Independent work by two advisers - page 6

I have not been assigned any ports by my provider. By ports, I mean the slot in the laptop where I insert the modem. I have three such slots ( or ports??) on my laptop. On one of connectors I leave in the Internet within a week. Then the provider does not allow me to use the Internet from this plug. The inscription UNUSABLE PORT lights up and then I plug the same modem in another slot on the same laptop. I accessed internet for a week. Then there is also no internet access and I get the same modem on the same laptop in another slot and it works again. From a technical point of view for me is wedge in the head of misunderstanding. I have a three-pronged plug in the socket. What difference does it make which socket I put the plug in?

Your description suggests that the problem is not with the ISP but with the modem(router) and computer. You say that you simply change the plug to the computer but do not upgrade the modem connection to your ISP. This means that the connection to the ISP is not broken, but only the reconnect on the computer to the modem. It is possible that you don't even need to change the socket, but simply reconnect to the computer and the new network settings will be picked up by the modem.
But this is purely a guess from the situation you described above.

At least someone sober with sober thoughts
I still have not heard an answer to the question - who did you go to for writing an expert that he spoke to you in such a manner, and then did not correct the error?
Konstantin Nikitin:

Your whole description suggests that the problem is not with the ISP, but with the modem(router) and computer. You say that you just change the connection to the computer, but you don't renew the modem connection to the ISP. This means that the connection to the ISP is not broken, but only the reconnect on the computer to the modem. It is possible that you don't even need to change the socket, but simply reconnect the computer and the new network settings will be picked up by the modem.
But this is purely a guess from the situation you described above.

If you switch it off and wait an hour, the same PORT will be available again. The question is not about that, but about what I mean by the word PORT.
Georgiy Merts:
I still haven't heard an answer to the question - who did you go to for writing an expert that he spoke to you in that manner and then didn't correct the mistake?
I was just humorously exaggerating his manner . But in fact he said, "The Strategy Tester is glitchy, and the Expert Advisor may have errors in it. I should go to the real EA and use it correctly" ...... his name - what will it gain? Why don't you order a job yourself and then we'll have a good laugh.
I was just humorously exaggerating his manner . But in fact he said: "The Strategy Tester is glitchy and an EA will anyway have errors in it. I should go to the real EA and use it correctly" ...... (his name). Why don't you order a job yourself and then we'll have a good laugh.

Hmmm... That's not "exaggerating with humour", but a direct distortion of the situation. You should at least write in your posts that "...exaggerating". Otherwise, it just so happens that you yourself have a "sniff".

Let's get to the bottom of this.

If you have a name - you can ask the doer where the tester"glitches", that "in any case the expert will work with errors". In order to make sure that this is indeed the case. And if it's true - it would be good for everyone to know this point. The way I see it - the strategy tester is NOT glitchy ANYWHERE.

And if it isn't - then to know that either this contractor is poorly qualified, or the customer is lying.

So far, I'm leaning more and more towards the latter. And if it's not - then give us a name and we'll ask him where the expert will "in any case" work with mistakes.

Georgiy Merts:

Hmmm... That's not "exaggerating with humour", but a direct distortion of the situation. You should have at least written in your posts that "...exaggerating". Otherwise, it just so happens that you yourself have a "sniff".

Let's get to the bottom of this.

If you have a name - you can ask the doer where the tester"glitches", that "in any case the expert will work with errors". In order to make sure that this is indeed the case. And if it's really true - it would be good for everyone to know this point. The way I see it - the strategy tester is NOT glitchy ANYWHERE.

And if it isn't - then to know that either this contractor is poorly qualified, or the customer is lying.

So far, I'm leaning more and more towards the latter. And if it's not - then give us a name and we'll ask him where the expert will "in any case" work with mistakes.

When I wrote in humor, I did not name names. The rest is reliable, his statement about the glitches and that the real glitches will not be. If his correspondence dug up, I will let you know. But if you do not believe you can throw some freelance order and make sure that the developers too "with a sense of humor.
I am digging around, maybe I will quote him. When I wrote in humour, I did not give any names. The rest is reliable, his statement about the glitches and that there will be no real glitches. If his correspondence dug up, I will let you know. But if you do not believe you can throw some Freelance order and make sure that the developers too "with a sense of humor.

Well, well... Here, I am in this very credibility and doubt, and very much want to hear about the situation "on the other hand". Because I'm more and more in doubt about the truthfulness of your words.

The most important thing is where the "glitches" are, and what they are. These are bugs in the platform that everyone needs to know about and report to the developers. They should be fixed. (If, of course, they are, which I also highly doubt, I repeat, I have more than a hundred TS working on one account at a time, each has its own magician, and no confusion has ever arisen).

Georgiy Merts:

Well, well... Here, I doubt this very credibility, and am very interested to hear about the situation "on the other side". Because I am doubting more and more the truthfulness of your words.

The most important thing is where the "glitches" are, and what they are. These are bugs in the platform that everyone needs to know about and report to the developers. They should be fixed. (If, of course, they are, which I also highly doubt, I repeat, I have more than a hundred TCs working on the same account at the same time, each with its own magician, and no confusion has ever arisen).

Read carefully .I asked a QUESTION about the magicians.It has nothing to do with the GLUCKS . Why has not the developer eliminated - I quoted 90% of his words. I will not break into a hard drive when all is removed. You do not believe me - apply for freelance work, probably you will meet a developer with a sense of humor. I am one developer offered a 100% advance payment and only after that will start the work. I offered her to take my order. I was banned for a month. I saved the correspondence in the archive, I can send it to the post. I will not sue you. I might get banned again.
Read carefully about the magicians I QUESTIONed.It has nothing to do with GLUCKS. Why has the developer not eliminated - I quoted him as saying 90%. I will not break into a hard drive when all is removed. You do not believe me - apply for freelance work, probably you will meet a developer with a sense of humor. I am one developer offered a 100% advance payment and only after that will start the work. I offered her to take my order. I was banned for a month. I saved the correspondence in the archive, I can send it to the post. I will not sue you. I may get banned again.

You, my friend, reread what you write here and judge for yourself what an outside observer might decide.

First, you accuse the man of refusing to fix his bug by saying that "it's the terminal's bug". When I asked you to tell me what the fault was in the terminal - you started dodging the question. You also do not give the artist's name, and it is impossible to listen to his version of events.

What should the forum users think of you? I am beginning to think that you got banned correctly, although initially on the contrary, I thought the doer is to blame. It looks like you just slandered him, at the same time accusing MetaQuotes of some "glitches" in the tester. How should I take your words and your attitude after that?


These are the glitches, but of course it's all the tester' s fault

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