Market and products (experts) without monitoring. - page 10


About the pruf, about the discontinuation of MT4 development, unfortunately I couldn't find the juicy link that was thrown at me, but there is this, below:

Переходите на MetaTrader 5
Торговая платформа MetaTrader 4 снята с продажи. Мы сосредоточили усилия на развитии мультирыночной MetaTrader 5. Концептуальные обновления будут выпускаться только для нее.
MetaTrader 4 для брокеров
MetaTrader 4 для брокеров
Организовать брокерский бизнес проще, чем кажется. Наличие мощной и проверенной временем торговой платформы - уже полдела, и MetaTrader 4 является именно такой платформой. Типовые задачи любого брокера, как то ведение счетов клиентов, обработка торговых операций, трансляция котировок решаются в MetaTrader 4 с высокой эффективностью. Помимо...

To whom? All the talk about the need for monitoring for some reason only from those who have it.

I have never heard of monitoring on my account, I have always been aware of the fact that it is impossible to monitor everything on my account, I have never said anything.

All in all, this is a group of people who sell the same crap as the others but want to stand out from them. Like Ivanov who wanted a separate subsection for his mega-indicators.

That's bullshit. What the hell is handtrading?)

Vanya's or mine?

The signals clearly show autotrading. It's written, - 100% percent.

I never place EAs on the demo! The demo is of no use! This is the same tester.

Look at my monitors. Where does something change there? They are one or two years old. As it trades, the Expert Advisor trades. If it stagnates, it stagnates. I'm not hiding it.

If there is potential, the moniker is there. If I realise that there is no potential, then I close the monitor.

You do not have monitors. Only advertising of the left website and advertising of the broker.

Farkhat Guzairov:

About the pruf, about MT4 being discontinued, unfortunately I couldn't find the juicy link I was given, but there is this, below:

Yeah... What a pruf.

Apparently we're talking about the MT4 brokerage platform. Brokers are being encouraged to change it to brokerage MT5.

This is not about the trader's MT4.

Реter Konow:

Yeah... What a pruf.

Apparently we're talking about the MT4 brokerage platform. Brokers are being asked to change it to brokerage MT5.

This is not about the trader's MT4.

Clearly four is no longer for sale, then new brokers will buy five.

Let them emerge in small numbers. But it's an obvious call.

Developers know (being number 1 in such a market is expensive) what they are doing and how to get an old product out of the market in the right way.

Boris Gulikov:

That's ridiculous.

Did I mention you in particular somewhere? The list of actions I gave you is far from complete. Even if you don't cheat, there is no guarantee to the buyer that this particular EA is trading on the monitor.

You don't see any monitors. Only advertisement of the left site and advertisement of the broker.

And what is the conclusion from this? )


To whom? All the talk about the need for monitoring for some reason only from those who have it.

I have never heard of monitoring on my account, I have always been aware of the fact that it is impossible to monitor everything on my account, I have never said anything.

All in all, this is a group of people who sell the same crap as the others but want to stand out from them. Like Ivanov, who wanted a separate subsection for his mega-indicators.

I have described the mechanism of how it is done in the page above. Taking into account the integration of MT4 and MQL5 sites, it is an elementary thing to do:

One way or another, the seller loads the robot and it automatically goes to monitoring. In the monitoring settings, the seller chooses:

1. broker (there should be several different popular ones: IC Markets, Alpari for example, etc.) and account size. Demo is enough;

2. timeframes and pairs;

3. For each timeframe and pair, the program will download set-files.

If we allow the authors to add their own EAs, we will start manipulating them all the way to "left-handed" EAs - we have already passed that stage.

Of course, it is silly to say: open a moniker and add a signal. It should be one of the stages of product moderation with an appropriate section like description, screenshots, etc. That is, the author of the product cannot interfere, it is not installed on his account (no password to the account, etc). He can only select pairs, timeframes and load sets.

Did I mention you in particular somewhere? The list of actions I gave you is far from complete. Even if you don't cheat, there is no guarantee to the buyer that this particular EA is trading on the monitor.

And what is the conclusion? )

No. I am not cheating!

The conclusion is obvious - you have advertised here, you've been noticed, your advertising is also, you can promote yourself in other forums.

Boris Gulikov:

This is bullshit. What the fuck is arm-trading ))))

Vanya's or mine?

Autotrading is clearly traceable on the signals. It is written, - 100% percent.

I never put EAs on the demo! What good is a demo! This is the same tester.

Look at my monitors. Where does something change there? They are one or two years old. As it trades, the Expert Advisor trades. If it stagnates, it stagnates. I'm not hiding it.

If there is potential, then there is a moniker. If I understand that there is no potential, then I close the monitor.

You do not have monitors. Only advertising of the left website and advertising of the broker.

Give sellers the opportunity to manipulate - they will. You don't, and some sellers stonebreaker no problem, slipping lefty bots on the moniker, etc.

The demo shows the trading process: the difference may be in the slippage and execution, as well as the difference between the reals, but the risks, drawdowns, etc. are clearly seen.

Ivan Pochta:

This should be one of the stages of product moderation with an appropriate section like description, screenshots, etc. That is, the author of the product cannot interfere, it is not installed on his account (no password to the account, etc.). He can only select pairs, timeframes and load sets.

Metacquotes cannot be a third party in this case. Both logically and most likely legally. The problem is that none of the third-party services for such monitoring has appeared (I don't know, maybe they do). Maybe it's not so simple if the niche is not closed?

Boris Gulikov:

Clearly, if the four is no longer selling, then new brokers will buy the five.

Let them emerge in small numbers. But this is an obvious call.

The developers know (to be number 1 in such a market is expensive) what they are doing and how to correctly withdraw the old product from the market.

The brokers do not care, and no one will force the traders.

That's the way the business works. If you cause a shortage of users, they will immediately look for an alternative. It means a blow to their business and to the business of brokers.

Therefore, the transition of traders to MT5 can only be voluntary.

In general, if MQ suddenly want to find a competition, they will forcibly transfer traders to MT5. And after a while it will appear...