Are you ready to entrust dealing centres with at least $10,000? - page 13

Aleksey Ivanov:

OK, that'll do. So, the law that is objective is the one that does not depend on human will. I will now show you that the laws of morality are also objective.

Let us take a capacious principle that I have already written about - "Do not do to another what you would not want done to you" - and conduct a cruel mental experiment by placing you in a hypothetical moral anti-world, where the overwhelming majority professes the opposite principle. Since everyone in this world does only nasty things to each other, for purely statistical (and independent of your will) reasons, you will have to deal with them every day. The first night you will be, say, simply "smashed up" on the street; the second day you will be robbed of your flat; the third day a dozen of thugs (and those will be all the people)And on the fourth day, when you will try to take revenge on those scoundrels, you will be stabbed to death, freeing you at last from your miserable life in such a shitty world.

Such an infernal society, even if it did emerge as a result of some powerful hypothetical evolutionary dissonance against all odds, would prove unsustainable and would destroy itself very quickly. Therefore, society as an object exists only when the above-mentioned principle operates rather than its antipode. So, firstly, actions of such world-changing principles are quite objective, and secondly, their appearance is not simply a result of a free choice of a big group of people, because in the first case, society exists, while in the second one it does not (otherwise, if the world exists, people in it made the first choice).

Buy a smoothbore gun(3:54) and whack everyone to the cheburashkaes beforehand


Buy a smoothbore gun(3:54) and whack everyone to the chasers beforehand

That way there might be "cooler" guys to catch you and shove that smoothbore in one place.
Aleksey Ivanov:
So there may be "cooler" guys who catch you and shove that smoothbore in one place.

I see. By your terms above these guys are already messing around, what's confusing to you is that the first firecracker of a fellow guy's pieces will change their group thinking paradigm and your model will go bust? After all, the gun is good for one place - no fly. In the USSR there was a theme of a sub-caliber bullet in the 12th barrel, aiming range of 200-300m + penetration. And this direction was put on the brakes, guess why. Equality of rights and opportunities statistically ensures that those with a "tougher" ego will be in the "stall".


I see. By your terms above, these guys are spoiling life as it is, what (1) confuses you is that the first fireworks display of fellow guys' pieces will change their group mindset paradigm and your model will go bust? After all, the gun is good for one place - no fly. In the USSR there was a theme of a sub-caliber bullet in the 12th barrel, aiming range of 200-300m + penetration. And this direction was put on the brakes, guess why. Equality of rights and opportunities statistically ensures that those with a "tougher" ego will be in the "stall".

(1) You could write a fantasy story. Like. .... And when the pieces of the bro you ripped up with your bazooka fell on the heads of the remaining bros a divine grace suddenly descended on them and they realised their flawed lives and reformed (changed, as you write, "their group thinking paradigm", disproving "my" model) ... . . It could certainly happen, but with a probability like 10^(-100), while with a probability of 1-10^(-100) these bros will "go wild", making it their life's goal to destroy you.

The chain of evil is unbreakable by evil - with this approach, evil will increase in an avalanche fashion. Only by following the known principles of morality for thousands of years can global evil be reduced.

I have not invented my own models, but merely tried to show that moral principles are quite objective and strongly valid for public life. The more the criminal element or other infernal components prevail in social life and organisation, the weaker this society is, and at the limit of its criminalisation it becomes, in general, unviable and perishes.

By the way, if many brokerage companies would not have crooks, no one would question whether they could be trusted with money or not. Otherwise, it really is a problem.

Aleksey Ivanov:

(1) You could write a fantasy story. Like. .... And when the pieces of the bro you ripped up with your bazooka fell on the heads of the remaining bros, suddenly divine grace descended on them and they realised their wicked lives and reformed (changed, as you write, the "group paradigm of their thinking", disproving "my" model) ... . . It could certainly happen, but with a probability like 10^(-100), while with a probability of 1-10^(-100) these bros will "go wild", making it their life's goal to destroy you.

The chain of evil is unbreakable by evil - with this approach, evil will increase in an avalanche fashion. Only by following the known principles of morality for thousands of years can global evil be reduced.

I have not invented my own models, I have only tried to show that moral principles are quite objective and strongly valid for public life. The more the criminal element or other infernal components prevail in social life and organisation, the weaker this society is, and at the limit of its criminalisation it becomes, in general, unviable and perishes.

By the way, if many brokerage companies would not have crooks, no one would question whether they could be trusted with money or not. Otherwise, it really is a problem.

The recent times have shown that there are no heroes and tough guys, no one with a spark in his soul and good thoughts is ready to go to gunfire. You have bros in your head because by virtue of intellectual labour you can remember to build/synthesise realistic pictures with different characters, real characters do not have the qualities of fictional ones. Actively defending your rights and freedoms reduces overall criminalisation. If you take the relative murder rate(like a measure of evil) in some cis countries and in another gun liberal society(where in one of the states you will pay extra tax if you don't own a gun), the comparison is not in favour of some cis countries. The only time proven morality is Colt's morality("God made men different and ColonelColt madethemequal" in various variations).

The crooks just graze where neither the state nor the victims get anything.


So recent times are just showing that there are no heroes or toughs, no one with a spark in their soul and good thoughts is ready to throw themselves on the grenades. You have bros in your head because by virtue of your intellectual labour you can remember to build/synthesise realistic pictures with different characters, real characters do not have the qualities of fictional ones. Actively defending your rights and freedoms reduces overall criminalisation. If you take the relative murder rate(like a measure of evil) in some cis countries and in another gun liberal society(where in one of the states you will pay extra tax if you don't own a gun), the comparison is not in favour of some cis countries. The only time proven morality is Colt's morality("God made men different and ColonelColt madethemequal" in various variations).

The crooks just graze where neither the state nor the victims get anything.

I was brought up in the Soviet era and spent most of my life there. At that time the emphasis was on mutual help, not competition, and this, in principle, was a truer and stronger civilizational path. So, universal morality is closer to me than "colt morality". And I would not like to discuss rights and freedoms here, as this is already politics, which is strictly moderated.
Aleksey Ivanov:
I was brought up in Soviet times and most of my life was spent there. At that time, the emphasis in my upbringing was on mutual help, not fierce competition, and it was, in principle, a truer and stronger civilizational path. So, universal morality is closer to me than "colt morality". And I would not like to discuss rights and freedoms here, as this is already politics, which is strictly moderated.

There is no dispute that many things were different then and many issues did not exist, but times have changed and statistics remain.