Regularity or Randomness - page 57

Serqey Nikitin:
You're still young, so you're not aware that all these full "detailed reports" have been on the forum for a long time..., and to duplicate them is somehow not serious. Those who are interested will find them...

You can tell from your avatar?

Renat Akhtyamov:

You can tell by the avatar?

He's all young and inexperienced, only he's a sea wolf ;)
Vladimir Baskakov:
He's all young and inexperienced, only he's a sea wolf;)

Nah..., he's an old-timer;)

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
  • Randomness is not a learned Law! Consequently, the market must be characterised as a highly complex mechanism, which cannot be analysed directly and adequately by the power of the human mind. To somewhat clarify the situation, let's choose a logically justified hypothesis and use the power of a computer to put forward and check the following global hypothesis: LAST BAR PRICE IS FORMED BECAUSE ALL HISTORICAL DATA ON THE PRICE OF INSTRUMENT ON EACH HISTORICAL BAR is taken into account. Naturally, no one is able to check this hypothesis in full and we are forced to limit ourselves to a finite amount of information in order to assess the situation. We will compensate our digression by introducing the concept C0 - accounting for the pressure of historical data on the price at the beginning of the analysis, assuming that the market has a memory. Let us consider the regularity of price formation at the moment of opening of the current C5 bar on the basis of considering C0, C1, C2, C3 and C4 as follows: C5 = C0 + a1C1 + a2C2 + a3C3 + a4C4.

The computer gives the following results as food for thought, after introducing the term "virtual price" Tsi virtual. = aiCi:

C1 actual. C2 actual. C3 actual. Ts4 actual. a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 C0 virtual history C1 virtual C2 virtual C3 virtual C4 virtual. Tcvirt. Ц5 actual.
1,1376 1,1377 1,1375 1,1361 -5,47987 1,130393 1,375359 -1,86337 6,630682 6,630681616 -2,11978 1,564746 1,285822 -6,22567 1,1358 1,1358
1,1377 1,1375 1,1361 1,1358 -2,71906 0,230769 0,635452 -0,85619 4,212794 4,212793788 -0,97408 0,722826 0,262177 -3,08831 1,1354 1,1354
1,1375 1,1361 1,1358 1,1354 0,558894 1,450721 2,385817 -0,8774 -2,85908 -2,85907782 -0,99805 2,710527 1,647729 0,634569 1,1357 1,1357
1,1361 1,1358 1,1354 1,1357 0,544521 -0,48973 1,681507 -1,88356 1,303482 1,30348176 -2,13991 1,909856 -0,55603 0,618412 1,1358 1,1358
1,1358 1,1354 1,1357 1,1358 0,949091 -0,72091 0,41 -3,09727 3,928728 3,928727516 -3,51788 0,465514 -0,81874 1,077977 1,1356 1,1356
1,1354 1,1357 1,1358 1,1356 0,422659 -0,76478 0,341063 -1,17329 2,470173 2,470172562 -1,33215 0,387345 -0,86864 0,479972 1,1367 1,1367
1,1357 1,1358 1,1356 1,1367 -0,47611 -0,67344 -0,37034 -0,90454 3,890866 3,890866234 -1,02728 -0,42063 -0,76476 -0,54119 1,137 1,137
1,1358 1,1356 1,1367 1,137 -0,27098 0,044748 -0,29526 -0,33741 2,111861 2,111861113 -0,38323 -0,3353 0,050865 -0,3081 1,1361 1,1361
1,1356 1,1367 1,137 1,1361 0,13082 0,10459 -0,48492 -0,23672 1,688584 1,688583774 -0,26882 -0,55121 0,118919 0,148624 1,1361 1,1361
1,1367 1,137 1,1361 1,1361 -1,33795 1,684211 -0,12465 -1,60388 2,707073 2,707073191 -1,82313 -0,14173 1,913432 -1,52005 1,1356 1,1356
1,137 1,1361 1,1361 1,1356 -0,77893 1,468912 -0,03022 -1,29793 1,861703 1,861702747 -1,47574 -0,03434 1,668831 -0,88455 1,1359 1,1359
1,1361 1,1361 1,1356 1,1359 -0,80639 1,512641 -0,01497 -1,28776 1,814349 1,814348847 -1,46302 -0,01701 1,717756 -0,91598 1,1361 1,1361
1,1361 1,1356 1,1359 1,1361 -0,91811 1,0341 0,772669 -1,07362 1,347132 1,347132039 -1,21974 0,877442 1,174634 -1,04306 1,1364 1,1364
1,1356 1,1359 1,1361 1,1364 0,213186 2,706449 2,317132 -6,4153 2,473228 2,473227751 -7,28522 2,63203 3,074796 0,242264 1,1371 1,1371
1,1359 1,1361 1,1364 1,1371 0,706774 3,271848 1,97262 -6,64346 1,920015 1,920015419 -7,54631 2,241094 3,718128 0,803672 1,1366 1,1366
1,1361 1,1364 1,1371 1,1366 0,422892 -0,60749 -1,77213 -3,23575 7,037907 7,037906837 -3,67614 -2,01385 -0,69078 0,480659 1,1378 1,1378
1,1364 1,1371 1,1366 1,1378 0,951666 -0,68857 0,496879 -0,41849 0,746793 0,746792813 -0,47557 0,565001 -0,78263 1,082806 1,1364 1,1364
1,1371 1,1366 1,1378 1,1364 -0,33053 0,632365 -0,40145 0,650772 0,50611 0,506109878 0,739993 -0,45629 0,719505 -0,37562 1,1337 1,1337
1,1366 1,1378 1,1364 1,1337 0,263446 0,36517 -0,29953 0,564473 0,118483 0,11848263 0,64158 -0,34081 0,414979 0,298669 1,1329 1,1329
1,1378 1,1364 1,1337 1,1329 0,17844 0,717824 -0,41706 0,595678 -0,08697 -0,08697102 0,677762 -0,47394 0,813797 0,202155 1,1328 1,1328
1,1364 1,1337 1,1329 1,1328 0,064553 0,922948 -1,10197 0,803673 0,34978 0,34977991 0,913295 -1,24931 1,045608 0,073126 1,1325 1,1325

