Regularity or Randomness - page 67


a fractal/fractal indicator in a kodobase.

It's nonsense, not fractals.
If one of these falls on your head, you get nothing but a headache.
Maxim Romanov:
This is nonsense, not fractals.
If such a thing falls on your head, you will get nothing but a headache.

It was the forum that set up the link, not me, see the code(mql4) with logarithms(fractal_dimension.mq4 iliko [] ). Judging by your dream, you have a direct connection to the astral/noosphere, why do you need indicators, logarithms, etc. - Read quotes for the day ahead at once ;).

Renat Akhtyamov:

I hope you understood what I was talking about in my previous post.

And now, once again, I will give you this example.

Carefully analyse the vicinity of this post:

The pound subsequently collapsed, collapsed on all fronts - exchange/non-exchange - doesn't matter!

Is this an accident or?


do you still believe in the dummy, or do you already believe in the formula? ))

do you still believe in the dolly, or do you already believe in the formula? ))

no brexit yet ;)))

do you still believe in the news ???


Where can I see such a picture? Please send me an email if you can't do it here.

I also have such a picture ;)))

Renat Akhtyamov:

there has been no brexit ;)))

"The pound subsequently collapsed." Renat Akhtyamov

there was a brexit afterwards.

Renat Akhtyamov:

you still believe in the news?



"The pound subsequently collapsed." Renat Akhtyamov

so there was a brexit in the aftermath.


come on...

The UK is still in the EU:

Джонсон пообещал не платить ЕС $50 млрд без приемлемой сделки по Brexit
Джонсон пообещал не платить ЕС $50 млрд без приемлемой сделки по Brexit
  • 2019.06.18
  • РБК
Бывший глава МИД Великобритании, кандидат на пост премьер-министра Соединенного Королевства Борис Джонсон не намерен выплачивать Брюсселю компенсацию в размере £39 млрд (более $50 млрд) за выход из ЕС до тех пор, пока не будет согласована сделка по Brexit, удовлетворяющая Лондон. Об этом он заявил в интервью The Sunday Times. «Я думаю, наши...
Evgeniy Chumakov:

I have a picture of it too ;))

And I already have one. Does it do any good?:)

Renat Akhtyamov:

come on...

The UK is still in the EU:

Voting. 23 June 2016


And I already have one. Does it do any good?)

not for pips.