Forecast from I - page 99


well I for me - the lines are just a channel, and trading on other Indicators you enter and exit


I know almost for sure it will go down, but the channel line bothers me.


Alexsandr San:

well I for me - the lines are just a channel, and trading on other Indicators you enter and exit


I know almost for sure it will go down, but the channel linebothers me.

Yes, you're right! To invest your money you need information, which is confirmed several times... But these are not lines, straight lines, slopes or curves, taken from the sick imagination of a drunk driver... These are facts, facts and more facts, revealed by NON-REAL mathematical methods, without the participation of the trader's imagination, with triple safety net...

Only in this case you can count on profit

Serqey Nikitin:

Yes, you're right! To invest your money you need information that has been confirmed several times... But these are not lines, straight lines, slopes or curves taken from the sick imagination of a drunken cabbie... These are facts, facts and facts again, revealed by REAL mathematical methods, without the participation of the trader's imagination, with triple safety net...

Only in this case you can count on profit

I do not mind, I agree with you. But we should not forget about luck, everyone has a month, whatever he predicts or does, he will never succeed. I don't know, my observation,

believe it or not.


That's how you figure it out !? the level channel, drawn a month ago, but this level is relevant now. The price has approached this level, so we are looking into the future!


Alexsandr San:

The price is at that level, so we have a glimpse of the future?!

Yes, you are a psychic on the level of Vanga... Only she could predict the FUTURE... But there are 5% that it is just a coincidence, like winning the lottery...

But this is not about you - I congratulate you!!!

Serqey Nikitin:

Yes, you are a psychic on the level of Vanga... Only she could predict the FUTURE... But there are 5 percent that it's just a coincidence, like winning the lottery...

But it's not about you - I HAPPY!!!

I mean well! Why do you see negativity in it? Frankly, I don't socialize much, I try to convince myself that I'm not alone in this world, that there are people just like me!

Alexsandr San:

After all, I mean well! For some reason, you see it as a negative thing. Honestly, I do not communicate much, I am trying to satisfy myself that I am not alone in this world. that there are people like me!

No need to be offended...

Many traders started out like you... But most of them have long gone out of the business...

If you can't appreciate the criticism of your trading methods, you are about to leave the ranks of traders ...

Serqey Nikitin:

No need to be offended...

Many traders started out like you... But most of these traders left this business long ago...

If you can't appreciate criticism of your trading methods, you too will leave the ranks of traders very soon ...

If you can't appreciate criticism of your trading methods, you too will soon leave the ranks of traders... If not, they will not do it themselves. If they don't, you won't want to do it yourself.

Alexsandr San:

I can tell you, this business will be shut down very soon. If they don't, you don't want to do it yourself.

Why such funeral statements...?

Forex has been operating for 50 years, and the stock market is much more...

If you mean "the end of the world"..., it is impossible to miss - we'll all be there...

Serqey Nikitin:

Why such funeral statements...?

Forex has been around for 50 years, but the stock market is much bigger...

If you're talking about "the end of the world"...?, you can't miss it - we'll all be there!...

No, take lottery tickets for a million, you win 15000 from these tickets, and besides the fact that you lose, you have to pay 13 percent tax... and that is ?????????????????????.


and it's not happening tomorrow, it's happening today. - It's getting there, it's like..... and crying for our money.