My approach. The core is the engine. - page 36

Реter Konow:

How long would it take you to make a window like this? :)

Tag Konow:

Can a standard library do it? )

But if I google ready textures and bind them to standard MQL library I will certainly make it in a day - I usually create practical things, like toolbars, buttons, checkboxes, i.e. controls that users will click on and get results

But you need to distinguish between what the terminal does and what the chart in the EA does - why repeat the terminal's capabilities? .... Well, if you want to make a perversion, you have to pay for it, if the user wants it, you may do it.

As I've already written above, you need practical application, not beauty. If we're talking about beautiful buttons, calendars, progress boxes, then again I would put it all to .dll and within a couple of days (in Delphi) I would put together a .dll of ready-made components to the customer's layout - it would be cooler than yours and have the same look and functionality as the famous software packages (database handling, graphics, animation... you name it) and the labor involved would not compare with yours

You need to be able to use a ready made solution or be on trend! If the developers have supported .NET libraries, then you need to look for your own solutions with nice calendars and progress bars.


Dmitry Fedoseev:

And try to make, that at pressing one button one set of controls will be displayed, and at pressing other button - other control. At the same time, the window could be minimized and maximized. It is also assumed that there could be a lot of variants.

Hide element: m_button.Hide();

show the element: m_button.Show();

and I don't remember, but it has the property Enable - if it's Enable, we think that the item is active and will process all clicks on it; if it's disabled, then we have hidden it and it's not visible - return immediately

I have something at home somewhere, but I don't have it at hand right now

Реter Konow:

The product is designed to displace manual trading. The question is to what extent manual trading is still prevalent, and what can be offered to those who trade manually.

It is up to programmers to write semi-automated systems that automate and empower those who trade manually. On this they will make money.

Exactly, I have already drawn attention to this point.

This is not your niche, Peter ! Programmers who will write semi-automatic systems, and who are going to SELL them, will never mess with someone else's library. First of all, because of problems with support - if something goes wrong - you need to contact the author of the library, and you may have to figure it out yourself (and given your style of global access - it will be very difficult to calculate the errors). None of the programmers who write systems for others do not need it. It is much more reasonable for them to write something of their own.

Your niche is the programmers who prefer to trade manually. Your library will be very interesting for them. But how many of them are there on the forum?

Реter Konow:

Sure, the code is big. But it is extremely simple.

The main thing is that elements with already set properties (size, colour, gradient) can be simply taken from the code and copied to other windows.

No syntax, no classes, etc... They just took an item, or a group of items, or the whole window and paste it anywhere. In one piece.

Then, change something and you get a new element, element group or window.

It is easy to use for the first time. But for error detection, it is very, very malicious. When you just write code for the first time, it is not a big problem - as a rule, you have an example or help, and most importantly, you are "in the process" and keep all these subtleties in mind.But when you need to change something, or, moreover, appear error - for each line have to go to the help, and every time make sure that "everything is OK here", until one (the law of bad luck - the last) line suddenly appeared that you messed up something. And by that time - you'll curse the world, debugging such "code with global access to the kernel".

Dmitry Fedoseev:

If the order is not important, then there are no tooltips. And when you call a function or class constructor with parameters, the compiler makes hints by parameters. And you know, this is a very significant help. So, the standard approach is a definite fat plus.

By the way, yes, it's a very nice thing. I can confirm it.

And one more plus of encapsulation - when you address separate functions with separate parameters you already see what must be passed to it by name. And if you pass a structure - it is also visible by name of fields.

In case of access to global array with simple indexes, even if order is arbitrary - data can be mixed up very easily, which greatly simplifies making errors.

Georgiy Merts:

That's right, I've been drawing attention to this point.

This is not your niche, Peter ! Programmers who will write semi-automatic systems and are going to SELL them, will never mess with someone else's library. First of all, because of problems with support - if something goes wrong - you need to contact the author of the library, and you may have to figure it out yourself (and given your style of global access - it will be very difficult to calculate the errors). None of the programmers who write systems for others do not need it. It is much more reasonable for them to write something of their own.

