Are you ready to entrust dealing centres with at least $10,000? - page 7

Georgiy Merts:

What do you mean?

Why would she need you if you can't provide for her and yourself? I'm always amused by people who talk about "the union of two free people" - when asked, it turns out that in this "union" people do not need each other, and next to each other - only until there are no problems. As soon as problems arise, such "unions" break up.

It is right that a woman needs a man as a source of material resources. Historically, a man's care is primarily material, while a woman's is immaterial. And this is the inner conviction of any man.

To anyone who objects - I suggest you check your pride. Any man can be proud to provide for his girlfriend. And any woman can also take pride in being provided for by her man. And in the opposite direction, it doesn't work. I haven't seen men who are proud to be provided for by their girlfriend, and women are never proud of it either. Although it would seem that in today's world women earn just as much...

Yeah, yeah... Not less, but try to tell her that you'll live off her money and you'll be lying on the couch, thinking about the fate of the universe ! Even if she agrees at first - her enthusiasm fades very quickly, and your couple - will fall apart. Because it's unnatural for a woman to provide for a couple. And for a man - unnatural to wait for his beloved from work, and make up at the dressing table.

Yes, I wrote above that everyone has his own social circle, depending on behavior, respectively, and the experience is accumulated differently and everyone has different goals.

Let us put the question differently: why should I drag along ballast in the form of a woman? Why do I need a man to provide for me and what will she give me? So the question is not why do I need her, but why do I need her? There are no major, there are no minor ones, everyone decides for himself what he/she wants me for. Whatever I need, I can do it myself, if communication is lacking, it can easily be found in a short time. Communication should be mutually beneficial. I give something, I get something, money has nothing to do with it, if communication doesn't work out that way, it's not necessary. Why do you need it? There are a lot of reasons really, exactly why you need her. It doesn't mean you have to be a cheapskate and never give her anything, but she has to act exactly the same. It means you're communicating with someone who is your own equal and it's much more interesting. There are situations when you can support a person if he gives you something that means he can't take care of himself, that's the kind of person he is but that's what he likes. Or if you get 10 times as much, why not make your loved one happy? Let's live well together, there is a possibility.

The times when couples were united in order to provide for each other are over. One works, the other does the housework. Now everyone is more or less in the same position and I think the priority should be to help each other, and who helps whom and how will depend on circumstances.

It solves a lot of issues. For example I will never hear the typical phrase: "You buy all this crap, you'd better buy this, we don't have it, and you're doing crap". Most people know this story, don't they? Or you don't go out drinking with friends, don't buy such expensive beer)). I'll do exactly the kind of nonsense I want to do, because the criteria for nonsense is also defined by someone....

This life really does not suit everyone, to live like this, you have to be, because society imposes stereotypes and many are completely unfounded. A rich man should look rich)) a man should pay for a woman)). Any "must" is a direct manipulation on certain psychological traits of personality. Look at commercials and everything becomes clear, each ad exploits a particular psychological trait. For example I can communicate with a person, find out who he is and then hang him and he will still think that these are his thoughts). The more of such "holes" in his psychological picture he has, the easier it is to manipulate him. You probably do not want to be manipulated, unless it is a nice manipulation.)

Maxim Romanov:

A rich man should look rich)) a man should pay for a woman)). Any "should" is a direct manipulation on certain psychological traits of the individual.

You could say "manipulation", but as it happens, you can't go against the culture, I mean you can, but it will cost you more, it's better to trust people. I am not suggesting that all these socio-cultural patterns should be considered as "laws" of the same order as the laws of physics and emotionally observe them, of course they are conditional, arbitrary and to some extent stochastic, like fashion for example. With cultural patterns must be treated like with religion, despite the fact that both are pure arbitrary, a riot of fantasy, but both have a social and individual WAY. A normal man needs a woman is a fact, without a woman to live worse and sex is not the most important role, and to "tame" the woman to be wealthy and if not popular, then at least normal, and normal is SOCIAL, that is someone who loves people, trusts people, not sees everywhere manipulation and conspiracy, normal believes quality (expensive) advertising, he likes popular brands and so on. Normal loves people around him because he is predictable and positive, everyone wants to be like him. But psychopaths are not loved, they are often negative, unpredictable and see a threat and manipulation in everything, they do not have jobs and have small incomes and pathological compensatory psychological patterns that rationalize their forced struggle with the world as "spirituality" ((

Relax, buy the latest iPhone, a nice expensive suit, a watch, shoes and you'll see how the pretty ladies will reach out to you and you'll feel good.

Maxim Romanov:

Let's put the question another way: why should I drag along ballast in the form of a woman? Why would I want a man to provide for me and what would she give me?

Well, it's clear why. A satisfying "sex + borscht" package.

For most men, that's enough.

Maxim Romanov:

Communication should be mutually beneficial. I give something, I get something, money has nothing to do with it, if communication doesn't work out that way, it's not necessary. Why would she need you? There are a lot of reasons really, exactly why you need her. It doesn't mean you have to be a cheapskate and never give her anything, but she has to act the same way. It means you're communicating with someone who is your own equal and it's much more interesting. There are situations when you can support the person if he gives you something that means he can't take care of himself, that's the kind of person he is but that's what he likes. Or if you get 10 times as much, why not make your loved one happy? Let's live well together, there is a possibility.

