Independent work by two advisers - page 4


I have already been offered the service of writing the terms of reference. The cost of the service is twice as much as the estimated work:

1) In what language should I explain TOR to a developer?

2) If the drafter understands it, why doesn't the developer understand it?

Because the drafter has his head screwed on, and the developer has the technical terms.

Vladislav Andruschenko:

I still haven't caught this external UPU behaviour.

But believe me, I have known this problem for 6 years.

wrote an article about it on the website.

The solution to the VPS problem:

If YOU notice that the Expert Advisor is not opening what you need, or something is happening that YOU didn't plan on the VPS, you close the terminal and then log in and it is open again -RESET THE SERVER
Very interesting article. I'll put the EA on VPS for the time being - I'll trade manually. Question: Can I simulate incorrect shutdown of the VPS and then practice shutting down correctly?
Very interesting article. I'll put the EA on VPS for the time being - I'll trade manually. I have a question: Can I simulate incorrect shutdown of the VPS and then practice shutting it down correctly?
And about the article you wrote ... have a link to read it ?

I have already been offered the service of writing the terms of reference. The cost of the service is twice as much as the estimated work:

1) In what language should I explain TOR to a developer?

2) If the drafter understands it, why doesn't the developer understand it?

It is better for the drafter to be the developer. The drafter needs to communicate with the customer to get it right. The language is native, everyday language.

The price is by the hour... let's say $30 per hour...


He wrote: "It's OK, sir. .... I'm all right, I'm all right, I'm all right, I'm all right... And you're all right, it's OK.

And I wonder if this "specialist" had a good track record?

Hmm... I'd be wary of associating with a programmer who uses that kind of language, and even in capes.

Who's that?

Can I get a link to this hero? At least we can discuss him...

Nikolay Ivanov:

What is understandable to one contractor may not be understandable to another... Writing TORs for complex requirements that are understandable to all performers is hard work, sometimes more difficult than these TORs to code. It is therefore easier to hire a professional to write TOR ... the communication is better to Skype + in team viewer to show everything ... then there is a chance to

Hiring a specialist to write the TOR, and then refer to another developer to work on these requirements - this is nonsense.

The customer will find it easier and cheaper to allocate time and money for a more meaningful work on these requirements with the developer who will use them.

Nikolay Ivanov:

It is better for the drafter to be the developer. The drafter must communicate with the client to get it right and write it down. The language is native, everyday.

For the price, it's priced by the hour... let's say $30 an hour...

That's right!

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Because the drafter has cockroaches in his head and the developer has technical terms.

Then how do you communicate with the drafter? With the help of cockroaches? Will they act as translators?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

That's right!

Get me a job as a draughtsman ! My cockroaches nodded unanimously !
Hire me as a drafter ! My cockroaches nodded their heads in unison!

You don't need any drafters. The developer should do it)) with the client. If the client cannot write a satisfactory assignment themselves, they should budget for it and sit down with the developer. But it should be the same developer who will write the assignment, not the left compiler.