The power of C++ - page 15

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Ok, what's the best editor to use for python? I'm right at the very beginning, put up a python from the official site, Anaconda, but something about this Jupyter is unclear, just an explorer of some kind. Where is the editor?

If you have 8 GB of memory, put PyCharm Community

If my laptop has 4GB then Wing Personal

then install via pip install jupyter

you will get a ready-made IDE for testing ready-made examples, but it is not so easy there either - you will get a lot of noise about how cool and simple Python is.... but it all works like shit - very sensitive to package versions, not everything is compatible with each other, yesterday I finally made the same package versions on my PC and laptop - can not understand why something on the PC does not work, then on the laptop ((((

Download PyCharm: Python IDE for Professional Developers by JetBrains
Download PyCharm: Python IDE for Professional Developers by JetBrains
Intelligent Python IDE with refactorings, debugger, code completion, on-the-fly code analysis and coding productivity orientation
Igor Makanu:

if your laptop has 8GB of memory, use PyCharm Community

If my laptop has 4GB, Wing Personal

Install it with pip install jupyter

you will get a ready-made IDE for testing ready-made examples, but it is not so easy there either - you will get a lot of noise about how cool and simple Python is.... but it all works like shit - very sensitive to package versions, not everything is compatible with each other, yesterday I finally made the same package versions on my PC and laptop - can not understand why something does not work on the PC, then on the laptop ((((

I have 8GB, will put PyCharm, heard that name. I'm updating Spyder now, it's not the latest version in Anaconda although I downloaded it yesterday. I feel like I'm back in Linux at the command line again)))

Signed up for a course on Python and neurons here I don't like video courses, but this will probably go faster.

Stepik is an educational platform for Computer Science.
Stepik is an educational platform for Computer Science.
Promoting efficient learning by developing innovative educational technologies. Create an interactive lesson and employ automated grading software for free.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

I have 8GB, will put PyCharm, heard that name. I'm updating Spyder now, it's not the latest version in Anaconda, although I downloaded it yesterday. I feel like I'm back in Linux at the command line again)))

If you code on VS on the pros, you can also python there and it's quite kasher.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I have 8GB, will put PyCharm, heard that name. I'm updating Spyder now, it's not the latest version in Anaconda, although I downloaded it yesterday. I feel like I'm back in Linux at the command line again)))

Signed up for a course on Python and neurons here Don't like video courses, but this will probably go faster.

PyCharm, compared to Spyder, doesn't give anything substantial. I don't use it. I do not see the point.
No point in upgrading Spyder either, but you might as well get some hemorrhoids. Something interesting will only be in the 4th release.
Install Anaconda, and live in peace, don't worry, it already has everything).

If VS is coded on the pros, then you can python there too, and it's quite kasher.

Yes, I use VS a lot. I know it has Python support, but haven't tried it. I'll give it a try, thanks.

Yuriy Asaulenko:
PyCharm, in comparison with Spyder, does not give you much. I don't use it. I don't see the point.
There's no point in updating Spyder either, but you may well get a mess. Something interesting will only be in release 4.

It suggested me to update to 3.3.4 on startup. I'm updating via conda

conda update qt pyqt
conda install spyder=3.3.4

If VS is coded on the pros, then you can python there too, and it's quite kasher.

You can also cross a bulldog with a rhinoceros, or a hedgehog with a hedgehog. It would be all right too. The question is, what for?
Alexey Volchanskiy:

It prompted me to upgrade to 3.3.4 on startup. I'm upgrading via conda

You do not need to do it. And you should read the sentences carefully).
However, that's as far as it goes.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
You don't need to do that. Yes and you should read the suggestions carefully)).
However, free will is free will.

Already ))) What's so important that you have to read it carefully? You were offered an upgrade, that's all the offer.

And what's wrong with VS? I'm going to put Python on VS2019, native environment, and see.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Already ))) What's there to read carefully? They suggested an upgrade, that's the offer.

What's wrong with VS? Now I'll put Python on VS2019, native environment, let's see...

Nothing much, you update something, you might get packet mismatch. At level zero you might not even notice it.
With VS, perhaps it's all the same, only MS has nothing to do with Python. You may ask why? What exactly will you get out of it?