The St Petersburg phenomenon. The paradoxes of probability theory. - page 10

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Actually, you can't. You need, say, a database - that's external software and no longer MKL. Writing a DB in MCL is close to madness.

Anything can also be done in assembler, but no one would think of doing everything in assembler.

No one would think of using any database but you :)

the terminal has its own database.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

no one would think of using any database but you :)

A database is a database.) And in general, judging by the articles and forum MKu, comes and many.

Here here about the additional training of TC as the play is dreaming. Without the DB, it is unrealistic.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

DB is a database.) And in fact, judging by the articles and the MKu forum, comes and many.

Yeah, one tiki recently suggested collecting there, in the MoD thread... well, isn't it idiotic

what else to accumulate in it i can not imagine ... and why

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Yeah, a tiki recently suggested it, in the MoD branch... isn't that crazy?

I can't imagine what else is in it... and why.

I would collect in general, for an external tester, for example. But no need yet.

In my database I have minute quotes of OHLCV for several instruments over a year. Again, for Python. In MT it is already there.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I would build one in general, for an external tester, for example. But I don't need it yet.

I have in my database minute quotations of OHLCV for several instruments for a year. Again, for Python. In MT it already is.

That's exactly what "it is".

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

you can do anything and more with mql5

mql5 is good for the final product. For research work, it is awkward compared to something like R or python.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

mql5 is good for the final product. For research it's awkward compared to something like R or python.

I agree with that. But R is also very inconvenient because of its narrow specialization. And there are statistics everywhere.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I agree. But R is also very uncomfortable because of its narrow specialisation. And statistics are actually everywhere.

The only problem I've encountered with R so far is that it's slow on big data. For big data, the Cern ROOT is a better choice.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

mql5 is good for the final product. For research it's awkward compared to something like R or python.

Yeah, especially when you need to have at hand a bunch of different quotes and rapid testing, R and python will quickly piss you off just restarting scripts

+ R has a nauseatingly slow IDE.

Run any backtester hundreds of times in these languages and then hang yourself with grief.

I don't even want to mention errors coming from third party libs, constant incompatibilities, etc.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Yeah, especially when you need to have a bunch of different quotes at hand and quick testing, R and python will quickly put you in a puddle just restarting scripts

+ R has nauseatingly slow IDE

There is almost no statistics in mql5. And the one you have is, to put it mildly, untested.