Market and products (experts) without monitoring. - page 12

Реter Konow:

Do you realise what total monitoring will lead to?

It's a one-off publicity stunt. Nothing more.

Monitoring will prove even more clearly that there are almost no good EAs. And those that are available, they earn only temporarily and unstably.

This will finally destroy the faith of useless EAs. This is an actual anti-publicity of algotrading.

What is the anti-advertisement of algotrading?

It is enough to see if an EA is pumping or not on the demo. That is all! There are profitable Expert Advisors. But they are 1% out of 100 and the monitoring becomes an issue here for one simple reason:

1. The authors subtract monitors;

2. the authors are posting FAKE products and it is a Fraud. No matter how you test it, a tester won't save you from an embedded historical calendar of losing trades.

People spend thousands of dollars Earned with their own hands to give to the Rascals? Is that what you are driving at?

developer, seller, trader and more )

make your attempts to get a good deal through monitoring more complicated )

I'm happy for you that you are so versatile. You can buy yourself a Christmas tree ticket and a Budyonovka with a red star.

Too bad you did not put a photo of yourself, some badge instead of a face, it is very interesting to look at the anti-peter so much hindering me to sell something in this thread )))

Do you even realize that there are no buyers in this thread?

And there aren't any on this forum at all? )))

Ivan Pochta:

What's the anti-advertising of algotrading?

It's enough to see if the Expert Advisor is pouring or not on the demo. That is all! There are profitable Expert Advisors. But they are 1% out of 100 and the monitoring question becomes here for one simple reason:

1. The authors subtract monitors;

2. the authors are posting FAKE products and it is a Fraud. No matter how you test it, a tester won't save you from an embedded historical calendar of losing trades.

People are spending thousands of dollars Earned with their own hands to give to the Rascals? Is that what you're driving at?

It's useless to write this!

The man doesn't want to look into it.

He's got his own thing going on. He's out there developing something. Some kind of panels or utilities. He enjoys it, and he has given up on EAs and cannot be changed.

Ivan Pochta:

What's the anti-advertising of algotrading?

It's enough to see if the Expert Advisor is pouring or not on the demo. That's all!

A simple anti-promotion.

Imagine the following picture on a larger scale:

Monitoring thousands of Market robots for a year (even on the Demo). It's a nightmare. The exact opposite of the tester pictures.

This will convince everyone that algotrading - only brings losses.

Реter Konow:

A simple anti-advertisement.

Imagine the scale of the following picture:

Monitoring thousands of Market robots for a year (even on Demo). It's a nightmare. The exact opposite of the tester pictures.

This will convince everyone that algotrading - only brings losses.

There'll be three dozen of them, tops. Maybe a hundred. The rest will simply be gone in six months, like rubbish, like husks.
Ivan Pochta:


2. the authors are putting out FAKE products and it's a scam. No matter how you test it, a tester can't save you from an embedded historical calendar of losing trades.

People spend thousands of dollars Earned with their own hands to give to the Fraudsters? Is that what you're driving at?

No. That's not my point.

Boris Gulikov:

It is useless to write this!

The man doesn't want to look into it.

He has his own thing. He is developing something there. He gets a kick out of it, and he's given up on the advisers and can't be changed.

Of course, what councillors? Copycats! Let's all have a copier competition - that's his logic :D

I'm not a programmer - I develop strategies and automate them. I'm not interested in writing scripts, libraries and stuff like that. I get pleasure from algotrading and searching for the Grail. And customers in 90% of cases do not need these utilities: they need tools to BELIEVE. Having spent N quid, a person at least wants to get it back, not to lose the deposit in addition. If a person buys a trading robot, he believes that the author has created a strategy that no one else has and since he is selling it, it will help mere mortals to make money. And in the end the market has turned into a scam. People don't follow the products and their trading results. It is high time something was done about it. At least monitoring is a step towards solving the problem. Unfortunately, people here (in this forum thread) do not understand this for the most part.

Реter Konow:

A simple anti-advertisement.

Imagine the scale of the following picture:

Monitoring thousands of Market robots for a year (even on Demo). It's a nightmare. The exact opposite of the tester pictures.

This will convince everyone that algotrading - only brings losses.

So what? Let people waste their money? Are you out of your mind? By your logic:

We all know it's a scam, so let's keep quiet and scam the suckers?!

But the fact is that consumers are not suckers either: they understood this scam and just stopped buying, knowing that they could not get rich as in the tester.

The number of working bots is the same as it was, only the BUYERS will be more confident in what they are buying.

Boris Gulikov:
There will be three dozen of them here at most. Maybe a hundred. The rest will simply be gone in six months, like rubbish, like husks.

Yes, you will want to take the monitoring off yourself as soon as you are no longer happy with your trading results. And that is possible with anyone. And it will discredit even the most conscientious sellers. They will lose favour with buyers.

In fact, this happens without monitoring.

Of course, there will be fewer unscrupulous ones. Maybe not at all. But it is still disastrous for the Market's business.

Ivan Pochta:

So what? Let people waste their money? Are you out of your mind? By your logic:

We all know it's a scam, so let's keep quiet and scam the suckers?!

But the thing is, buyers are not suckers either: they have realised this scam and have simply stopped buying properly, realising that you can't get rich here like in the tester.

I'm against scams. But you yourself do not realize that you are scamming people with any forecasts. Even with monitoring. Because it does not guarantee future profits.

That's why I suggest otherwise. Shift the responsibility to the buyers by making algotrading semi-automatic.