The Sultonov system indicator - page 57

Yuriy Asaulenko:
In the end we will have regression, which even without Yusuf, and even without A_K, has long been well known.

Well, I guess so.

However, returning to the question of whether or not to help Yusuf, I think that young, inexperienced software traders should help him. They would have worked for a while and nothing would have happened to them. Why Yusuf was shouting about how he was taking up someone's valuable time, I do not understand.

Andrey Gladyshev:

Maybe a tilt?

draining yes - it's how they say tilted

often the mind can convince you that your actions were correct without analysis, so to say a protective reaction of the body not to strain yourself too much ))))

it's all in the realm of cognitive distortion

Igor Makanu:

they do - it's like they say tilt-a-whirl

often the mind can convince you that the action was correct without analysis, so to say a protective reaction of the body not to strain too much ))))

It's all in the realm of cognitive distortion.

Yes, I remember that happening in my life...


Well, I guess so.

However, returning to the question of whether or not to help Yusuf, I think that young, inexperienced software traders should help him. They would have worked for a while and nothing would have happened to them. I do not understand why they shouted that Yusuf was taking up someone's valuable time.

It's not worth it. It is clear from the outset that it is empty.
And they teach on real tasks, so that there is a result. Otherwise, the training is no use either.

Well, I guess so.

However, returning to the question of whether or not to help Yusuf, I think that young, inexperienced software traders should help him. They would have worked for a while and nothing would have happened to them. I don't understand why Yusuf was shouting about how he was taking up someone's valuable time.

Strangely enough, it was not novice programmers who (already) helped the most. But @Igor Makanu didn't get lazy and implemented the "mega-indicator". Many justifiably explain that "there are no fish in this pond".

Yusuf is really time-consuming because he stubbornly refuses to use the tool the resource is dedicated to. Doesn't even use MT to just take the data. Just for the phrase "give me last week's CSV data on the pound", you should be stripped of your degree :-)

Nikolai Semko:

Thank you for not being lazy (I was lazy) and demonstrating all this chaos, which I've talked about here before, but was not heard.

Even a regular MA potency contains more than this paranoia.

If these 4 (or 5) coefficients are derived as a point trajectory in 4 (5) dimensional space, the chaos and "pointlessness" of this approach, from which there is nothing to catch on, is very well demonstrated.

There is not even a whiff of RSI here. RSI, by the way, is my favourite indicator among the standard ones.

How do you like to get into demagogy in the field of mathematics, in which you do not even slightly understand, as you yourself admitted, then look at the behavior of Coff.a4, signaling, according to the logic of the indicator, the onset of a strong downtrend, which was confirmed by the further price movement:

If you cut the chart from the bottom, we can see that the price was close to a trend change several times, but, failed to break through the threshold of a4 values:

Under these conditions, the indicator has always given a sell signal:

Are the indicators you mentioned able to do this? If they are capable, then show it on this section of the market, if not, shut up finally and wait for the results of the experiment.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

How you like demagogy in the field of mathematics, in which you do not even know, as you yourself admitted, look at the behavior of coefficient a4, signaling, according to the logic of the indicator, the onset of a strong downtrend, which was confirmed by the further price movement:

If you cut the chart from the bottom, we can see that the price was close to a trend change several times, but, failed to break through the threshold of a4 values:

Are the indicators you have shown able to do this? If they are able to do it, then show it on this part of the market, if not, shut up and wait for the results of the experiment.

the coefficient A4 is amazingly similar to a built-in MQL function :-)

what experiment should i wait for? 4.5 bars is your guess for the next one. Throughout the thread you have been provided with data for various instruments in considerable depth (don't know why you weren't able to take it yourself).

The samples given are orders of magnitude larger than 4-5 pieces. Where is the result of the methodology?

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

How you like demagogy in the field of mathematics, where you do not even know a little, as you yourself have admitted

Well, not everyone is as good at maths as you are.

I'm gonna go get some popcorn and sit in the back row.

Soon there'll be a giveaway or giveaways for the flow of profits after everyone opens trades on the advice of a maths guru... or get punched... ))


Yes, a year ago Yusuf was not as verbose as he is now.
Though there is clear progress in verbosity.