My approach. The core is the engine. - page 22

Реter Konow:

The problem with algotrading is not the traders' profits. It's the passion for algotrading itself.

I didn't say that the problem with algotrading is profits. I said that the goal of trading (algotrading, manual trading of any kind of trading) is to make profit.

You said:

Tag Konow:


No matter how cool your compilers and assebler interpreters are, they don't solve the problems of algotrading.


I asked. What is the crux of the problem? You want to solve a problem that nobody knows about. You made it up yourself without even telling anyone what the problem is. Or is your fascination with algotrading the problem? Then why do you think it's a problem? Maybe it is your problem and not a problem for others. Maybe you just need to allocate time to search for some regularities on the basis of which you can build a trading system, and then to do all sorts of "ornaments", which will please your eyes. Of course, I understand you are a creative person, and a true artist doesn't need money. But after all, he also needs something to eat from time to time.

Igor Makanu:

Can you suggest a free GUI builder that would allow to write the MQL code for graphics?

I want to make something similar to Delphi Drag-and-Drop, but I haven't found any free constructor that would allow me to enter the MQL-code.

I don't know them :(

Vitalii Ananev:

I didn't say that the problem with algotrading is profits. I said that the purpose of trading (algotrading, manual trading of any kind of trading) is to make profits.

You said:

I asked. What is the problem? You want to solve a problem that nobody knows about. You invented it yourself without telling anyone what the problem is. Or is your fascination with algotrading the problem? Then why do you think it's a problem? Maybe it is your problem and not a problem for others. Maybe you just need to allocate time to search for some regularities on the basis of which you can build a trading system, and then to do all sorts of "ornaments", which will please your eyes. Of course, I understand you are a creative person, and a true artist doesn't need money. But after all, he also needs to eat something from time to time.

I am creating a new layer of creativity within algotrading. You need and don't need - this is a variable. Like a bool. Today it is not necessary. Tomorrow it's needed.

Who needed algotrading in the 90s? Who has heard of platforms and expert advisors? Optimized strategies? - NOBODY.

An idea, out of oblivion, creates a new entity and its relevance. Computer, Internet, social networks... Everything was created out of Nonexistence, and conquered the World.

You want to conquer a piece of the World, - create a new niche within it. It will be filled automatically.

That is my philosophy.

Igor Makanu:

Can you suggest a free GUI builder that would allow to write the MQL code for graphics?

I want to do something similar to Delphi Drag-and-Drop, but I haven't found a free GUI builder for writing MQL-code in it.

I don't think there's any...

Реter Konow:

I am creating a new layer of creativity within algotrading. Necessary-necessary is a variable. Like a bool. Today, it's not necessary. Tomorrow it's needed.

Who needed algotrading in the 90s? Who has heard of platforms and expert advisors? Optimized strategies? - NO ONE.

An idea, out of oblivion, creates a new entity and its relevance. Computer, Internet, social networks... All were created out of Nothingness, and conquered the World.

You want to conquer a piece of the World, - create a new niche within it. It will automatically fill up.

It is understandable. You create a control interface for the advisor. But that wasn't the question. You say it will solve the problem. What's the problem? I don't see a problem, whether the EA has an interface or not is secondary.

Vitalii Ananev:

This is clear. You are creating an EA management interface. But that was not the question. You say it will solve the problem. What is the problem? I don't see a problem. Whether the EA has the interface or not is secondary.

There is no problem. Just like there is no problem with roads in the stone age. But if you build roads, problems will appear. If a problem appears, solutions will be sought. This is the new niche. And it is needed to expand algotrading.

What does "expansion of algotrading" mean? - It means the creation of new entities within it. New directions. It means "eating" another area - MANUAL TRADING.

The semi-automatics will "eat" the manual trading. It will die. And our niche will expand.

Реter Konow:

There is no problem. Just as there is no problem with roads in the Stone Age. But if you build roads, there will be problems. If there is a problem, then solutions will be sought. This is the new niche. And it is needed to expand algotrading.

What does "expansion of algotrading" mean? - It means the creation of new entities within it. New directions. It means "eating" another area - MANUAL TRADING.

The semi-automatics will "eat" the manual trading. It will die. And our niche will expand.

So, there is no problem after all.


All right, I won't distract you from your objectives with my pragmatism.

Реter Konow:

I don't think there are any...

there is, google GUI builders, but a long search, I don't remember, but there were for HTML layout, where you can add HTML code yourself

for now I know you can try TCL, but I was hoping something from Visual C++ or something similar would work

Vitalii Ananev:

Well, there's no problem after all.


Of course there is no problem. And if there was no algotrading per se, there wouldn't be a problem either. And the internet and social media...

All of these are contrived entities that create new solutions and new problems. Nobody forbids creating new niches, inventions.

People get used to them and then cannot live without them. That's how it works in life.)

The problem of algotrading, as well as of any niche, is development. Without it, the niche's existence is doomed. The question - where do we need to develop? Only in the direction of manual trading. Only to "absorb" it with semi-automatics. And we will get a new space for our niche, and consequently money and time for the existence of our activity. At the expense of eating another, dead-end niche.

Igor Makanu:

there are, google GUI builders, but it's a long search, I don't remember, but there were some for HTML layout, where you can add HTML code yourself

for now I know you can try TCL, but I was hoping something from Visual C++ or something similar would work

You won't create an mql-GUI on another language constructor. Very doubtful.