Are you ready to entrust dealing centres with at least $10,000? - page 6


Your friend is a schizoid personality (this is like a schizophrenic but without disease progression) and probably a sociopath, judging by your description, social status and popularity in society are the main motivation and goal of a normal person, if a person is indifferent to the opinion of others, does not want to be respected and popular, then something is obviously wrong, in your place I would inform the appropriate authorities to have your friend checked and cured before it is too late, so that then you do not have to deal with a maniac or terrorist. A normal guy who earns ten times less has a latest iPhone, a car, a girlfriend, and of course lives in a rented flat, not with his parents (shame), no girl would date a guy who cannot afford to rent a flat.

If that's not sarcasm, then the case is very much neglected). No wife and girl are different concepts, there are plenty of girls. You have to understand that everyone has different priorities and values. He can afford not to live in a rented flat, that's for sure)) he had a flat in Moscow, then bored with Moscow, he sold it.

But you don't have to pay for a lot of flats, I'll tell you a secret. On the contrary, I used to sift out people who were interested in money (it was hard to overpower myself, because I grew up in that society too). And you need money to communicate with girls in two cases: If you can't/won't give something else or if you surround yourself with that layer of people. Money relationships are always less enjoyable.

Depending on the behaviour, different people show up in the social circle, with different values.


No you're wrong, spirituality has nothing to do with it, it's an obvious indirect benefit, try to come to an important business meeting, not in a business suit for at least $ 5k, shoes for a thousand and a watch for 10, but in sneakers and an Adidas suit (( Unless you have compromising evidence on the influential persons of the meeting or you are not much richer than all present put together, the deal will be blown.

Do not go to another's monastery with your own mouth, those are the social rules, how you look so you are treated, no one gives a damn about your rich inner world and spirituality, quantitatively you can only check the material wealth, expressed in status things. So a normal person with an income of 40k a month will have the latest iPhone a week after birth in the country and a foreign car with 2-3m rubles, most likely on credit or bought as an inheritance.

You are talking about something completely different. If you dress according to your income, especially for business negotiations, it is normal. But if on the same negotiations you will come in a suit made of gold or scattered with platinum chains and other luxuries. Then it's already a show-off. If you have a salary of three kopecks and you wear a 5k suit and a 10k watch... then that's a bit of a show-off too.

Vitalii Ananev:
Having an expensive smartphone, a car and other attributes is not an indicator of wealth. All these things you can buy on credit and live on the balance of your salary after you pay the debt. A really rich person does not hide his status (unless of course he is a bureaucrat thief), but he does not do it in an ostentatious way, to make himself look special. In the period of initial accumulation of capital, the rich suffered from that, about whom they used to say "from filth to riches" and sometimes there are articles in the press about the obscenities of "rich people" who have not yet earned anything but have at their disposal daddy's money.

Rather the opposite, you see a man who "has everything" and you immediately realize he's a bum)). People who are really wealthy don't put everything on display, they just live, enjoy life and it doesn't matter how much money they have, the main thing is that they have everything they need.

Every day I watch a traffic jam outside my window before lunchtime in one direction and after lunch in the other, and there are people in buses and Lexuses, but it is clear that if they all get together at 9 am, there will be few successful people, no matter what they are driving.

No you're wrong, spirituality has nothing to do with it, it's an obvious indirect benefit, try to come to an important business meeting, not in a business suit for at least $ 5k, shoes for a thousand and a watch for 10, but in sneakers and an Adidas suit (( Unless you have compromising evidence on the influential persons of the meeting or you are not much richer than all present put together, the deal will be blown.

Do not go to another's monastery with his own mouth, those are the social rules, how you look so you relate to you, no one gives a damn about your rich inner world and spirituality, quantitatively you can only check the material wealth, expressed in status things. So a normal person with an income of 40k a month will have the latest iPhone a week after his arrival in the country and a foreign car with 2-3m rubles, most likely on credit or bought as an inheritance.

Oh, I do so all the time, if the meeting is really important, they do not look at what you are wearing, they look at who you are, what you can do, how you think, they assess your adequacy. If you come to a meeting and they judge you by your appearance, then this meeting is not important, you don't even have to go to it))


No you're wrong, spirituality has nothing to do with it, it's an obvious indirect benefit, try to come to an important business meeting, not in a business suit for at least $ 5k, shoes for a thousand and a watch for 10, but in sneakers and an Adidas suit (( Unless you have compromising evidence on the influential persons of the meeting or you are not much richer than all present put together, the deal will be blown.

