Central Bank revokes licences of major forex dealers - page 5

Forex Club has already stopped withdrawing money and they say on the phone that everything is fine.
Nikolay Khrushchev:
I am very surprised that Teletrade not only is still picking off suckers like Keshberi, but also had the nerve to try to get a license from the Central Bank and even got one!
What good is a Central Bank issuing its license to all kinds of trash?

Foreign exchange interbank ............ access to direct juicy liquidity

maybe getting ready to disconnect from the world's internet?
Vitalii Ananev:

Here is an explanation of the reasons for revoking their licences.

Here is an interesting quote - "In fact it is a platform to attract clients, not to carry out the activities for which they were licensed. The license was used as a cover or as advertising."


So they didn't pay much and they didn't pay the right people...

in the past (long time ago) there was a thing - if a company's profit was less than 30%, then the tax office came to visit.

The company was not allowed to take on any profitable, "fast" but not super profitable projects.

They dumped Medvedev's grandson? It's OK, Alpari will be screaming for money, there won't be enough for everyone
Yury Stukalov:
maybe getting ready to disconnect from the world internet?
What do you mean "world internet"?
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

There are billions in the making

The total amount of liabilities to clients of the five forex dealers whose licences were revoked by the Central Bank is RUB 35m. There are a total of 2,000 of them.

Or an average of 17500 p.

What billions are there?


ЦБ: форексы-дилеры должны клиентам 35 млн рублей
ЦБ: форексы-дилеры должны клиентам 35 млн рублей
  • 2018.12.27
  • ru.investing.com
ЦБ: форексы-дилеры должны клиентам 35 млн рублей
Evgeny Belyaev:

The total amount of liabilities to clients of the five forex dealers whose licences were revoked by the Central Bank is RUB 35m. There are 2,000 in total.

Or an average of 17500 p.

What billions are there?


This is most likely what was at the Ltd (subsidiaries) to simulate activity, the rest (most of it) clients sailed to international (main or whatever you want to call it) companies
Yevhenii Levchenko:
What do you mean "world internet"?
If you are registered offshore, you can trade as you please, but you live in russia, and now russia has cut off the global internet and you cannot access your personal account, so you cannot withdraw your hard earned dollars. russia does not care, because your money is kept offshore, while Cyprus feels good because your money stays in their country.