New Market - how do we sell new EAs now? - page 4

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

I don't see a problem at all and have never seen one.

I will give you this analogy.
Sellers come to the market and sell anything they want (old books, potatoes, candlesticks, etc.).
Whoever hasn't sold anything leaves it on the counters and leaves. Those who don't sell, nobody needs it...
What will become this Market in a year, if you do not remove this stuff?

P.S. And you don't see the problem because you're not standing behind the counter.
You brought one product, left it on the counter - use it for who needs it (which in itself is commendable), but you have no statistics on sales.


to show your profile do you have to create topics with polls or dumb questions? cluttering up the forum with pointless topics, there's no spot advertising, there's a ban for that everywhere

yes, you need to go to a stupid extreme, one or more, and "evolve" and "dumb" as much as possible -- so that other forum members think to themselves, "what a dumbass he is and how he pisses us all off with his endless dumb topics and polls" -- great for self-promotion.

Of course not.

there are simple and effective ways -- some of them (in terms of resource capacity):

-- create useful and interesting forum threads

-- write competent and informative posts in other forums

-- write articles

-- get orders on freelance sites

-- create alerts

-- develop your personal profile and accumulate friends -- if your profile is interesting and useful to others, then such a "friend" will never be disconnected from your personal news page.

-- ... (other ways, if you would like to see and develop them)

real customers are far from it all
Andrei Fandeev:

Let me give you this analogy.
Sellers come to the market and lug around everything for sale (old books, potatoes, candlesticks, etc.).
Whoever hasn't sold anything leaves it on the counters and leaves. Those who don't sell, nobody needs it...
What will become this Market in a year, if you do not remove this stuff?

P.S. And you don't see the problem because you're not standing behind the counter.
You brought one product, left it on the counter - use it for who needs it (which in itself is commendable), but you have no statistics on sales.

If a product doesn't sell, it's the seller and the product itself that's to blame - not other products or sellers in the marketplace.

You can only sell a product on a spot basis.

Real customers are far from it.

yes, but if your product is not on the first/second page of the Market showcase and your product is not top-selling (it's not in the site's timeline).

You can't sell your product passively and only with the help of the Market service, and you can't even show it to anyone.

It doesn't matter how many products you have in the Marketplace - 10 000 or 100 000 - and their quality.

Advertising is the engine of commerce. Use social media to promote your products on the market.
Alexandr Saprykin:
Advertising is the engine of commerce. Use social media to promote your products on the market.

is there a merchant base? preferably international, who do you spam?


Is there a merchant base? Preferably international.

Join linkedin and put on your profile that you work in forex. Add a few traders as your friends. And voila! You will get twenty friend requests a day from traders all over the world.
Alexandr Saprykin:
Sign up in linkedin and put on your profile that you work in forex. Add some traders as your friends. And voila! You will get twenty friend requests a day from traders all over the world.

here is the only good example so far

Alexandr Saprykin:
Sign up in linkedin and put on your profile that you work in forex. Add a few traders as your friends. And voila! You will receive twenty friend requests a day from traders all over the world.

In the Russian Federation, LinkedIn is blocked by Roskomnadzor for violating Federal Law No. 242-FZ of 21.07.2014 "On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of clarifying the procedure for processing personal data in information and telecommunication networks". And it is accordingly blocked by Russian providers.