Central Bank revokes licences of major forex dealers - page 12

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

The DCs are only authorised to operate under Russian law; there are no DCs outside the Russian Federation. In fact, a DC is not authorised to be an intermediary and has never been one. I am sick and tired of writing the same thing.

You are wrong. They exist far outside the RF).

Ilya Malev:

You are wrong, they exist well outside the Russian Federation.)

A huge number of such organizations have gone offshore so as not to pay taxes and not to bear responsibility, that is all

even the last ones who stayed had their licenses revoked

As for liquidity providers and other things - they are all private shops where you will never find the ends, whether they withdraw something or not, and why would they do that at all and where should they withdraw something at all. It's an untraceable "activity", not traceable to anyone.

as in the well-known proverb: you can see it in your... in your eyes, it's all God's work))

I don't understand the point of initially creating forex brokers in the jurisdiction of Russia. It is obvious that there will be few clients, the spread is huge and so on.

So they gave a licence and that, each broker has 3.5 clients. Well, they revoked the license... What is the point of this gesture...?

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

A huge number of such organizations have gone offshore so as not to pay taxes and not to be liable, that is all

even the last ones left have lost their licenses

As for liquidity providers and other things - they are all private shops where you will never find out whether they withdraw something or not, and why they would need it.

You would not believe it - to limit, to reduce their own risks to zero. No matter how many traders lose, if a brokerage company does not cover its risks, i.e. does not withdraw client positions to the market, it cannot survive for 20 years with an impeccable reputation and provide payments to all its clients. And we already have several such brokerage companies (including some of those whose "subsidiaries" have been "banned" by the Central Bank today).

And they went offshore not to avoid paying taxes and responsibility, but because the Central Bank has set for the DCs in the RF jurisdiction the rules of fairy stupidity (such as"forex dealer may not change the conditions of the quote for buying without a corresponding change in the quote for selling," which means a fixed and clearly inflated spread), which their clients simply will not be interested.

Ilya Malev:

You would not believe it - to limit, to reduce their own risks to zero. No matter how many traders lose, if a brokerage company will not cover its risks, i.e. bring client positions to the market, it will not be able to live for 20 years with an impeccable reputation and fail to make payments to all of its clients. And we already have several such brokerage companies (including some of those whose subsidiaries have been "banned" by the Central Bank today).

And they went offshore not to avoid taxes and responsibility, but because the Central Bank has established for the DCs in the RF jurisdiction the rules of fantastic stupidity (like"a Forex dealer may not change the conditions of the quote for buying without a corresponding change in the quote for selling," which means a fixed and clearly overstated spread), which their clients simply will not be interested.

OK, OK, all that remains is to trade and then figure out whose side you are on and whether tight spreads without guarantees will help you

when the spread is manipulated, for example )) and the fish is caught in the net
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

OK, OK, all that remains is to trade and then figure out whose side you're on and whether tight spreads will help you

Maxim, you probably do not know that the man has made 11000% in a couple of months and probably knows a lot about what's what.

Forgive me for being immodest in mentioning it.


Maxime you probably don't know that the man has done 11000% in a couple of months and probably knows a lot about what's what.

Forgive me for being immodest in mentioning it.

probably ))))

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

OK, OK, all that remains is to trade and then figure out whose side you are on and whether tight spreads without guarantees will help you

When the spread starts to be manipulated, for example )) and the fish has already been caught in the net.

You need to know who you are trading with, then there will be no manipulation. Well-known companies with a history of several decades have no reason to ruin their reputation because of a couple of points of spread. Although the market (especially over-the-counter) is a thing where there are no guarantees, neither for the spread, nor for anything else.

Ilya Malev:

You need to know who you are trading with, then there will be no manipulation. Well-known companies with a history of several decades have no reason to ruin their reputation because of a couple of points of spread. Although the market (especially OTC) is a thing where there are no guarantees, neither for the spread nor for anything else.

)))) well, we will rely on trust


I don't understand the point of initially creating forex brokers in the jurisdiction of Russia. It is obvious that there will be few clients, the spread is huge and so on.

So they gave a licence and that, each broker has 3.5 clients. Well, they revoked the license... The sense of these gestures...?

Similar to the creation of sports betting. A relatively honest way of taking money from the public.