It turns out that the market operates on the basis of a strict regularity, which no man is able to comprehend at the given stage of brain development and is perceived by him as a regularity, then as an absolute randomness. In short, the mind cannot understand the market, which is confirmed by the efforts of researchers and persistence of traders.



I don't know. Can it be considered a pattern if price bounces off the next level?

Continuation of picture from post.


Закономерность или Случайность
Закономерность или Случайность
  • 2019.06.14
Посмотрим кто что по этому поводу думает?;) Закономерность, Случайность...
Uladzimir Izerski:

I don't know. Can it be considered a pattern if price bounces off the next level?

can be considered a pattern if you publish screenshots of the chart with the indicator, run it in the tester in visual mode and put "arrows" in the entry points if there is no way to automate the TS, why take so much time to guess?

Roman Shiredchenko:


As usual, off-topic.
Roman Shiredchenko:


Yusuf's golden quotes:

"But, this particular paradox happened today, after the market opened under the influence of a small GEP: The indicator immediately started signalling a sharp and irreversible turn from downward to upward. More significant price changes could not have been as influential as the last change! This can only happen if we assume that the price depends on the trade volume, because this indicator is bound only to the price change. And we haven't learned how to take volumes into account. That's it, gentlemen! Consequently, the market is able to break the back of anyone".


Yusuf's golden quotes:

"But, this particular paradox happened today, after the market opened under the influence of a small GEP: The indicator immediately started signalling a sharp and irreversible turn from downward to upward. More significant price changes could not have been as influential as the last change! This can only happen if we assume that the price depends on the trade volume, because this indicator is bound only to the price change. And we haven't learned how to take volumes into account. That's it, gentlemen! Consequently, the market is able to break the back of anyone".

Bronze, or maybe iron...

In the beginning, I threw an indicator in there that calculates polynomials by orders of magnitude. But Yusuf was blinded by his formula, completely unaware that it was only a first-order polynomial.

A man wants to prove to someone that he is capable of more.

However, first it is better to prove to oneself, having first abandoned the state of euphoria.

You have to be a critic of your systems first and foremost, a critic....

Renat Akhtyamov:

Bronze, or maybe iron...

At the very beginning I threw in there an indicator that calculates polynomials by orders of magnitude.

The man wants to prove to someone that he is capable of more.

However, he'd better first prove it to himself, having first abandoned the state of euphoria.

One must be a critic of one's own systems in the first place, a critic....

What a criticism, 3 deals have gone through in a week, it's a grail A_K