The times when couples joined together to provide for each other are over. One works, the other does the housework. Now everyone is more or less in the same position and I think the priority should be to help each other, and who helps whom and how will depend on circumstances.

And then we wonder why there is a family crisis.

Why do you need a woman if you don't provide for her? And why do you need her if you don't provide for sex and comfort?

That's the key to a strong couple, so that people objectively need each other. So that you can be absolutely clear about what your girlfriend gives you and you know exactly what you give her. These vague ideas about "more or less equal status" lead to the fact that people don't want to agree with each other, ruin their lives, live alone, and complain that "there are no normal men - normal women". How can there be "normal" if people don't want each other?

Maxim Romanov:

Any "should" is a direct manipulation on certain psychological traits of the individual.

Yes, yes, it's fashionable nowadays to think that no one owes anyone anything. A man doesn't even have to have an MPH.

But, in my opinion, it's impossible to live in a couple and be free of a couple - just as it's impossible to live in society and be free of society. So, yes, he should. If one is part of society.

By the way, it was Roslyakov who showed everyone that he "owes no one anything". But somehow I do not want to live by such principles.


Relax, buy the latest iPhone, a nice expensive suit, a watch, shoes, and you'll see how the pretty ladies will reach out to you and you'll feel good.

This is when you are young.

For an old guy like me, it's easier. Provide separate accommodation, money for the household and "travel" and you won't have any problems with women.


You could say "manipulation", but as it happens, you can't go against culture, I mean you can, but it would be more costly to yourself, it's better to trust people. I am not suggesting that all these socio-cultural patterns should be considered as "laws" of the same order as the laws of physics and emotionally observe them, of course they are conditional, arbitrary and to some extent stochastic, like fashion for example. With cultural patterns must be treated like with religion, despite the fact that both are pure arbitrary, a riot of fantasy, but both have a social and individual WAY. A normal man needs a woman is a fact, without a woman to live worse and sex is not the most important role, and to "tame" the woman to be wealthy and if not popular, then at least normal, and normal is SOCIAL, that is someone who loves people, trusts people, not sees everywhere manipulation and conspiracy, normal believes quality (expensive) advertising, he likes popular brands and so on. Normal loves people around him because he is predictable and positive, everyone wants to be like him. But psychopaths are not loved, they are often negative, unpredictable and see a threat and manipulation in everything, they do not have jobs and have small incomes and pathological compensatory psychological patterns that rationalize their forced struggle with the world as "spirituality" ((

Relax, buy the latest iPhone, a nice expensive suit, a watch, shoes and you yourself will see how pretty young ladies will reach out to you and you will feel good.

I, for example, am very social and not evil, I have a lot of friends of all kinds, I do not need to go to work)). But here's an iPhone I do not like, I do not need a watch (yet say that you get up in the morning for the alarm clock), bored with the suit, the shoes are not comfortable ... and I do not do what I do not like). I have no problem at all with pretty ladies)

But I understand your point of view and I do not judge, everyone lives as he knows how.

Georgiy Merts:

And then we wonder why there is a family crisis.

Why do you need a woman if you don't provide for her? And why do you need her if you don't provide for sex and comfort?

That's the key to a strong couple, so that people need each other objectively. So that you can be absolutely clear about what your girlfriend gives you and you know exactly what you give her. These vague ideas about "more or less equal status" lead to the fact that people don't want to agree with each other, ruin their lives, live alone, and complain that "there are no normal men - normal women". How can there be "normal" if people don't want each other?

There are normal women and I know them)), and I haven't lived alone for a long time and everything is fine, better than the others.

People need each other but not everybody understands that.

I understand your point of view and I do not dispute it, but you can look at the world a little more broadly and understand that it is possible to live differently.


People-unhumans have completely forgotten about love... "Sex + borscht" to one person, a pompous entourage to another - and all the girls are yours, a mutually beneficial communication to the third... after all this, what happens, I mean, in the morning - green with boredom, maybe to hang yourself...with all these scenarios and pictures television feeds our young people, they have gone crazy, so they zombify the population, that besides sex and borscht, they don't need anything, where sympathy for movement of the hand, turn of the head, a kind smile, an angelic kiss of a child - all this is a coffin with some music to translate into monetary relations......chicks followed the Decembrists to prison for money and sex, according to you ... you can also say that no, they were bound by contracts to the church ... yes, degrading dignity below the plinth is the first rule of manipulation, which Western propaganda did to us in its time and which TNT successfully does with its durDom-2... in Soviet times they would not have been allowed near the audience... but what to say - you will not understand anyway ...((

Сергей Криушин:

Some people have completely forgotten about love... "sex + borscht" to one person, a poncey entourage to another - and all the girls are yours, a mutually beneficial communication to the third... after all this, what will happen, I mean in the morning - green with boredom, maybe to hang yourself...

Well, noooo....

In the morning, you'll be hungry again, and you'll need that same "borscht". And in the evening,you're gonna want sex.

I don't get the "and all the girls are yours" part... A man needs "sex + borscht", a woman needs "dough-biceps-babble" from a man.

I don't see any reason to "pine for the green" or "hang." Everything is great, you provide what she needs, she provides what you need. That's the basis for a couple. And if both of those things are in place, there is bound to be that "lambing" that has been written about here.

And if your (or her) real needs are not fulfilled in the couple, even if there was any love, it will disappear very quickly.