Your niche is the programmers who prefer to trade manually. But for them, yes, your library will be very interesting. But how many of them are there on the forum?

Here, by the way, for some reason no one has noticed the discrepancy between Peter's goal and his niche. He wants to supplant manual trading. But he does his job for those who trade manually. Such a goal seems strange to me: "I'll give you something that will kill your usual trading arrangement... I am a kind guy who has come to break everything that you were used to - now you will work by my rules". Will this bring him success?

"You're kind of weird, Billy" ...


You don't understand a thing. :) Peter's aim is to replace manual traders who open positions with F9 key with a nice layer between the trader and the terminal. And if the trader has not lost his/her deposit in a nice way before, he/she will do it nicely with this layer. The deposit will be reduced, while the trader will enjoy the aesthetic beauty of the panel. And Peter, as an artist, is interested in aesthetic beauty, and you are spoiling his inspiration with your pragmatism.


I was reminded of a friend of mine. She bought a new computer and is bragging about it. I asked her. And how much RAM it has, what clock speed and other specifications. She answers. I don't know, but it's so beautiful. :)

Vitalii Ananev:

Peter, as an artist, is all about aesthetic beauty, and you are spoiling his inspiration with your pragmatism.

Yes, I've already asked where you can apply those beautiful gradients that Peter showed in the demo... But... I haven't seen any benefit or even convenience from using them yet.

And before Peter there was one participant here too - he even had some interesting graphical indicators that seem to use all those gradient colored images... I asked him about his application too... he promised to present it, but I guess it got stalled...

Eh... Anyone can hurt an artist...

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Try to make one set of controls appear when you click on one button, and another set of controls appear when you click on another button. At the same time, the window can be minimized and maximized. It's also assumed that there could be a lot of variants.

It would be interesting to ask Peter, how he could solve this problem?

found in the help, it looks like this


This library requires Visual Studio, which will generate the data file for the library.

And the user will only have to shape their windows in the program - That's the only way!

Indeed: The difficulty with all libraries (frameworks) is that the user has to "re-learn" its functions and parameters.

But this is also an advantage:

Libraries in all languages are created to SAVE TIME!

When the main part of the code is already written and debugged. And user (programmer) uses its possibilities.

What to say aboutMetaQuotes standard library- how many people use it?!Most, especially the beginners.

It is another matter when a programmer "wants" to create his own library. And he/she will use it. - As you said above: it is easier for the programmer to use his own library, which he can maintain himself, instead of waiting for the author's help .....

To make the product in demand, there are two ways to do it:

  • 1. Powerful advertising.
  • 2. Powerful interest.

For the first point, all you need is money.

The second point requires a new product that arouses interest.

Everything that does not arouse interest - will die without finding its application and user. And without the user and the author of the library will not be interested to develop it.

This vicious circle will forever discourage the author and the user.

Georgiy Merts:

It is easy to use for the first time. But for error detection, it is very, very malicious. When you just write your code for the first time, it is not a big problem - as a rule, you have an example or help, and most importantly, you are "in the process" and keep all these subtleties in mind.But when you need to change something, or, moreover, appear error - for each line have to go to the help, and every time make sure that "everything is OK here", until one (the law of bad luck - the last) line suddenly appeared that you messed up something. And by that time - you'll curse the world, debugging such "code with global access to the kernel".

George, I've told you many times that there's a ready-made markup language. Why would anyone want to mess with the code? He'll get the language and do what he needs to do.

If the user does not have enough graphics and needs animation- he can do it in his application.

One more thing: the market will ALWAYS be flooded. Nothing will change this fact. Well, let them drain with powerful, beautiful semi-automatics. At least they will feel better morally).

In all seriousness,no program will change the ratio of those who drain to those who earn.

But even after losing money, they will continue to use a semi-automatic program. Because it's N E D O R A M A N.

So it can be rented out.