Time of writing the advisor - page 4

Alexey Volchanskiy:

And how will a non-programmer control a programmer? If he does not understand a word of what is written?

You can give him a test assignment to guide him on how long it will take.
Again, no one has forbidden working online with a programmer, on the contrary.
Simulating a job is harder than doing it )

If the task is very complex, you need to break it down into stages that can be tested, reviewed and debugged separately... Then the real picture will be clear, what is done, what is not and at what stage. You can pay by the hour if you control the work ... I can give real advice on how to destroy this situation with a minimum of losses and maximum results, if interested, write in personal messages.
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Hourly is a very bad idea.

Alexei Volchanskiy:

As someone who has written a lot on commission, paying by the hour remotely is not a good idea. In large projects, we used to split everything up into parts, and I did it myself. So that each part could be tested separately and make sure it works.

And payment upon completion of each part, with a maximum deadline. Until retirement he will be sucking on your 800 / h). There should always be a clear plan.

So it's my opinion, too, and at first it was so, part is done, paid, and then it drove on, I'm categorically against the clockwise precisely because of the lack of control, but not one I decide, so raised the topic here that would know and the guys to show what people think about it who are so to speak in the subject of writing, how difficult it is, and so on.

Nikolay Khrushchev:

You can throw him a test assignment to navigate the fork of time, how much will it take approximately.
Again, no one forbade working online with a programmer, on the contrary.
Imitating a job is harder than doing it )

I wrote above that I ordered from him an EA is not too simple, but not too complicated and he made it to me in 4 hours, any remark from my side or an indication of error, immediately corrected and all

Nikolay Khrushchev:

Can throw him a test assignment to navigate the fork in time, how much it would take approximately.
Then again no one has forbidden working online with a programmer, on the contrary even.
Simulating work is more difficult than doing it )

In my humble experience on foreign freelancing exchanges, the situation with hourly rates is as follows: the client and the contractor determine how many hours the assignment will require and the rate of payment per hour. That is, the result is still the final amount, only you are hardwired for time, otherwise penalties are possible. And in terms of pay, yes, much higher than here and on the Russian exchanges. But oral English is required, but I'm at 2 +, (( only written.


I wrote above that I ordered from him an EA is not too simple, but not complicated and he made it to me in 4 hours, any remark from my side or an indication of error, immediately corrected and all

I don't think so from scratch - I had a similar setup.

Maxim Romanov:
I myself have been in such situations, but I ordered through freelance always to at least some protection. The only way out is to find a qualified enumerator and consult him on the complexity of the job and ask to see the quality of the code he has done so far. If the code is of high quality and the task is really difficult, then wait. And if the code is crooked or the task is not that complex, it is better to talk about payment and change the developer.

I can throw up one order that he did the source, you can look who understands, quality or not he did it, I just do not understand, quality or not, the main thing he works on the algorithm, and how inside I do not sharyu) 0

Lazybones.mq4  14 kb
Alexey Volchanskiy:

I don't think so from scratch - I had a similar setup.

I just sent him the strategy with the video and indices, he looked at it and started doing it, while asking me for details, he is a simple advisor, it's hard for me))


I can skype one order that he did the source, you can look who understands, quality or not he did it, I just do not understand, quality or not, the main thing he works on the algorithm, and how inside I do not sharyu) 0

I personally sometimes do a long job for myself, I mainly write for the order is small. Judging from the description of the strategy and the attached bot I can say - that bot seems to be well written, but if your proger writes the described strategy also in the C style - it will be longer than using OOP, but this will not mean that it is not qualitatively do it. I personally am used to OOP (Object Oriented Programming).

Nikolay Khrushchev:
Such tasks (judging by the pictures) are quite difficult to formalize, an incredible number of nuances emerge.
It becomes a big headache for the programmer. Constantly negotiate each nuance, wait for your response, reread the job, re-insert, stumble on a new nuance, again negotiate. And so in a circle.
Maybe it's not your case, but I faced such a situation. Adequately assess such work is also impossible.

Since you have switched to an hourly rate, I recommend that you offer him to work online.
You connect to him or he connects to you via a known program, and you work on the spot. He can immediately agree with you on all the details, because you can see everything yourself here and now.
This way you can easily move the work forward. Try to write to him and agree on a time. It is clear that he will not sit with you all day, as the first freelancer, and so how the programmer.
But a couple of hours a day sit instead of it is possible. I am sure it will greatly accelerate the result.

I do not dispute that it is difficult and yes there are a lot of mistakes, but 2 months ago they were told that the errors are known, correctable and all the hardest part is over, unfortunately I do not do it, and someone who knows all the details of strategy, and he agreed to an hourly rate and just a report on the work and I could not prove to him that this is bad and wrong.