My approach. The core is the engine. - page 155


Anyway, it works. Only when you turn on screen recording, it starts to slow down. Just a snippet. It's in simulator mode in the tester. No problem with the demo.
So? It makes sense to think that the engine may work with two EAs at a time. Or with one on demo or real, and one in tester.
Trainer in the tester.

It's a GIF. You can look at it.

Igor Makanu:


and please note that the product mentioned is not just a graphic, but an analytical tool, but even that is not in demand

Are you drawing global conclusions based on the experience of one programmer? There are others, and they say otherwise.

Oleg Papkov:
Anyway, it works. It's just that when you turn on screen recording, it starts to slow down. I'm just going to post a snippet. This is in simulator mode in the tester. No problem with the demo.
So? It makes sense to think that the engine may work with two EAs at a time. Or with one on demo or real, and one in tester.

I'm working on it right now.

Реter Konow:

I'm working on it right now.

It's a GIF. You're welcome to see it. Will you let me know when it's ready?

Oleg Papkov:

It's a GIF. You can look at it. Will you let me know when it's ready?

I will.


Peter, if you don't mind, I'll prepare an article on how a graphical application can be created quite easily in MQL, using the new feature of integration with .Net libraries. The title of the article will be "Creating custom forms in VisualStudio for trade experts based on .Net Framework and C#".

Your approach and your ideas fired me up. I wondered if it was possible to create a graphic form for my Expert Advisor quickly and easily, using only basic programming skills. I conducted an experiment, and it turned out that it is possible! I got a form like this:

The idea was that the user would draw the required form in the VisualStudio editor and all the necessary work of integrating this window with the MQL code would be done behind the scenes, in automatic mode. To do this, I had to write a C# controller - a kind of analogue of your kernel, however, it only takes about 200 lines of code.

You can read about how it all works in the article I started.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Peter, if you don't mind, I'll prepare an article on how a graphical application can be created quite easily in MQL, using the new feature of integration with .Net libraries. The title of the article will be "Creating custom forms in VisualStudio for trading experts based on .Net Framework and C#".

Your approach and your ideas fired me up. I wondered if it was possible to create a graphic form for my Expert Advisor quickly and easily, using only basic programming skills. I conducted an experiment, and it turned out that it is possible! I got a form like this:

The idea was that the user would draw the required form in the VisualStudio editor and all the necessary work of integrating this window with the MQL code would be done behind the scenes, in automatic mode. To do this, I had to write a C# controller - a kind of analogue of your kernel, however, it only takes about 200 lines of code.

You can read about how it all works in the article I've started.

If possible a separate chapter on where to get and how to install (what to choose) this studio itself. And also the manipulations in the studio to create this panel.

Vladimir Karputov:

If possible, a separate chapter on where to get and how to install (what to choose) the studio itself. And also manipulations in the studio to create this panel.

Accepted. I can't promise much detail, because this topic deserves a separate article, and in general, the layer of C# and integration with it is so broad - that even one article is not enough. What concerns manipulation itself, of course, everything will be very detailed.

Since this article is only being written at the beginning, feel free to add your suggestions here and we will try to work on them :)

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Peter, if you don't mind, I'll prepare an article on how a graphical application can be created quite easily in MQL, using the new feature of integration with .Net libraries. The article will be called "Creating custom forms in VisualStudio for trade experts based on .Net Framework and C#".

Vasiliy Sokolov:


Sure, I don't mind, Vasiliy! By all means write it:)) It's hard for me to popularize this topic alone.

ZS. While you're writing, I'll have already released my constructor. By the way, also want to write articles on its use. Too bad that your version is only for personal use. My variant will do for Market.

And my version is much simpler, though without visual editing. On the other hand, you will be connected to the Market at once. And you don't have to rack your brains.))