The Sultonov system indicator - page 63

Enjoy the criticism. Criticism is your best friend and praise your greatest enemy. And don't forget what Edison said:I didn't fail. I just found 10,000 ways that don'twork.

Thank you for your wise words.


All those who think that they can do forex with formulas are sorely mistaken.

You don't have to be a mathematician to prove it.

Since everyone understands football, here's an example.

If you watch a football game from the top and record the points and times on the centre line when the football player receives the ball and also the movement of the football player with the ball and build a graph, it will look like a forex chart.

Now tell me: when the football player has the ball, who can guess what he will do. Even the football player doesn't know this and any moment he can change his action: either move himself or pass the ball, forwards or backwards.

He will change his decision all the time. And it depends on the current situation. Not counting that he will often make a wrong decision or make a wrong pass. And before that, it does not matter.

So does the price move, because its movement depends on the human factor.

And it is not predictable, it depends on market conditions and nobody can guess which bank or multibillionaire will intervene or what news will be released.

What does this have to do with mathematics?

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

All those who think that they can handle forex with some formulas are sorely mistaken.

You don't have to be a mathematician to prove it.

Since everyone understands football, here's an example.

If you watch a football game from the top and record the points and times on the centre line when the football player receives the ball and also the movement of the football player with the ball and build a graph, it will look like a forex chart.

Now tell me: when the football player has the ball, who can guess what he will do. Even the football player doesn't know this and any moment he can change his action: either move himself or pass the ball, forwards or backwards.

He will change his decision all the time. And it depends on the current situation. Not counting that he will often make a wrong decision or make a wrong pass. And before that, it does not matter.

So does the price move, because its movement depends on the human factor.

And it is not predictable, it depends on market conditions and no one can guess which bank or multibillionaire will intervene or what news will be released.

What does maths have to do with it?

If no one knows anything and cannot "predict" anything, then what are a lot of people doing here?

About football. You've never played PariMatch, for example? And there are people who have absolutely no idea where and when a pass will be made and what decision a player will make, and yet they quite successfully "predict" the outcome of the game. And they do so quite regularly.

Сергей Таболин:

If no one here knows anything and can't "predict" in any way, what are these bunch of people doing here?

Football. You've never played PariMatch, for example? And there are people who have absolutely no idea where and when a pass will be made and what decision a player will make, and yet they quite successfully "predict" the outcome of the game. Quite regularly.

Yes, you must have misunderstood. They do not predict by formulas, but by experience. And also a big role is played by intuition.

P.S. I would like to add that I have been betting on sports games for many years. And one well-known bookmaker's office reduced the maximum bet for me to $1. Because I was winning a lot.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Yes, you must have misunderstood. Prediction is not based on formulas, but on experience. Intuition also plays a big part.

+ I think that the main thing for making trading decisions is the FA. And indicators, expert advisors are an auxiliary tool that allows you to choose the right entry point and place stops and profits.

Aleksey Ivanov:

+ I think that the main thing for making trading decisions is FA. And indicators, advisors - an auxiliary tool that allows you to choose the right entry point and set stops and profits.


Grandpa knows what he's talking about.


Does it make sense to consider the daily bars as Yusuf does, by 4 bars? Even my grandson would say that's wrong.

After all, it's much easier to consider that stretch of time, packed into a daily bar, on M15 or any other shallow TF.

It's just a segment of time with the price. And on a small TF you can already see how events develop..... Not for everyone of course))

Aleksey Ivanov:

+ I think that the main thing for making trading decisions is the FA. And indicators, advisors are an auxiliary tool for choosing the right entry point and placing stops and profits.

The FA can rule on investments. The FA is of no practical use in short-term trades of up to a few days.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
FAs are good for investments. FAs are of no practical use in short-term trades of up to a few days.

Why is it thatFA is of no practical use?

FA has to be cooked as well. Without FAs, it's all a blur.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Why is it thatFA is of no practical use?

FA has to be cooked as well. Without FAs, it's all a blur.

You forgot to highlight - for short-term trades, up to a few days.
Info noise and behavioural factors mostly work here.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Lord, give me the strength to cope with what I can do, give me the courage to put up with what I cannot do, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

- Author presumably Karl Paul ReinholdNiebuhr; 1892-1971[2][3]; German translation and adaptation by TheodorWilhelm; 1906-2005[4][5] who in the post-war period used the pseudonym FriedrichOetinger[6

Yusuf, don't play the victim.

No one is trying to humiliate you here, only to knock down your unwarranted prideful conceit and self-confidence.

And I would remind you that I have tried to help you to stop begging for your next idea.

But you simply chickened out, pretending that it was not a lordly business...