My approach. The core is the engine. - page 173

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Peter, what have you tested? Where is your release? You've got it all on paper so far.

Peter, you're a mercenary Q!

I tested it with Oleg Papkov. You can ask him how it works.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Besides, it is very easy to justify the inappropriateness of this model here at all, not just by theoretical reasoning, but purely practically, for it is here like a gas mask on a walk in a flower meadow.

So justify it. So far you have not heard anything but incomprehensible indignation. Give me something constructive.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Then justify it. I've heard nothing but incomprehensible indignation from you so far. Give me something constructive.

Nah, I don't fall for that crap for a long time now, I'm sick of it.

Реter Konow:

Tested with Oleg Papkov. You can ask him how it works.

Yeah, I already ran to ask him... Are you forming a "witnesses to the Core" sect?

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Answer this question, though:

Here you've made this open source adapter on GitHub. And you talk about the vast possibilities of C#, such as the ability to port anything to a file sandbox. And you think, that nobody will add to this adapter what he wants, and won't start distributing closed virus version? And there won't be any "suckers" who will take it?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Nah, I don't fall for that kind of crap for a long time now, I'm sick of it.

Not because you're bored, but because you have no technical expertise. It will be harder to compete in real knowledge than it is to make fun of Peter. So you're right: when you have nothing to say, it's better to remain silent.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Vasiliy, what if they start making viral test simulators for MT5 or other utilities now and throw them in the public domain? Not only will the market utilities be unnecessary, but people will also get hurt... What do you think of such consequences?

Реter Konow:

Answer this question, though:

Here you've made this open source adapter on GitHub. And you talk about the vast possibilities of C#, such as the ability to port anything to a file sandbox. And you think, that nobody will add to this adapter what he wants, and won't start distributing closed virus version? And there won't be any suckers who'll take it?

Peter, the adapter posted on github won't. It is possible only with the confirmation of the project owner. He can inject malicious code into the adapter and distribute it as another version of the adapter. What does this have to do with the adapter? He can just make an exe and start distributing it. No gui is needed for that.

Реter Konow:

Vasily, what if...

Peter, you'd better join Dimitri. You are both storyteller-fanciers, you know how to suck a non-existent problem and shine it off without hesitation. Therefore you will find a common language.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Peter, the adapter posted on github will not add. This can only be done with the confirmation of the project owner. He can inject malicious code into the adapter and distribute it as another version of the adapter. What does this have to do with the adapter? He can just make an exe and start distributing it. It doesn't need any gui to do that.

The difference is that you're promoting an external shark connection in your articles. YOU CREATE CREDIBILITY. That's an excuse for attackers to take advantage of that trust and throw viral versions. Especially since your adapter is simple and easy to make.

Once again, trust in Sharp's connection can be used against users. And you will continue to reinforce this credibility in your articles.

People will want to save money on paid but safe Market utilities, and will download free but viral utilities. BOTH SELLERS AND USERS WILL LOSE OUT.