok, my mum has an old girlfriend who still listens to wired radio, I didn't even know that antiquity still worked ))

And an acquaintance of mine still has a black and white tube TV.

Sergii Krutyi:
The fact that MT5 is developing is great, but MT4 is still relevant (there are topics on the forum on usage statistics). Therefore it would be more correct to say whether MT5 can outrun MT4 by the number of active users in 2030? I think that in the next 5 years at least MT4 will still be relevant .

A year or two and it will. If this forum had not had a "one user less, one user more, we do not care" approach, it would not have sunk like the Titanic. A year and a half ago it was in third place among forex forums, and now? Look at Alex's rank.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yeah, the interfaces as they are now are nothing at all, just decoration. As for plural, I don't use it that often in its pure form in pros and in interfaces in Sharp, maybe I'm just afraid of it. I used to ride with Chechens on arrows in 90s without any fears, but I'm afraid of plurals )). Not yet enlightened.

And what method of exchange do you propose? In simple terms, you can go through the files. Despite the anachronism, quite fast. If we put on the Market, then unequivocally Memory Mapping. Both files and MMF can be exchanged between terminals.

Any standard function that will send to the global variables of the terminal an array of bytes (although it would be better to send an int array, so there would be less questions about how to convert it) and, respectively, the reverse function that will read this array in another Expert Advisor.

Global Variables is just not enough to exchange data - there is a large field for the variable name and a small field for data, in the form of one double, the opposite is needed ;)

HH: there are a lot of examples on the net for parsing decision graphs, mostly due to the interfaces achieve a flexible code structure, interfaces are everywhere, in MQL no ((

Alexey Volchanskiy:

3. I can't remember the year here, must be 2016? Correct me. Finally they released a hedge version of MT5, personally I'm motivated to switch to MT5.

Are you still locking ? then we are coming to you !!!

Doesn't anyone need a faster and more accurate tester ? Especially now that it's possible to use tick history. Still have to fiddle with the commission though.... Is it really so hard to put the value of commission in a separate field?

My personal reaction to OOP is to each his own, who wants to use procedural style (like me). Although I understand a little bit of OOP. But have you tried to analyze the code of fxsaber? It's not even clear what should be understandable ...!

For the stock exchange MT5 is little more suitable than a phone call to the broker. The tester does not take into account the specifics of execution. demo accounts are still glitchy and also do not reflect the reality of execution. Again commissions and deductions are totally misleading. On the tester you have a plus, on the demo account you have a plus. But on the real account the losses are significant.

The difference between the brokers and the real ones is that the brokerage companies are not planning to sign on to the MT5 and, as a rule, they offer the best conditions. But all the kitchens think it's a matter of honour to provide MT5 in all kinds. This is like an indicator of canteenness!
If there is a MT5, it means either a closed-loop kitchen or the bridge to the liquidity aggregator is not new and so is not what you need.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

That's ok, my mum has an old girlfriend who still listens to wired radio, I didn't even know this antiquity still worked ))

The comparison is not correct. If you were to compare, say, that I open orders by calling a wired phone to the DC, then I agree.