Optimisation vs Fitting in the story - page 8

Uladzimir Izerski:

Understood. You're not quite there yet).

Man, I told you to leave your stale thoughts in your own thread.
Uladzimir Izerski:

You don't have to make it up. There are already words that make sense.

Okay... for example, I'm testing MAs.

I find the optimal parameters at which there is a profit.

And this is optimization or fitting?)

where is the line?)

Vladimir Baskakov:
Damn it, I told you to leave your mossy thoughts in your own thread.

Hush, hush, commander.

What kind of cultured person talks to visitors in your thread like that?

Uladzimir Izerski:

Hush, hush, commander.

What kind of cultured person talks to visitors in your thread like that?

I don't understand this untranslatable set of words.
Martin_Apis_Bot Cheguevara:

Okay... for example, I'm testing MAs.

I find the optimal parameters for which there is a profit.

And this is optimization or fitting?)

Where is the line?)

There is no boundary.

Neither optimization nor fitting will be exact parameters for the future market.

There is a real market with its own nuances of the history, but it doesn't depend on the current moment.

That is the most important thing.

Tics are the most precise moment of truth.

But I don't use them . It's an expensive treat. You can skip them and lower the discreteness.

Uladzimir Izerski:

But there is no edge.

Neither optimisation nor fitting will be the exact parameters of the future market.

There is a living market, with its own subtleties of small nuances of history, but subject to the current moment.

That is the most important thing.

Tics are the most precise moment of truth.

But I don't use them . It's an expensive treat. You can skip them and lower the discreteness.

Of course the current one. I would underline it with two lines, but there is no such thing here.

I would add: the current state is created just like the past.

However, the past in the current moment has already been analysed and altered by the pre-existing current and has absolutely no impact on the present and future.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Of course the current one. I would have underlined it with two lines, but there is no such thing here.

Dear Yusuf has not yet been able to reach the current moment of truth.

But close.))

He is late, and one very maaaaaaaalllittle step behind. Tick.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Of course the current one. I would have underlined it with two lines, but there is no such thing here.

I would add: the current state is created just like the past state.

However, the past in the present moment has already been analysed and altered by the pre-existing current state and has absolutely no influence on the present and future .

+1) absolutely right!

except for one little nuance;)

Uladzimir Izerski:

Dear Yusuf has not yet been able to reach the current moment of truth.

But he is close)))

He's late, and one very maaaaaaaalllittle step behind. Tick.

A tick is the formation of the current price taking into account the previous price and all transactions per tick

and sort of the whole point

"but" only in the intentions of the robots is the future.
Renat Akhtyamov:

tick is the formation of the current price taking into account the previous price and all transactions per tick

And that's kind of the whole point.

"but" only in the intentions of the robots is the future.

So I am not denying market history at all. It already exists and contributes to the future.