The power of C++ - page 16

Yuriy Asaulenko:
Nothing much, you update something, you can get packet mismatch. At zero level you might not even notice it.
With VS, that may be the case, but MS has nothing to do with Python. The question is - why? What exactly do you get out of it?

Probably just a fast entry threshold, because the environment is familiar. In general, I prefer to feel everything myself. When I opened a channel on Zen, on another forum everyone shouted that it wouldn't work, don't even try. But I'm pretty quickly reached 1000 subscribers and 300-500 rubles per day of payments. And now I know to the cogs how to promote the channel to advertise their scalper, I'll soon run it. If I had listened to other people's advice, I would have sat on my ass))

I mean, thank you very much for today's advice, but I'll try all the editors myself and decide where I feel more comfortable. Or maybe I'll use a few, I'm totally foggy with Python so far. It's funny, but about 11 years ago I wrote something in it for work, but I've forgotten everything. I'll have to learn it again, I'm a fast learner in technical matters. Unlike English, it's a mess )))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I'm still a bit foggy on Python. It's funny, but about 11 years ago I wrote something in it for work, but I've forgotten absolutely everything. I'll learn it again, I'm a fast learner in technical matters. Unlike English, it's a total B)))

When switching from C-like languages to Python, it's a real pain to realize that the non-typed programming language is very uncomfortable - though everyone shouts that this is the strong point )))

and another problem - Python is, in fact, absolutely not logical in a machine display, everything is not logical - loops are not aloop , but something like a macro iterator substitution, variables are not memory areas, but a set of objects, and the state of the variable which it is now can only be guessed or must be checked

Python programs are essentially the knowledge and use of 2 or 3 frameworks - in general, to be trendy in Python you need to turn the phrase in your head: "don't think, use!


Yuriy Asaulenko:
You can also cross a bulldog with a rhinoceros, or a hedgehog with a hedgehog. And that's fine too. The question is, what for?
Yuriy Asaulenko:
With VS, that may be the case, but MS has nothing to do with Python. The question is - why? What exactly do you get out of it?

Don't grumble dear, don't grumble...

No one would dispute that VS is the best IDE and Python is supported in it very well, of course I've tried Picharm too, I can't say anything bad, but for those who got used to VS there are almost no alternatives, and switching between IDEs is a boring business, a big plus in VS is that you write both Python and Pros in one console, that is, all you need for any complexity, not just a couple lines of bybloo to start someone else's work))))

And the hedgehog and the beetle are you talking about your tester in python, you'll also write MLP in python and a forest and get high from the explosion of productivity))))

Igor Makanu:

When switching from C-like languages to Python it's hard to understand that non-typed programming language is very inconvenient - although everyone shouts that this is its strong point )))

and another problem - Python is, in fact, absolutely not logical in a machine display, everything is not logical - loops are not aloop , but something like a macro iterator substitution, variables are not memory areas, but a set of objects, and the state of the variable which it is now can only be guessed or must be checked

Python programs are essentially the knowledge and use of 2 or 3 frameworks - in general, to be trendy in Python you need to turn the phrase in your head: "don't think, use!


Well, we'll see ))) I think one week will be enough for me to get the hang of it on the beginner level. Now I'll finish the business and make time for python. In principle, I want to learn the frameworks from Google and MS, it means I need python. There is a real task of recognising numbers from the screen, but I don't know how to go about it.


You're talking about your Python tester, write MLP in Python and forest and enjoy the explosion of productivity)))

I don't need productivity)) I'm good enough.
Yeah and the environment doesn't make a difference.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Well, we'll see ))) I think a week will be enough for me to get used to the entry level. Now I'll finish my business and make time for python. Basically, I want to learn frameworks from Google and MS, so I need python. There is a real task on the recognition of numbers from the screen, and how to approach it, I do not know.

I will have to read a large volume of literature on this subject, looked at what I have on my laptop at hand:

Shakla N. - Machine Learning and TensorFlow (Programmer's Library) - 2019

Mueller Introduction to Machine Learning with Python - 2017

Coelho Building machine learning systems with Python - 2016

I can share to the cloud, PM me

Igor Makanu:

I will have to read a lot of literature on this subject, I looked at what I have on my laptop at hand:

Shakla N. - Machine Learning and TensorFlow (Programmer's Library) - 2019

Mueller Introduction to Machine Learning with Python - 2017

Coelho Building machine learning systems with Python - 2016

I can share to the cloud, PM me

Email. Here's another good site on the subject, there's a TensorFlow tutorial

TensorFlow туториал. Часть 1: тензоры и векторы
TensorFlow туториал. Часть 1: тензоры и векторы
  • 2018.09.20
TensorFlow — это ML-framework от Google, который предназначен для проектирования, создания и изучения моделей глубокого обучения. Глубокое обучение — это область машинного обучения, алгоритмы в которой были вдохновлены структурой и работой мозга. Вы можете использовать TensorFlow, чтобы производить численные вычисления. Само по себе это не...
Alexey Volchanskiy:

There is a real task of recognising numbers from the screen, but I don't know how to approach it.

I suppose there is no need to learn Python to solve the problem. You can find plenty of libraries for C++ as well. I.e. you need to study neural networks, not programming language. Unless the task is so specific that C++ does not have suitable libraries.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Well, we'll see ))) I think a week will be enough for me to get used to the entry level. Now I'll finish my business and make time for python. Basically, I want to learn frameworks from Google and MS, so I need python. There is a real task of recognizing numbers from the screen, but how to approach it, I do not know.

Pattern recognition is not a one-week task. Half a year.

Алексей Тарабанов:

Pattern recognition is not a one-week task. Half a year.

When I said a week, of course, I meant only python ))