Are you ready to entrust dealing centres with at least $10,000? - page 9


I had a friend who worked as a driver for a rich man, driving him in the owner's expensive car, the car was at his disposal.

Every Friday he went to a club to pick up a nice chick for fun. One Friday, I asked him, "Are you going to the club to meet girls again today? Probably driving the chief's car? He told me, "I'm not stupid, I'll drive my own niva..."

Georgiy Merts:

It's a "and you say" kind of thing.

Yeah, everyone likes to brag, but there are signs of safe sex... I am not just one or two packages lying on the beach, the kids are fooling around with all their fun for the sake of showing off... How will they live with such a habit, I guess... until they get bored or grow old with such show-offs...

Georgiy Merts:

Come on... How will you ("not you, but YOU" - remember) free yourself from your needs ?

Are you unable to distinguish complexes and stereotypical thinking from biological needs?

Сергей Криушин:

Well, everyone likes to brag, but there are signs of safe sex... There are packages lying on the beach and not just one or two of them, so kids goof off as much as they like for fun... How will they live with such a habit, I guess... until they get bored or until they are old enough to enjoy the fun...

Yes, yes, there are traces. But, I'm afraid, there are far fewer of them than there are 14 year olds. Practically no one has sex at that age and the tracks are usually left by older people.
Aleksey Ivanov:

Are you unable to distinguish complexes and thinking stereotypes from biological needs?

Alexei, let's keep it on a first-name basis, what the hell are we going to do to each other? I propose to address you as "you" to ladies and much older people.

And there are needs not only biological-vital. Say, the need in communication is biological? And the same BBB (need for recognition) - is it biological ? And the need for closeness (participation)? And these are all very important human needs.

Yes, you won't die if you can't communicate with anyone, you won't die if you feel like an outcast or if you don't have anyone close to you... But at the same time - your life will not be comfortable in any way. At best, you will have to invent a religion, God, in order to communicate with him, to fulfill your needs for participation and acceptance with him. But, if you are irreligious - you will realize that you are just lying to yourself, and it will not improve your mental well-being either.

Georgiy Merts:
Yes, yes, there are traces. But I'm afraid there are far fewer of them than 14 year old ramblers. Almost no one has sex at that age and the tracks are usually left by older people.

You must be living on the moon or a nerd from your old life, everything is as it should be, a mosquito will not poke their nose, and why don't they have sex...or maybe we have a different understanding of the process...))), and why grownups need to wander around in the bushes...but it is more interesting to remember youth and fresh air...)))


The question of conspicuous consumption is not as simple as it may seem, there are unspoken social conventions, traditions, how one should behave, what to have and how one should look as a representative of a particular social status, profession, etc. Incongruence in this at least complicates communication, because it distorts the communication protocol, it is just like if web browser server sends not familiar HTTP, but something amateurish and althoughhttp protocol is quite error-prone, when there is not even an incongruence in the communication protocol, people do not know how to treat you and interact with you.

Breaches in social protocols make life difficult for those you communicate with (even just those who see you), people don't know how to relate to you and interact with you. It is rare that hiding your social and economic status is worth doing, usually it's the opposite, everyone wants to pretend to be rich and powerful without being so, because it simplifies communication, people want and like to communicate with significant and promising, even those who CAN look like that, rather than with losers who can not even pretend.

Only criminals can meaningfully hide their wealth and influence, and usually they find it very hard, or psychopaths who are socially-emotionally underdeveloped, they have no (much less) need for communication and respect, which a normal person should have, I do not even talk about sex, it is the most basic need, if there is none then everything is very bad.

So stories about pennies and constipation are obviously stories about criminals, and when a billionaire collects bottles of urine and avoids the press, it means he's off his rocker, and the psychosis starts with not expensive cars and tasteless clothes.

it's the richest.

it's the richest

There are exceptions to every RULE, sometimes even quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity are violated, but exceptions and fringe elements are not worth paying attention to, Zukrerberg is not afraid to walk like this, that scumbags would take him for a bum and beat him up like in "A Clockwork Orange", I would not advise you to walk around Moscow in summer, to say nothing of St. Petersburg or the hinterland, here the attitude to the powerless beggars is more "natural", they either treat them with vodka or beat them half to death and both without any obvious reason, stochastically.

Сергей Криушин:

People-unhumans have completely forgotten about love... "Sex + borscht" to one person, a pompous entourage to another - and all the girls are yours, a mutually beneficial communication to the third... after all this, what happens, I mean in the morning - green with boredom, maybe to hang yourself...with all these scenarios and pictures television feeds our young people, they have gone crazy, so they zombify the population that they need nothing but sex and borscht, where sympathy for a hand movement, a turn of the head, a kind smile, an angelic kiss of a child - all this translates into monetary relations with music......chicks followed the Decembrists to prison for money and sex, according to you ... you can also say that no, they were bound by contracts to the church ... yes, degrading dignity below the plinth is the first rule of manipulation, which Western propaganda did to us in its time and which TNT successfully does with its durDom-2... in Soviet times they would not have been allowed near the audience... but what to say - you will not understand anyway ...((

Granddads who retell false propaganda from TV in other threads are telling us about the dumbing down of youth.
As for young people, they can find the truth on Facebook and YouTube, but grandparents watch lies on Kremlin channels. )
We are being told about the dumbing down of young people here by grandfathers who, in other threads, are simultaneously retelling false propaganda from the TV screen.
At least young people are advanced, they can find the truth on Facebook and YouTube. But grandparents watch lies on Kremlin channels. )

A misconception about people who have seen a lot in their lifetime and have had a lot of experience.

Although, to be fair, there are all kinds of dumb and smart young people and there are all kinds of old people, both dumbed down and, on the contrary, highly advanced in many directions. There is a choice - to develop or to degrade, and the second is easier.