A strategy with which to get into shorts. Usually before the cut-off, on stocks that can be shorted, JUNE JULY Harvest - page 7

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I used to trade with my hands almost daily, intaraday. But it was very tiring. Now I trade occasionally, so as not to lose my qualifications.

Too bad the liquidity in options is low now - you can't get a position together. I gave up in 2015. Now I have decided to resume - the situation is still a disaster. It was almost a win-win option.

I have a friend who trades options, and he earns very badly, because with such volatility, the strike

can change in a week.

But even with such poor liquidity, he manages to gain positions.


I have a friend who trades options, and he's not making much money, because with all the volatility, the strike

can change in a week.

But even with such poor liquidity, he manages to gain positions.

I had a different strategy - strangles and positions based on them. Adjustments once every day or two. My position has already decayed 3-4 strings away from the centre, so I cannot hold it for a long time. We have to balance the position and we need liquidity. There was not much liquidity even before 2015, but it was enough.


Here, gentlemen, is what the owner of the Forex-Grail is telling us.

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Renat Akhtyamov, 2019.06.30 23:53

I'm hanging a tucha pic, is there something wrong with it?

You simply cannot repeat this on the stock market, no matter how hard you want it, because it is done in such a way that the money flies only as in the casino machines, that is, on luck.


In short, give up your exchanges and go to Forex. There, on the stock exchange, there's nothing but fraud. Not to mention clearing is a scary thing.

ZZS It is necessary to call Renat in the theme, let us explain in more detail, or a lecture about the exchange.

Look at how much Magnet (spot) will be worth at the open tomorrow in the first minute or two...

I gave a strategy and it's up to everyone to use it or not.

And then it's not all "charms" .....

And what has Magnit got to do with it, the strategy is for any spot futures pair!

Why doesn't it take, I am interested in your strategy. I even wanted to try it out. But then I found out from my broker, he doesn't have a single account.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

This, gentlemen, is what the owner of the Forex-Grail is telling us.

In short, leave your exchanges and go to Forex. There, in the stock market, it's all cheating. Not to mention the clearing - a terrible thing.

ZZS It is necessary to call Renat into the thread, let him give us a more detailed explanation, or a lecture on the stock market.

You just can't make much money on the exchange with $100. That's why everybody sits on the forex market. And clearing is a scary thing for them, because losses are deducted from the account during clearing immediately, not after the position is closed like in Forex.

Vitalii Ananev:

Why doesn't it take, I was interested in your strategy. I even wanted to try it out in practice. But then I found out from my broker, he doesn't have a single account.

The fund and forts always have different accounts, or rather sub-accounts.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Funds and forts always have different accounts, or rather sub-accounts.

This I know, but@prostotrader once wrote that he opened a single account for this strategy. That is, funds for trading stock and futures markets are in one account.

Vitalii Ananev:

This I know, but@prostotrader once wrote that he opened a single account for this strategy. That is, funds for trading on the stock and futures markets are in one account.

Strange. Different platforms - different accounts.
I don't understand why I need it - a single account and what it prevents. What difference does it make which pocket the money is in?
There are some inconveniences with securing futures, but it doesn't change the amount.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Weird. Different venues - different accounts.
I don't really understand why it is necessary to have a single account and why it is a hindrance. What difference does it make which pocket the money is in?
There are some inconveniences with securing futures, but it doesn't change the amount.

I can't say. In my opinion it's convenient to have everything in one account.@prostotrader wrote that there are some nuances related to CS, but I don't remember exactly. Maybe he'll show up and explain.


You are counting the CS incorrectly,

GO is taken 10% (if the BA is bought) of the initial GO of the seller, i.e. not 4506000, but69232rubles.

Can you tell me where you can read about this from the broker?

Last year I took a pose for the "whole" account, as you said (BA + futures) from the opener on a single account. The broker charged 14% p.a. for that. Maybe something has changed now.

I do not know what to do with them now.

I actually "fell" into this kind of interest.


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