Bablokos 2 : risen from the Tlene - page 15

You can increase the periods of backtest and forward at your discretion.

The only important unresolved issue is the choice (determination) of the period for a particular system. this is the issue that remains to be resolved. for now, we can say that we are using the inertia of a heavyweight system.

OK, let's look at this whole topic in a different way. Let's take a simple ATS on a mashka and optimise it for a one minute timeframe. Let's find the best set and run a forward with it for 2-3 weeks. What do you think the result will be?
Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

The only important unresolved issue that remains is the choice (determination) of the period for one system or another. this is the issue that remains to be resolved. for now, we can say that we are using the inertia of a heavyweight system.

There is nothing to decide here, it has been said many times that the main periods in Forex are trading session, day, week, month, ..... Take your pick from that list and be happy.


There's not much to decide, friend - it has been said many times that the main periods in forex are trading session, day, week, month, ..... Take your pick from that list and be happy.

I am happy, I am trying to give those who are looking for something a little guidance on where to dig and what to look for.
Why do you need a BABLOCOCK. Go to Lumberjack. He's a straightforward earner. See the "trends and predictions for 2019" thread.
Профиль трейдера

A thirst for independence and autonomy, that's why.

Not to depend on your employer,

Not to depend on the Lumberjack,

Don't depend on the doughboy,

Don't depend on forex,


And these aspirations last until the "golden" mean of all this is found ... And of course everyone has different values, and the less one has lost real values, the higher the moral choice, the brighter this "golden" middle, with all that implies.

And it is important not to get lost and choose the shortest path...


Independence, liberation of conditioning, later followers of Zen renounce numerous steps of hinayana and proclaim direct and ecstatic comprehension of truth...

-What is the main principle?" asked the beginner to the experienced.
- Wait," said the experienced one, "when we are alone, I will tell you.
After a while the beginner turned to him again:
- 'Now that we are alone, I beg you to explain.
The old acquaintance stood up and led the eager newcomer to the terminal but said nothing and when the latter urged for an answer he whispered:
- How long those candles are and how small those over there are.

And I also wanted to remind you, don't forget... that forex, speculation - it's all a demonic thing.
And I also wanted to remind you, don't forget... this forex thing, the speculation thing, it's all demonic.

What do you suggest? Give up everything and go to a monastery to atone for your sins?)


What do you suggest? Give up everything and go to a monastery to atone for your sins?)

Everyone has their own golden mean...