Do not go to another's monastery with his own mouth, those are the social rules, how you look so you relate to you, no one gives a damn about your rich inner world and spirituality, quantitatively you can only check the material wealth, expressed in status things. So a normal person with an income of 40k a month will have the latest iPhone a week after coming to the country and a foreign car with 2-3m rubles, most likely on credit or bought as an inheritance.

Because of these parasites, advertisements appear on TV every day, saying, help save a child and we will raise $5000 together. And those who have money, they sit on it by balls, and spend it only on themselves, and to spend such a sum for the rest of life is simply not realistic.

You see, if you don't, you're still very young.


No you're wrong, spirituality has nothing to do with it, it's an obvious indirect benefit, try to come to an important business meeting, not in a business suit for at least $ 5k, shoes for a thousand and a watch for 10, but in sneakers and an Adidas suit (( Unless you have compromising evidence on the influential persons of the meeting or you are not much richer than all present put together, the deal will be blown.

Do not go to another's monastery with his own mouth, those are the social rules, how you look so you relate to you, no one gives a damn about your rich inner world and spirituality, quantitatively you can only check the material wealth, expressed in status things. So a normal person with an income of 40 tyres a month will have the latest iPhone a week after coming to the country and a foreign car for 2-3 m rubles, most likely on credit or bought as an inheritance.

People come to negotiate, not to look around.

Generally speaking, there are times when business meetings are held in a bathhouse in sheets.

I don't remember who said: "Often people mistake the act of consumption for an achievement".

Vitaly Stepanov:
Are you ready to entrust dealing centres with at least $10,000 per deposit, even if you have a profitable strategy.
10 quid maximum

No you're wrong, spirituality has nothing to do with it, it's an obvious indirect benefit, try to come to an important business meeting, not in a business suit for at least $ 5k, shoes for a thousand and a watch for 10, but in sneakers and an Adidas suit (( Unless you have compromising evidence on the influential persons of the meeting or you are not much richer than all present put together, the deal will be blown.

Do not go to another's monastery with his own mouth, those are the social rules, how you look so you relate to you, no one gives a damn about your rich inner world and spirituality, quantitatively you can only check the material wealth, expressed in status things. So a normal person with an income of 40k a month will have the latest iPhone a week after their arrival in the country and a foreign car for 2-3m rubles, most likely on credit or bought as an inheritance.

So where do these very "try to come not in a business suit" come from? They are just pretentious.

Social rules are just these same tricks, plus "markers of one's own", like tattoos on prisoners.

In theory, if a person does not look like a bum, which is just physically unpleasant to be with - that should be enough. But no, in any society that's not enough - precisely because these same social rules, which include these same tricks, are also important.

Vitalii Ananev:
Having an expensive smartphone, a car and other paraphernalia is no indicator of wealth. All of these things can be bought on credit, and one can live on the balance of one's salary after paying off the debt.

What do you mean, "not an indicator"?

Just the loan is from the same line of "smartphone-car-travel-mansion" ! Only a very rich person can afford to have it all on credit, especially when it comes to mortgages - what poor person can afford to buy TWO houses and give one to the bankers for nothing, so that they, the poor, don't starve to death ? Only a rich person, who is rich not only now but also in the future.

If a person has bought things on credit, he is even richer than the person who bought them with cash.

Maxim Romanov:

But even to have a bunch of twosome, you don't have to pay for them at all, I'll tell you a secret. On the contrary, I purposely screened out those who were interested in money before (it was hard to overpower myself, because I also grew up in this society). And you need money to communicate with girls in two cases: If you can't/won't give something else or if you surround yourself with that layer of people. Money relationships are always less enjoyable.

What do you mean ???

What the fuck are you then, if you - can't provide for yourself and her ? I've always been amused by people who talk about "the union of two free people" - when asked, it turns out that in this "union" people do not need each other, and together - just until there are no problems. As soon as problems arise, such "unions" break up.

It is right that a woman needs a man as a source of material resources. Historically, a man's care is primarily material, while a woman's is immaterial. And this is the inner conviction of any man.

To anyone who objects - I suggest you check your pride. Any man can be proud to provide for his girlfriend. And any woman can also take pride in being provided for by her man. And in the opposite direction, it doesn't work. I haven't seen men who are proud to be provided for by their girlfriend, and women are never proud of it either. Although it would seem that in today's world women earn just as much...

Yes, yes... Not less, but try to tell her that you will live on her money, and you - will lie on the couch, thinking about the fate of the universe ! Even if she agrees at first - her enthusiasm fades very quickly, and your couple - will fall apart. Because it's unnatural for a woman to provide for a couple. And for a man - unnatural to wait for his beloved from work, and make up at the dressing table.